300 W. Shore Dr.
1835 Original Survey - Section 28 |
1835-1837 - Section 28
Section 28 Lot 1 - __.__A
Section 28 Lot 2 - 26.60A
Section 28 Lot 3 - 39.16A
Section 28 Lot 4 - 51._0A
Section 28 Lot 6 - 36.6_A
James F. D. Lanier
of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #7009 the
East half of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section
of Twenty Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1872 - Section 28
J. Green 23.47A. 60A
A. J. Harris 39.16A, 115.36A
M. Bozarth 38.30A
T. Redden 29.70A |
1876 - Section 28 |
1880 - Section 28
J. Green 88,47A
A. J. Harris Est 154.52
J. Farrar 38.95A
T. Redden 38.95.70A |
From the Logansport Daily Journal page 3 dated Aug. 27, 1882:
All the preliminaries for the extension of the Logansport branch of the
Vandalia railway
to Lake Michigan have been satisfactorily adjusted, and upon compliiance with a few
easy conditions the contact will be closed, and the work will be commenced and
pushed to completion.
Readers of the Journal are familiar with the route of this line to Marmont (Maxinkuckee),
and will have no difficulty in following it to South Bend and the lake...
With these advantages before them, our citizens are asked to consider one of the
conditions above named, which condition is that the right of way shall be furnished
free to the new line thorugh our county. The estimated cost of this right of way is
from $7,000 to $10,000 and it is proposed to raise the amount by subscription. A
consideraable portion of this subscription has already been secured, and a committee
appointed for that purpose will make an effort to raise the remainder during the
present week...
1883 - Oct 6 - The Vandalia railroad company commenced laying iron at Marmount
a day or two ago, and-withln a short time the tract will be completed from Maxinkuckee
lake to the Nickle Plate railroad, a distance of about three miles,- Logansport Pharos
1898 - Section 28
J G, J. Green 55.60A
H. J. Murry 26.09
T. Houghton 86.64
N. Walley 40A
J. Farrar 24.70A, 13.30A
T. Redden J Bozart 25.40A, 13.30A | |
1900 |
1908- Section 28
Jas. Green 68.96A
J. H. Murry 26.08
T. Houghton 86.64
Nnicolas Walley 40A
J. Farrar 38A
Geo. Buzart 26.60A, 13.80A |
1922 - Section 28
Jas. L. Barnes
Jas. Bardsley
WM. O'Keefe's Add. 55.6A
Anna Busart 26.08A
">John H. Murrary's Sub
Chloe V. Livingston 86.64A.
John & Eliiz Walley 40A
Geo. Busart 26.60A
Ada F & Wm. C. Daughtery 38A.
Samuel E. Medbourn
Sam'l Medbourn Addition Lots 1-8
1953-79 -
Forrest & Sylvia P. Zumbaugh
1958 Lake Directory - Forrest Zumbaugh - International
Harvester Store, Plymouth. lnd.
1981-93 - Henry Korbel / John Trp
? - Jul 1998 - John M. & Lillian M Trp
Jul. 1998 - 2013- Mark S. & Rebecca Damore
Commenecing at the intersection of the Easterly line of the Penn-Central railroad
right-of-way and the South line of lot No. 2 in the Northwest Quarter section of
Section 28, township 32 North, Range 1 East. Union township, Marshall county,
Indiana; thence Northwesterly a distance of 400.64 feet along the arc of a 5,929.25
foot radius curve to the left with a chord bearing distance of north 8 degrees 17
minutes 38 seconds West 400.57 feet along said Easterly right-of-way to the point of
beginning of this description; thence South 79 degrees 46 minutes 13 seconds East a
distance of 99.00 feet to the Westerly line of said railroad right-of-way; thence
Northeasterly a distance of 74.73 feet along the arc of a 5,830.35 foot radius curve
to the left with a chord bearing the distance North 10 degrees 35 minutes 48 seconds
West 74.73 feet along said Westerly right-of-way line; thence north 79 degees 02
minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 99.00 feet to said Easterly right-of-way line;
thence Southeasterly a distance of 76.00 feet along the arc of a 5,929.35 foot radius
curve to the right with a cord bearing and distance of south 10 degrees 35 minutes 48
seconds East 7600 feet to the point of beginning located in the northwest quarter of
section 28, township 32 North range 1 East, Union township, Masrhall county, Indiana
N 10' N 38' E RR & W RD17
S 67.5' S145' OF TR380' N INT ELN R17
? - 1 Nov. 1989 - Henry F. Korbel Vacant lot Lakefront
Jul 1999 - 2009 - Mark S. & Rebecca Damore
INTER ELY LN PENN CEN RR SLN L2 NW1/2 (non-lakefront)
Jul. 1998 - Nov. 2005 - John M. & Lillian M. Trp non-lakefront #5
Nov. 2005 - 2013- Mark S. & Rebecca Damore