Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

2314 E. Shore Lane

Section 27 History 1835-1922

1922 - Sep 20 - - Mrs. Edward Taylor of Indianapolis has sold an East side cottage to David T. Smith of Indianapolis for $3900.

1928 - Sep 5 - Schulyler C. Shilling and wife wd. to David Turpie Smith, lot 3, 27-32-1-, $1.

1928, Sep - 1932 - David T. Smith

1932, January 5 - Relocation of East Shore Lane.
    H. H . Rice and Edith B. Rice bought farm land from Marvin T, Loudon and Clara L. Loudon which was evetually used to relocate East Shore Lane and give Rice Woods to the East Shore Lane Association, dated October 4,1927. Subsequenly, Rice by quit claim deed acquired all the properties in the attached plat, on January 5, 1932, recorded the plat on the same date. Rice then by quit claim reconveyed the properties to their original owners
Smith - owned the property as noted on the plat map; the second is annotaed with current addresses.

1932 - Edward Baily Birge
    1932 - Sep 7 - Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rice have has as their guests for a few days Prof. and Mrs. Edward Birge of Bloomington, formerly of Indianapolis. Professor and Mrs. Birge will be in their new cottage for a few weeks it being the old Turpie Smith cottage. - Citizen

    1934, Jul 18 - Cromley killed in Fire Truck crash...The truck had been called when a grass fire was discovered near the garages at the Trone and Birge cottages...

1952 - Harrison A. Smitson (East Shore Lane; PH:160-J2)

1953-1967 - Harrison A. Smitson
    1958 Lake Directory - Harrison A. Smitson - 333 N. West St., Tipton, Ind.

1967 - 1979 - Mrs. Harrison A. Smitson

Oct. 1987 - Robert M. Smitson & Charlotte R. Smitson

Oct 1987 - Jun 2005 - Harrison A. Jr. and Ann Smitson

Jun 2005 - R. David Smitson

Jun 2005 - 2020,Oct - R. David & Ellen W. Smitson

2020,Oct.-2021,Jan, - Ellen W. Smitson

2021,Jan-2024 - EWS Real Estate Trust LLC / David & Ellen Smitson


    Lot Number 15 (15), in VanSchoiack's Subdivision Number three (3), located in Lot Number two (2) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Thirty-two (32) North Range One (1) East ALSO Lot Number Six (6) (6) in Rice's Subdivision of Lot Number two (2), Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Thirty-two (32) North, Range One (1) East Situate in Union Township, Marshall county, Indiana.