Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

2628 East Shore Lane - Hamewold  

Section 27 History 1835-1922

NOTE - this areas needs more research

    This could of bore the address of 2568 / 2710 East Shore Lane

    1900 - Jessie Heywood [Jessy Wallin Heywood]
      Cottage reported to be built after 5 April 1906 by J. O. Ferrier are: ... H/B Haymond of Indianapols on the southeast corner of the lake at a cost of $800-1000
    1908-1930 - H. Heywood [Henry Brady Heywood]


    1930-1941 Jessie Heywood [Jessy Wallin Heywood]

    1943 - Jul 28 - Helen Heywood Lewis and Montgomery S. Lewis etal WD to Emmitt R and LaVergne A. Tuck. lot fronting on Lake Maxinkuckee in lot 3 27-32-1. Also easement in right of way 15 feet wide on north and east sides of above tract and right of way leading east to county road on south line of lot 3

    1943, Jun - Emmitt R & LaVergne A. Tuck

    1953 - Drs. C. & E. Killian [Edgar W. Killian & Camille H. Killian]

    1956-82 - Dr. Camille H. Killian

    1958 - Killian Apartments at 2710 East Shore Dr. John H. Oldham, DDS

    1985-2001 - Drs. Francis W. Parker & Camille Killian Parker

    2002 - Mar 2003 - Camille Killian Parker, MD/Trust

    2003, Mar 20 - Replat of property into subdivision by INSTR# 2003-02890.

      Was replated into three lots - Lot One which is address 2628 East Shore Lane,

      Lot Two address 2710 E Shore Lane

      Lot three. which is address 2655 East Shore Lane.

    Mar. 2003 - May 2004 - Thomas C. & Jean G. Barnes
      2004-2005 New dwelling

    Oct 2005 - Brian J. & Emily B. Cole
      Dr. Brian Cole was the Chicago Bulls' team physician and was associated with Rush Oak Park Hospital
    Oct. 2005 - 2012 - Eac Enterprises Limited Partnership

    2008, Feb - 2013, Jan - Eac Enterprises Limited Partnership

    2013, Jan-2015 - East Shore Land Trust, Barry Barnes, Trustee

    2018, Jul.-2024 Brain J. & Emily Cole
      LOT 1 PARKER SUB EX ALSO DESC AS COM AT NE COR LOT 1 IN REPLAT OF PARKER SUB TH S88-23-01W 180.81 TH S79-14-43W 66.69 TH N42-27-16W 14 TH N88-23-01E 75 TO POB