Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Rowes Inn / 2673 East Shore Lane

Also known as Bide-a-Wee

and also as the East Shore Inn.

1956 - Jun 20 - Rowe's Inn. - Announcing the opening of Rowe's Inn (formerly Bide-A-Wee Inn) 2573 East Shore Lane.

1956 - Aug. 8 - Rose Inn Marine DInning Room

1957 - Jun 12 - Mrs. El Rowe Announcesd The Opening of Rowe's Inn 2573 East Shore Lane (1 block south of Playhouse) Culver - Saturday, June 15....
1958 Lake Directory - Donald C. Rowe

1960-1961-1962 - Joseph W. Loner
    I’m not sure when he bought it. Probably in the late 1950s. He owned it about 5 years It’s been torn down. It was a large house with 5 smaller cottages on the property tha my parents rented out to summer guests. I knew it had been a "hotel". My parents, Joseph and Ruth, bought it furnished, and never took down the room numbers above the bedroom doors. The basement area was a "restaurant". We used the tables, chairs and dishes. My Dad named it "Back 'O the Moon". He hand-made and painted the sign and he posted it in the front yard. - Ann (Loner) Nichols

    Rental cottages on beutiful Lake Maxinkuckee. Located on plesant east side, modern house, keeping cottages by the week or days. Boat, pier, beach and bathing facilities. Phone or wrtie or see for yourself. Mrs. Joseph Loner 2573 East Shore Lane Culver Ph. Vi-2-2838 Jul 24 1960 Logansport Pharos Tribune.

    Rental cottages on Lake Maxinkukee, private pier and beach Contact Mrs Joseph Loner 2573 ast Shore Lane Culver Ph. Vi-2-2838 Jun 26 1962 Logansport Pharos Tribune.

2673 East Shore Lane Index