Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

East Shore Inn 2673 East Shore Lane

Formerly the Bide-a-wee

1947 - Dec 24 - Buys East Side Hotel

    Mr. and Mrs. Lawton E. Brown of Plymouth have purchased the Bide-A-Wee hotel and cottages on the east side of Lake Maxinkuckee from Mrs. Margaret Hansen Fowler, who had operated the business for 27 years.

    A new dining room is being added to the hotel which the Browns will move into Jan. 20 - Citizen

1948 - May 12 - Finds Old Citizen
    In remodeling the East Shore Inn, formerly Bide-a-Wee, Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Brown report they found in a wall a copy of the March 18, 1915 Citizen

1948 - Jun 2 - East Shore Inn Opens After Remodeling
    The East SHore Inn, formerly known as the Bid-a-wee, will open its dining room Sunday after extensive remodeling and redecorating.

    Mr. and Mrs Lawton Brown, formerly of Plymouth are the new owners, and they assure the public attractive and comfortable rooms and delicious meals. Complete announcement is given on another page of this issue. - Citizen

1948 - Jun 2 1948

On Sunday June 6, our dining room will be officially opened as well as the entire main lodge and cottages, now know as<

East Shore Inn (formerly the Bide-A-Way)

The entire inn has been redecorated, rewired for safety, and remodeled, including a new bathroom and a completely modernized kitchen.

We will cater to private parties, but reservations must be made in advance.

Rooms in the Inn and attractive cottages are for rent by the day, week or month

Sunday Dinners A Specialty

We will serve Ham and Chicken dinners every Sunday, commplete in every way. $2.00 per person.

We have our own boats to rent and a pier for our patrons to use.

For a comfortable place to enjoy a vacation on Lalke Maxinkuckee stay at

East Shore Inn

Phone 240 East SHore Lane ROute 1 Culver, Ind.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Brown, Props.

1948 - Sep 1 - Citizen ad

1948 - Jul 7 - East Shore Inn Busy
    The need for additional comfortable and attractive hotel facilities has been evidenced by the prompt responose the public had accorded the East Shore Inn since it has been opened by Lawton and Joan Brown.

    The redcorated Inn has been booked to capacity much of the time, while its Sunday dinners and Italian spaghetti suppers on Thursday night are attracting more diners every week - Citizen

1949 - Sep 7 Citizen ad
1949 - Oct 20 - Rest Home - Room for one more person, preferably a lady. East Shore Inn. phone 240, Joan and Lawton Brown - Citizen

1951 - May 30 - For Sale or Exchange - East Shore Inn. - Sleeping rooms and cabins mostly furnished. Boats and pier Will financed. immediate possession. Guy Price Lake Shore Drive Culver Indiana Phone 96-W - Citizen

1951 - Aug 8 - Announcing - Opening of East Shore Inn. Clean and comfortable rooms and cottahes for rent.

    Francis Crabb presented a petition to the regular meeting of the Marshall county commissioners on Monday to vacate a roadway at Lake Maxinkuckee near the East Shore Inn. The move would allow Crabb to erect a garage and boathouse.

? - 1952 - 1956 - Mrs. Muril Butler

Became Rowe's Inn

2673 East Shore Lane Index