Robert F. Kreuzberger
Col. Robert F, Kreuzberger, Sr. BIRTH MARCH 27 1843 Winzeln, Germany DEATH NOVEMBER 29 1906 Logansport, Cass,
Indiana Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana son of Sebastian Kreuzberger
and Mary ?
Kreuzberger Is Stricken
Prominent Business Man At Point of Death
Robert Kreuzberger, Sr., one of the most prominent business men of Logansport, was stricken with paralysis
this morning at 9 o'clock at his residence on Eel River Avenue and is nor reported top be lying at the point of
Mr. Kreuzberger had been ill for several days, his old trouble having recently returned, and the fact that
he was unable to attend the funeral of the late Father Koenhne this morning seems to have deeply affected
As a result he suffered a stoke of apoplexy and has been unconscious all day. It is understood that his
condition is critical. - In the Logansport Pharos Pg. 8 dated 28 Nov. 1906
Robert Kreutzberge, 64 years old, one of the largest importers of wines in the middle, west, died Thursday
afternoon at Logansport. Col. Kreutzberger was a native of Germany, coming to this country at an early age.
For many years he was extensively engaged in the wine and liquor business. He had interests in Culver - The
Argos Reflector Thu. Dec 06, 1906
Sep 24, 1910 Logansport Pharos pg. 4
Notice to Heirs, Creditors etc.
In the matter of the estate or Robert Kreuzberger, deceased.
In the Cass Cricuit Court Septmeber term 1910
Notice is here by given that Carl Rees as executor of the estate of Robert Kreuzberger, deceased has
presented and filed his account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same
will come up for the examination and action of said circuit court on the 18th day of November 1910
at which time all heirs, creditors, or legatees of said estate are required to appear in saind court and
show cause if any there be, why said account and vouchers sho uld not be approved, and let all heirs,
creditors, legatees and other persons interested appear and make proof of their heirshiop or claim to
any part of said estate. - Carl Rees, Exectutor
Witness my hand and seal of said court at Logansport, Indiana, this 21st day of October, 1910 (Seal)
Edward Hankee, Clerk
Attorney for estate M. Winfield.
married Mary Mechtildis Maier/Meyer BIRTH SEPTEMBER 22 1847 Ohio DEATH SEPTEMBER 24 1908 Logansport,
Cass, Indiana Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, daughter of John Maier and
Christina Lehmans
They had:
1 Robert F Kreuzberger Jr Birth 20 NOV 1870 Logansport, Cass County, Indiana
Death 10 SEP 1916 Logansport, Indiana Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport
Cass County, Indiana Plot 19-0345 -02
2 Mary C Kreuzberger Birth 9 Jul 1868 Indiana Death 6 Sep 1942 Burial Mount Hope Cemetery
Logansport, Cass County, Indiana Plot 17-000G -23 married Jan 24 1893 Loganspost Cass
county Indiana Carl Reese Birth 7 Oct 1861 Death 30 Sep 1926 Burial Mount Hope
Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana
The Marriage of Miss Mary Kreuzberger, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kreuzberger to
Mr. Carl Reese of St. Louis is announced to take place at St. Joseph's church one week from
next Tuesday. Rev. Father Keohne will officate. The groom-elect is connected with a large
printing and publishing house at St. Louise. - Pharos Tribune
Yesterday morning at 8'clock at ST Joseph's Church Mriss Mary Kreuzberger, daughter of Col
and Mrs. Kreuzberger, was united in married to Mr. Carl Reese of St. Louis.... The bride was
attended by her sister Mrss Theressa... while the groom was attended by the bride's brother
Mr. Robert Kreuzberger Jr....they will go to housekeeping at 109 Canal Street. Mr. Reese
will be occupied in the business off of his fatherin in laws wholesale liquor house. - Jan 25 1893
Pharos Tribune.
3 Theresa Kreuzberger Birth Oct 1875 Death 15 DEC 1959 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio
Burial Green Mount Catholic Cemetery Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois, married 12 May 1897
Cass county, Indiana Dr. Arthur Martin Kohl Birth 28 Oct 1872 Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois,
Death 14 Sep 1926 Saint Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri Burial Green Mount Catholic
Cemetery Belleville, St. Clair County, Illinois son of Julius Kohl & Katharina Berghoff
The engagement of Dr. A. M. Kohl, the talented young physician who has his office with Dr.
Stewar, and Miss Theresa Kreuzberger, second daughter of Co. and Mrs. Robt. Kreuzberge
has been announced. Miss K is a beuatiful and accomplished young lady, who has a host of
admiring friends. Dr. Kohl is a son of Dr. Kohl of Belville, Ill.s - Mar 10 1897 - Pharos Tribune
4 Kathrina (Katherine) "Kate" Kreuzberger Birth 22 SEP 1877 Logansport IN Death 11 DEC 1944 Evansville,
Vanderburgh, Indiana Burial Dec 14, 1944 St. Joseph Cemetery Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana
married 28 May 1907 Cass county Indiana Engelbert Herman Determann Birth 7 NOV 1872
Lengen Ad Eur, Hanover, Germany Death 16 DEC 1945 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana
Burial St. Joseph Cemetery Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana
5 John William Kreuzberger Birth 01 SEP 1883 Logansport, Ind. Death MAR 09, 1914 Logansport, Indiana
Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, Plot 19-0345 -03 married 09 Jan 1912
Cass Co., Indiana Florence Elizabeth Cassidy Birth 30 Jul 1885 Logansport, Ind. Death 25 Jul 1956
Cass, Indiana Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana daughter of William Stephen
Cassidy & Emeline Delia Thackeray
Notice to Heirs, Creditor etc.
In the matter of the estate of John W. Kreuzberger, decreased. In the Cass Circuit Court, January
Term, 1916.
Notice is hereby, given that Florence E. Ktruezneger, as a dministrarix of the estate of John. W.
Kreuzberger deceased, has presented and filed her account and vouchers for final settlement of said
estate and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said circuit court on the 3rd
day of Aprol, 1916, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are required to appear
in said court and show cause, if any there be, what said account and vouchers should not be approved, '
and let all heirs, legatees and other persons interested appear an dmake proof of their heirsihip or
claim to any part of said estate.
Florence E. Kreuzberger, Administratrix.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court at Loganpsort, Indiana, this 6th day od March 1916.
(Seal) T. J. McElheny, Clerk
Attorneys for estate, Rabb, Mahoney & Fansler. - Mar 8, 1916 Logansport Pharos Tribune.
Florence Kreuzburger Dies at Her Residence
Mrs. FLorence Kreusberger, 731 Bringhurst street, passed away at her home at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday
after a brief illness.
She was born in this city, the daughter of W. S. and Emma (Thackery) Cassidy.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Betty Kenworthy, at home; one granddaughter, Lunda Lou
Surendorf, Modesta, Calif.; and one cousin Mrs. Otto Fousst, Lorgansport.
Mrs. Kreuzberger's husband John, preceded her in death on March 1, 1914.
She was active in local music circles and taugh music for a number of years in addition to playing the
organ at Ninth Street Christain and Calvary Presbyterian churches.
Private funeral sevices will be held at 2 p,m, Feuday at the Kroger Funeral Home.
Burial will be int he Mount Hope cemetery. - Logansport Pharos Tribune July 26, 1956.
6 Otto Henry Kreuzberger
O. H. Kreuzberger since locating at Evansville has gained a reputation as one of the forceful lawyers of the local bar
Mr Kreuzberger was born at Logansport Cass county Indiana January 13 1887 and is a son of Robert and Mary Meyer
His early education was acquired in the public schools of his native city following which he was sent to Canisius College
Buffalo New York where he gained the degree of Bachelor of Arts He next entered the University of Michigan from
which institution he acquired the degree of Bachelor of Laws and immediately thereafter being admitted to the state
and federal courts of Indiana began practicing at Evansville which has since been his home and the scene of his well
deserved success
Mr Kreuzberger is a member of the Indiana Bar Association the Knights of Columbus and the Gamma Eta Gamma college
In politics he supports the principles of the Democratic party
His religious faith is that of the Catholic church
May 15 1915 Mr Kreuzberger was united in marriage with Cornelia daughter of Charles and Rosa Jochim Beckman of
Ferdinand Indiana and to this union there have been born three children Rosemary who was born in 1916 Lucille
born in 1918 and Helen born in 1920
A History of Indiana from Its Exploration to 1922: An account of Vanderburgh County from its organization
Logan Esarey Dayton Historical Publishing Company, 1923 -
Württemberg, Germany Emigration Index
District Oberndorf
Name Rupert Kreuzberger
Birth Place Winzeln
Application Date Sep 1863
Destination North America
Number 841016
Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992
Name: Ruport Kreuzberger [Robert Kreuzberger]
Birth Date: 1843
Birth Place: Germany
Age at event: 37
Court District: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa
Year of Arrival: 1863
Date of Action: 15 Sep 1880
Illinois, Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991
Name Robert Kreuzberger
Naturalization Age 37
Birth Date 1843
Birth Place Germany
Record Type Naturalization
Naturalization Date 1880
Naturalization Place Crown Point, Indiana
Year: 1880; Census Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana;
Roll: 268; Page: 323B; Enumeration District: 029
Name: Robert Krenzbergor
Age: 37
Birth Date: Abt 1843
Birthplace: Wurtemburg
Home in 1880: Logansport, Cass, Indiana, USA
Street: Third St
House Number: 467
Dwelling Number: 636
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital status: Married
Spouse's name: Mary Krenzbergor
Father's Birthplace: Wurtemburg
Mother's Birthplace: Wurtemburg
Occupation: Saloon Keeper
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Robert Krenzbergor 37
Mary Krenzbergor 33
Mary Krenzbergor 11
Robert Krenzbergor 9
Theresa Krenzbergor 5
Kathrina Krenzbergor 3
Year: 1900; Census Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana;
Page: 9; Enumeration District: 0009; FHL microfilm: 1240362
Name: Robert Kreuzberger
Age: 56
Birth Date: Mar 1844
Birthplace: Germany
Home in 1900: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Ward of City: 2d
Street: Eel River Ave
House Number: 86
Sheet Number: 9
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 208
Family Number: 213
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1881
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital status: Married
Spouse's name: Mary Kreuzberger
Marriage Year: 1867
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's Birthplace: Germany
Years in US: 19
Occupation: Liquor Merchant
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes
House Owned or Rented: O
Home Free or Mortgaged: F
Farm or House: H
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Robert Kreuzberger 56
Mary Kreuzberger 52
Robert Kreuzberger 29
Kate Kreuzberger 22
John Kreuzberger 16
Otto Kreuzberger 13
Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011
Name: Robert Kreuzberger
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 63
Marital status: Married
Birth Date: 27 Mar 1843
Birth Place: Germany
Death Date: 29 Nov 1906
Death Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana, USA
Father: Sebastian Kreuzberger
Spouse: Mary Kreuzberger
Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011
Name: Mary Mechtildis Krenzberger {Kreuzberger} [Mary Mechtildis Maier]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 61
Marital status: Widowed
Birth Date: 22 Sep 1847
Birth Place: Ohio
Death Date: 24 Sep 1908
Death Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana, USA
Father: John Maier
Mother: Christina {Lehman} Maier
In all Kreuzberger had four buildings - pictured below is the first three
first starting out with a 2 story building in 1873; 6 years later he
moved to a 3 story building capable of handeling 55,000 gallons of product
and then again moved in 1886 before building on the corner of Market and
3rd streets in 1889.
Longwell & Cummings' and R.L. Polk & Co's Logansport Directory
1889 - Wines and Liquors Retail / Wholesale Kreuzberger
Robert sw cor 3rd and Market and 413 415 3d See ad P 3
1889 - Civil Engineers Osmer and Cheney were engaged
this afternoon in running lines for Col. Robert Kreuzberger's
proposed new businees block at the corner of Market and
Third streets. It will be three stories with a basement and
contain two business rooms.
This large building at Third and Market Streets provided Kreuzberger
with the capacity to hold 100,000 gallons of wine and whiskey.
Caption reads Barrels of Rhine and Moselle wines arrive in Logansport at
Robert Kreuzberger's in 1889 at Third (St Rd. 17/25) and Market. Building
included a winery on the first floor; offices on second floor and ballroom
on thrid floor. Current location of Superior Auto. |
Robert Kreuzberger
Logansport, Ind.
Wholesale Dealer and Importer of WInes and Kiguors,
The Undersigned beds to advise his friends and patrons that he has remoced his place of
businees to his ne welegant building the "Kreuzberger Block" corner Market and Third
My large stock of the choices domestics and imported wines and liguors has been heavily
increased of late and it will give me great pleasure to show my firends and patrons the
vast store-rooms and capacious cellars which I dare say are second to none within the
radius of hundreds of miles.
Thank you for the kind favors shown to me I beg for a conotinuation of the same and assure
you that my aim shall be and will remain to execute your orders to the fullest satisfaction.
Very Respectfully yours - Robert Kreuzberger - Logansport Pharos Tribune Jul 16 1890 |
Robert Kreuzberger
The above illustration gives a clear idea of one of the leading building
improvements of the past year. It is also an evidence of the eminent
success acheived by Co. Robert Kruezberger, whose mamoth wholesale and
retail liquor establishment is within. The grand opening banquet of this
magnificint place will long be remembered by thenumnerous guests of that
occasion. The interior of this handsom building is arranged and furnished
with excellent throughout. The first floor contains the handsom bar and
commodiou wine rooms, to the rear of which are the wholesale stock stacked
high with the most costly wines and luquors. The cellar beneah is filled
with caks to the number of several hundred. The top floor is devoted to a
fine music hall complete in all its arrangements. It is mere superfluity
to dwell upon the success and achievements of Col. Kreuzberger. His
business and fine new building are standing mnumnets, both familiar to
our citizens - Oct 1, 1890 - Loganspost Pharos Tribune |
Advertising himself as an :”Importer and Wholesale Merchant in Wines & Liquors,” '
Kreuzberger was also selling at retail, bottling his proprietary brands of liquor
from shipment of whiskey and wine received from distillers and wineries across America. |
The booming business of Robert Kreuzberger Sr., one of the largest altar wine
merchants in this part of the country and also based in Logansport. Among the
items Robert Kreuzberger(grandson) presented/showed were original bottles of Kreuzberger’s
own brand of wine,
/td> |
Robert's son R. F. Kreuzberger Jr. ran Kruezberger Park
at Marmont, Lake Maxinkuckee for his father
Robert F Kreuzberger Jr Birth 20 NOV 1870 Logansport, Cass County, Indiana
Death 10 SEP 1916 Logansport, Cass county, Indiana Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport,
Cass County, Indiana Plot 19-0345-02 son of Rober F. Kreuzberger Sr. and Mary Mechtildis
Maier/Meyer |
In 1888 Robert Kreuzberber applied for a
passport (photo only):
Name: Robert F Kreuzberger
Birth Date: 20 Nov 1870
Birth Place: Logansport, Cass County, Indiana
Passport Issue Date: 5 Mar 1888
Passport Includes a Photo: N
Source: Passport Applications, 1795-1905 (M1372)
His arrival back to the United States is found in:
Passenger Lists
(photo only) of :
Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897
Name: Mr. Robert Kreuzberger
Arrival Date: 21 Aug 1888
Estimated Birth year: abt 1871
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Cape, Haiti and Tonaives
Destination: United States of America
Place of Origin: United States of America
Ethnicity/Race/Nationality: American
Ship Name:
Fulda(photo only)
Line: 6
Microfilm Serial: M237
Microfilm Roll: M237_524
List Number: 1151
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States
The funeral of Robert Kruezberger will be held Wednesday monring at 9 o'clock from the
St. Joseph church, conducted by Rev. Father Kroeger. Interment in Mr. St. Vincent.
Friends are asked to please omit flowers - Logansport Pharos-Tribune 2 Sep 1916
1916 - Oct 11 - Kreuzberger Saloon Sold
A Deal has been completed whereby the Kreuzberger saloon at the corner of Third and Market
streets becomes the property of Fred Steinbauer and George Case.
Steinbauer has managed the saloon for the past six years.
Case formerly was manager of the Island View Hotel.
The men purchased the saloon from the widow of the late Robert Kreuzberger - Logansport
married 24 Oct 1904 Cass County, Indiana Emma Kinney Birth 24 DEC 1872 Logansport,
Cass County, Indiana Death 5 Apr 1948 Rural, Cass, Indiana, Burial Mount Hope Cemetery
Logansport, Cass County, Indiana Plot 19-0345 -01 daughter of Patrick J Kinney and
Frances Josephine Blodgbett
Logansport - Mrs Emma Kreuzberger, 75, widow of Robert F. Kreuzberger, is dead to home.
Surviving are a son, Robert Kreuzberger, a jewler here; two sisters, and a brother.. April
7 1948, Indianapolis News.
They had:
Robert Kinney Kreuzberger
1900 Census Logansport, Cass,
Roll T623_362; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 9., Eel River Avenue
Year: 1900; Census Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana;
Page: 9; Enumeration District: 0009; FHL microfilm: 1240362
Name: Robert Kreuzberger
Age: 29
Birth Date: Nov 1870
Birthplace: Indiana
Home in 1900: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Ward of City: 2d
Street: Eel River Ave
House Number: 86
Sheet Number: 9
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 208
Family Number: 213
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital status: Single
Father's name: Robert Kreuzberger
Father's Birthplace: Germany
Mother's name: Mary Kreuzberger
Mother's Birthplace: Ohio
Occupation: Clerk (Liquor Store)
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Can Speak English: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Robert Kreuzberger 56
Mary Kreuzberger 52
Robert Kreuzberger 29
Kate Kreuzberger 22
John Kreuzberger 16
Otto Kreuzberger 13
Indiana, Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993
Name: Robt. F. Krenzberger
Gender: Male
Race: White
Marital status: Single
Birth Date: 1870
Birth Place: Logansport
Marriage Date: 24 Oct 1904
Marriage Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Marriage Age: 34y
Father: R. Krenzberger
Mother: Mary Meyer
Spouse: Emma Kinney
FHL Film Number: 1993182
Reference ID: P 37, No 1
Indiana, Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993 Kinney
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital status: Single
Birth Date: 1872
Birth Place: Logansport
Marriage Date: 24 Oct 1904
Marriage Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Marriage Age: 32y
Father: P. J. Kinney
Mother: Francis Blodgot
Spouse: Robt. F. Krenzberger
FHL Film Number: 1993182
Reference ID: P 37, No 1
Year: 1920; Census Place: Logansport Ward 4, Cass, Indiana;
Roll: T625_425; Page: 35B; Enumeration District: 35
Name: Emma Krerzburger [Emma Kreazberger] [Emma Bre??ard]
Age: 45
Birth Year: abt 1875
Birthplace: Indiana
Home in 1920: Logansport Ward 4, Cass, Indiana
Street: High
House Number: 1001
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital status: Widowed
Father's Birthplace: Ohio
Mother's Birthplace: USA
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Saleswoman
Industry: Dry Goods Store
Employment Field: Wage or Salary
Home Owned or Rented: Own
Home Free or Mortgaged: Free
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Emma Krerzburger 45
Robert Krerzburger 14
Robert Kinney Kreuzberger Birth 18 SEP 1905 Logansport, Indiana Death 3 FEB 1986 Indianapolis
Marion county, Indiana Death 3 Feb 1986 Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport, Cass County,
Indiana Plot 04-0118-03
married married Frances A. Erb Birth 16 JUN 1908 Logansport, Cass,
Indiana Death 26 APR 1998 Logansport, Cass, Indiana, Burial Mount Hope Cemetery Logansport,
Cass County, Indiana, USA Plot 04-0118-04
They had:
Robert Kreuzberger
Birth 16 Feb 1939 Logansport, Cass County, Indiana Death 8 May 2019 Port Charlotte,
Charlotte County, Florida, Burial Galveston Cemetery Galveston, Cass County, Indiana,
Year: 1940; Census Place: Logansport, Cass, Indiana;
Roll: m-t0627-01030; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 9-20
Name: Robert K Kreuzberger
Age: 34
Estimated Birth year: abt 1906
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Indiana
Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Map of Home in 1940:
Street: High
House Number: 1007
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Logansport, Cass, Indiana
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 6B
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 177
Occupation: Watch Maker
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 3500
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: High School, 4th year
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 54
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
Income: 1500
Income Other Sources: No
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Robert K Kreuzberger 34
Frances Kreuzberger 31
Robert Kreuzberger 4 (1936)
Emma Kreuzberger 68
Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011
Name: Robert K Kreuzberger
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 80
Marital status: Married
Birth Date: 18 Sep 1905
Birth Place: In
Death Date: 3 Feb 1986
Death Place: Indpls, Marion, Indiana, USA
Father: Robert F Kreuzberger
Mother: Emma (Kinney) Kreuzberger
Spouse: Frances A Kreuzberger