Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

2296 E. Shore Lane - The Knoll / Sunset Knoll

Section 27 History 1835-1922

1898 -- Wm. Daggitt <

1908 Plat map - 1908 --

1907, Jan-1913, Jan - Cornelia O. Dagget & Sada D Allen

This Indenture witnesseth, that I William H Dagget (unmarried) of Marion county in the satate of Indiana convery and warrant to Cornelia O. Daggett and Sada D Allen as joint tenants and to the survivor of them of Marion county, in the State of Indiana for the sume of Three hundred fifty dollars and the following real estate in Marshall county, in the State of Indiana, to-wit:

All of my right title and interest in the property describe as follows:
    Commencing at the southeast corner of VanShoiack's Plat Number One (1) in Section Number twenty-seven (27) in township number thrity=two (32) NOrth of range Number One (1) East thence south westerly fifty (50) feet; thence west one hundred and forty (140) feet to the line of the Lake, thence notheasterly fifty (50) feet to the line of the Plat; thence East to the place of beginning with a twenty (20) foot right of way form the main road to the south line of the lot, situate in Marshall county, state of Indiana.
In witness whereof, I, the said William H. Dagget (unmarried) have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of January A.D. 1907

1913, Jan- 1921, Jan - Mary Lyon Taylor (Mrs Edward Taylor)
    This Indenture withesseth, that Jessie E. Daggett, unmarried; Robert P Daggett and Caroline E. Dagget, his wife of San Joaquin County state of California convery and warrant to Mary Lyon Taylor of Marion county in the state Indiana for the sum of Seven hundred fifty (750) dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following real estate in Marshall county in the state of Indiana towit:"
      Commencing at a point fifty (5) feet South, three (3) degrees west from angle number five (5) on the meader line of Lake Maxinkuckee in section twenty-seven (27) township thirty-two (32) north of range one (1) East accordinf to the showing of said meander line and angle in dedication of VanShoiack's Lake Front Subdivision No. 2 and No 3. recored in plat book one at page 359 of the records of the Recorder's office for said Marshall county; running thence South three (3) degrees west forty-nine (49) feet along said meander line to angle number six (6) thence south twenty-one (21) degrees West for a distance of one (1) foot to an iron stake thence East (140) one hundred forty feet to an iron stake on the west line of a twenty foot alley as shown in said dedication thence in a northeasterly direction along the west line of said alley fifty (5) feet; and thence to the place of beginning.

      The conveyance is subject to taxes for 1912 which will become due in 1913.

      Grantors recite that the are identical with the parties named in a certain deed from said Robert P. Dagget and Caroline E. Daggett to said Jessie E. Daggett of date 22nd day of Octobert 1907 recorded in Record 76 at page 52 of the records of said Recorders Office

      In witness whereof the said Jessie E. Daggett unmarried and Robert P Dagget and Caroline E. Daggett his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals this 21st day of January 1913.

This indenture witnesseth that we, Cornelia O. Dagget and Sada D Allen both unmarried and over twenty-one years old of New Haven county in the State of Connecticut convey and warrant to Mary L Lyon of Marion county in the State of Indiana for the sum of Fivfteen hundred dollars the following Real estate in Marshall county in the state of Indiana to-wit:
    commencing at the southeast corner of VanShoiak's Plat Number One in Section number twenty- seven (27) in Township numner thrity-two (32) north of Range number one (1) East and running thence southwesterly fifty (5) feet; thence west one hundred and forty (140) feet to the line of the Lake; thence northeasterly fifty (50) feet to the southwest corner of VanShoiack's Plat Number One and thence East to the place of beginning; with a twenty-foot right of way from the main road to the south line of the lot.

    In witness whereof the said Cornelia O. Daggett and Sada Allen both unamarried have hereunto set their hands and seals this 13th day of January A.D. 1913

1918 - Jul 3 - Mrs Edward Taylor of Indianapolis has opened Sunset Knoll for the season.

1916, Jan 13 - For 1915 cottage - Mrs Edward Taylor, cottage $2,000

1917, 15 Aug - Mrs. Edward Taylor of Indianapolis has begun the erection of a story and a half cottage, to cost about $1500, on one of the Vanschoiack lots.
    1918 - Mar 3 - Lake Maxinkuckee - Completed May 1 - eight room furnished cotttage, beautifully situated on fine wooded lot, east side Lake Maxinkuckee Will take as part payment automobile, new or used car in good condition. The cottage and two others are for sale or rent. $250 and 4325 for season.
    Edward taylor 1941 North Pennsylvania St. - Indianapolis Star.

    1918, Jun 19 - For Rent or Sale. A Newly-completed 9-room cottage, furnished, East Side. ' call or phone Mrs. Edward Taylor, 163-L1

1920 - Aug 4 - Mrs Edward Taylor has recently bought the ten vacant lots lying between her cottages and Hickory Crest the summer place of George Sherman and has placed them on the market

Also by 1922 plat map the lots are marked Lots 14-25; that being 12 lots; there is at this time another lot in between the last VanShoaik subdivision lot #25 labeled Craig and the Sherman property now labeled as Eva Sherman.

1919 - July 16 - Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shideler of Indianapolis have taken the north Taylor cottage on Sunset Knoll for the season..

1920 - Oct 13 For Sale - East Side, eight room cottage, beautifully furnsihed, built in 1918, $6,000 also 500 ft. lake frontage, fine trees clear sandy beach. Mrs. Edward Taylor, 1941 N Penn. St. Indianapolis.

1920, Aug 18 - Lake Lots For Sale - Choice lake front lots on East Side. Also cottages for rent for the season of 1921 - Address Mrs. Edward Taylor, N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis.

1920 Sep. 29 F. W. Shideler of Indianapolis last week purchased of Mrs. Edward Taylor her north cottage on Sunset Knoll . The Shidelers who have occupied the cottage for the last two season, contemplate extensive improvements on the property which has a 90 foot frontage. The consideration was $7,000

1920, Oct 2 - F. W. Shideler of Indianapolis purchased the north cottage on Sunset Knoll of Mrs. Edward Taylor last week. The Shideler family has occupied the cottage for the past two years.

1920, Sep - 1924, Oct. - Fred W. & Chella B. Shideler

Deed of Jan 10, 1921 - The description pre the deed: This Indenture Witnesseth: That Maryl L Taylor and Edwad Taylor her husband of Marion county, in the state of Indiana Concery and Warrant to Chella B. Shideler of Marion County, int he State of INdiana for the sum of seven thousand ($7000.00) dollars the following said realestate in Marshall county the state of Indiana to-wit. A part of Section Twenty-seven (27) in Township Thirty-two (32), Range One (1) East described by metes and bounds as follows
    Commencing at a point Ten (10) feet southwest of VanShoiak's Plat No.1, on the west line of a Twenty (20) foot alley; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point One Hundered twenty seven (127) seet west from the southeast corner of VanSchoiak's Plet No. 1 of said section, township, and range thence west along the soutl line of Lot No. seven (7) of said Plat No. 1 a distance of Forty-three (43) feet to angle Number Five (5) on the meader line and angle of Lake Maxinkuckee in the dedication of BanShoiak's Lake Front subdivision of Plat No. 2 and 3, recorded in Plat Book 1 at pag 359 of the Records of said Marshall county, Indiana; running thence south Three (3) degrees west a distance of Ninety (90) feet along said meander line of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence each [east] in a straight line One hundred Forty (140) feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. Fourteen (14) in VanShoiack's subdivision Np 2 thence in a northeasterly direction along the west line of said alley a distance of NInety (90) feet to the place of beginning
    It is expressly agreed and understood of by and between the grantors and the grantee herein that it is intended by this Deeed of Conveyance that the grantors are conveying to the grantee a strip of ground in Section Twenty-seven (27) township Thirty-Two (32) North of Range One (1) East in Marshall County,Indiana, fronting on Lake Maxinkuckee, which strip of ground is Ninety (90) feet wide facing Lake Maxinkucee and Ninety (90) feet wide on the rear of said strip facing an alley wenty (20) feet wide, which strip of ground is one hudred and seventy (170) feet long on the north line and is One hundred forty (140) feet long on the south; being a part of the real estate conveyed to the grantor Mary L Taylor by Jessie E. Daggett, and others January 21, 1913 as recorded in Deed Record 82 at page 105 and also a part of the ground conveyed to the grantor Mary L Taylor by Cornelia Daggett and Sabie D Allen January 13 1913 as recorded in Deed Record No. 82 at pg. 104

    In witness whereof the said Mary L Taylor and Edward Taylor her husband, have hereunto set their hands and seals this 10th day of January 1921;

1922 Plat map - Shows the Mary L Taylor property

NOTE: this is not the location for the Rice-Vaughn cottage by deeds that have just recently surfaced - 11 Oct 2015

1924, Oct-1948, Aug 2 H. H. Rice Cottage [Herbert Howard Rice]
    1924, Oct 22- Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rice of Detriot, Michigan, have purchased the Schidleler cottage. The Rices have been coming to Lake Maxinkuckee for many years. The purchase of the cottage indicates what they intende to do in future summers - Citizen

The Description by the deed at this time:
    This Indenture Witnesseth, That Chella B. Shideler and Fred W. Shideler, her husband of Marion county, in the State of Indiana Convery and Warrant to Herbert H. Rice and Edith B. Rice, husband and wife of Wayne county, in the State of Michigan for the sum of four thousand seven hundred fifty dollars the following described Real Estate situtated in Marshall county, in the State of Indiana, to-wit:

    A part of section twenty-seven (27) in township thirty-two (32) North of range one (1) East, described by metes and bounds as follows:
      Commencing at a point ten (10) feet south west of VanShoiak's Plat No. 1 on the west lline of a twenty (20) foot alley, thence in a Northwesterly direction to a point one hundred twenty-seven (127) feet west from the southeast corner of VanShoiack's PLat No. 1, of said, township and range; thences west along the south line of Lot No. seven (7) of said Plat No.1, a distance of forty-three (43) feet to angle Number five (5) on the meander line and angle og Lake Maxinkuckee in the deciation of VanShoiack's Lake Front subdivision Plat No. 2 and 3, recorded in Plat Book 1 at page 359 of the records of said Marshall County, Indiana; running thence south three (3) degrees west a distance of nintey (90) feet along said meander line of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence east in a straight line one hundred forty (140) feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. fourtheen (14) in VanShoiack's subdivision NO. 3, thence in a Northeasterly direction along the west line of said alley a distance of ninety (90) feet to the place of beginning.

      As a part of the above consideration the purchasers assume the payment of the 1924 taxes against said real estate payable in the year 1925 and the payment of a certain morgage of three thousand dollars ($3, 000,00) given by the said grantors herein to the State Exchange Bank of Culver, Indiana on March 17th, 1924 and duly recorded in the mortage records of Marshall county Record 92, pages 170-171.

      In witness whereof, said Chellah B. Sideler and Fred W. Sideler, her husband have hereunto set their hands and seals this 21st day of October A.B. 1924

1932, Jaunary 5 - Relocation of East Shore Lane.
    H. H. Rice and Edith B. Rice bought farm land from Marvin T, Loudon and Clara L. Loudon which was evetually used to relocate East Shore Lane and give Rice Woods to the East Shore Lane Association, dated October 4,1927. Subsequenly, Rice by quit claim deed acquired all the properties in the attached plat, on January 5, 1932, recorded the plat on the same date. Rice then by quit claim reconveyed the properties to their original owners
Rice - owned the property as noted on the plat map; the second is annotaed with current addresses.

1941 - Sep 10 Herbert H. & Edith B. Rice WD to Marther Werner, traustee, lot commencing 10 feet SW Van Schoiiack Sub. No. 1 sec 27-32-1
    Martha Werner, trustee, WD to Hernt H. Reice, etal, sams as above.
1948, Aug -1972,-1972, Feb - Bernice K. Blacklidge, Richard H. Blacklidge & Elizabeth B. Newell
    Edith B. an Carold M. Rice to Bernice K Blacklidge etal parts lots 2 and 4 in 27-31-1, Rice's subdivision. - 8 Sep 1948 - Citizen

    Deed was to Bernice K. Blacklidge, Richard H. Blacklidge & Elizabeth B. Newell as joint tenants and to the survivor of them.

    Commencing at an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of Lot No Fourteen (14) in VanShoiack's subdivision No. Three (3) in Lot Twp (2) of Section Twenty-Seven(27), Township Thirty-Two (32) North, of Range One (1) East; thence West in a straight line One Hundred Forty (140) feet to the Meader Line of Lake Maxinkukee; thence North three (3) degrees East a distance of Ninety (90) feet to the southline of Lot No Seven (7) VanSchoiack's Subdivision No. One (1) in said above Section; thence east along the south line of said Lot Seventy (7) to the West line of Lot Four (4) Rice's Subdivision; thence southwesterly along the west line of Rice's subdivision to the pont of beginning

    Also, Lot Number Four (4) in Rice's Subdivision of Lot Twp (2) in Section Twenty-Seven, Township Thirty-Two (32) North, Range One (1) East, Marshall county Indiana.

    Also, That portion of Lout Number Two (2) in Section Number Twenty-seven (27) Township Number 32 (32) North Range One (1) East of the Second Principal Meridan, bounded on the South by Center Section Line of Section Twenty-Seven (2), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range One (1) East; on the East by the Public Highway; on the North by the same Highway; and on the West by the Alley on the East boundary of "VanSchoiack's Subdisision". All in Union Township

    This conveyance is made free and clear of all liens and ecumberances, except the taxes due and payable in the fall of 1948 and thereafter, which grantess assume and agree to pay.

    In witness whereof, the said Edith B. Rice, unmarried and over age of twenty-one years, and Carol M. RIce, unmarried over the age of twenty-one year.s

    Have hereunto set their hands and seals this 2nd day of August 1948
    Edith B. Rice
    Carol M. Rice

1949 - Apr. 27 - Work has also started on the Blacklidge cottage southeast of Maxinkuckee

1952 R. H. Blacklidge (East Shore Lane; PH:76) [Richard H. Blacklidge]

1953 --1958 - Blacklidge-Newell Cottage/Richard H. Blacklidge/Charles H. Newel
    1958 Lake Directory Blacklidge-Newell Cottage / Richard H. Blacklidge/ Charles W. Newell; Richard H. Blacklidge 1735 W. Taylor St,. Kokomo, Ind.; Charles W. Newell 907 W. Sycamore St., Kokomo. Ind.

1967, Oct 29 - Bernice K. Blacklidge died - there possibly was a deed in between the deed of Aug. 2 1948 that stated " Bernice K. Blacklidge, Richard H. Blacklidge & Elizabeth B. Newell as joint tenants and to the survivor of them" and the deed of February 2, 1972 transfering the property as "Richard H. Blackidge & Elizabeth B. Newell and to the survivor of them"

1972, Feb. 2 -? Jackson Hazlewood Jr.
    The property was descrded as follows:

    Effective date: February 2, 1972

    Richard H. Blackidge & Elizabeth B. Newell and to the survivor of them

    Commencing at an iron pipe at the Northeast corner of Lot No. Fourteen (14) in VanSchoiack's Subdivision No. Three (3) in Lot Two (2) of Section Twenty-Seven (27), Township Thirty-Two (32) North of Range One (1) East; thence West in a straight line One Hundred Forty (140) feet to the Meander Line of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence North three (3) degrees East a distance of Nintey (90) feet to the South line of Lot No. Seven (7) VanShoiack's Subdivision No. One (1) in said above section; thence East along the South line of said above section; thence East along the South of said Lot Seven (7) to the West Line of Lot FOur (4) Rice's Subdivision to the point of beginning.

    Also, Lot Number Four (4) in Rice's Subdivision of Lot Two (2) in Section Twenty-seven (2), Township, Thrity-two (32) North, Range One (1) East, Marshall county, Indiana. EXCEPTING the following described tract: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Lot Four (4) of of Rice's SUbdivision in Original Lot Two (2) in Section Twenty-Seven (27), Townhsip Thirty-Two (32) North, Range One (1) East, Marshall County, Indiana; thence South along the East line of said Lot Four (4) Fourteen and Seventy-eight...

1979 - Dec. 1998 - Nancy Adams Hazlewood

Dec. 1998 - 2024 - Jackson Hazlewood Jr./Trust