Thomas K. Walker
Thomas Kessler Walker Birth Date: 19 Jun 1921 Culver, Marshall, Indiana
Death Sept. 23 2006 Culver, Marshall, Indiana the son of
Ivan M. Walker and
Glendolyn Hazel "Dolyn H" Kessler.
married Jul 11, 1944 11 Jul 1944 Lawton / Comanche, Oklahoma
Ruth E.
Lewis (Mayes) of Lawton Oklahoma.
1944, Jul 19 - Lt. Thomas Walker's Marriage Announced
Lt. Thomas K. Walker of Ft. Sill, Olks., has written his parents., Capt. and Mrs. Ivan
Walker that he was married Tuesday Jul. 11, to a Lawton, Ola., young lady in the
Methodist church at that place. No other details are known.
1945 - Nov 7 Thomas K. Walker announces the opening of a photographer's studio which
for the present will be located at the Ivan Walker cottage on Long Point.
CULVER - Thomas K. Walker, 85, of Culver, died on Saturday, Sept. 23 at Miller's Merry
He is survived by his wife, Ruth E. Walker of Culver and son, Father Thomas K. Walker II
of Plymouth.
Visitation is Thursday, Sept. 28 from 2 to 3 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church, Culver.
Funeral services are Thursday, Sept. 28 at 3 p.m. at the church.
Memorials may be made to Wesley UMC Choir.
The Bonine-Odom Funeral Home, Culver, is in charge of the arrangements. - Plymouth Pilot
WWII hero Walker passes away
By Joseph Raymond Staff Writer
CULVER - Lifelong Culver resident Thomas K. Walker passed away in the sleeping hours of the
night on Friday.
The 1940 Culver Military Academy graduate is best remembered for the smile he always gave to
anyone, his gregarious personality, and of course, his great stories.
Jeff Kenney from the Culver-Union Township Public Library remembers Walker just that way. “I
can't picture him any other way. I remember him as an old man with a handle bar mustache and
a cane.”
“When I was a paperboy,” Kenney said, “he would stop me every day and tell me stories.”
“He was just a Renaissance man. He had done so much, had so many stories.”
Kenney said the most remarkable thing about Walker was “Obviously his war experiencesŠ you
just don't find anyone like that anymore, who has seen what he saw.”
Walker was a decorated World War II veteran and received the American Defense Medal and
the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with two Bronze Stars fighting the Japanese. Arthur Birk of
Culver remembers people around town hearing the stories of Walker in the war. Walker used to
say he walked all the way across China while he was in the war.
Walker was also an active member of the Lions Club in Culver for more than 40 years,
according to Birk, fellow member. The long-time member held about every post a person could
have in the Lions Club, including being a past club president, according to Birk.
“He was one of those people who stayed in the trenches and worked. We could really count on
him,” Birk said. People will remember Walker selling tickets or fruit at almost every event the
Lions Club had, Birk stated.
Clara Hansen, owner of Hansen's Hardware & Sport Shop, also remembers the always-smiling
storyteller. Hansen remembers many of the hats Walker wore. “In earlier years, he ran Walker
Studio,” Hansen said, a photography service in Culver. He also ran a taxi service during the ‘40s
and ‘50s, Jack's Taxi Service.
In later years, in addition to working with the Lions Club, Walker, “liked to, as a hobby, do
woodworking. He was also one of the last people alive who could cane chairs,” Birk remembered
People will remember Walker best for his stories and his smile. Culver will not soon forget him.
His handiwork on the doors of the Lions Club and his gift of his carvings and woodworking to
people all around town serve as a reminder of him.
Kenney also said that Walker would often say he was born in a house on Main Street, not a
hospital. Kenney said it was only befitting that a man whom so many identified with Culver would
come to rest there too. - Plymouth Pilot
Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940
Name: Thomas Kessler Walker
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 19 Jun 1921
Birth Place: Culver, Marshall, Indiana, USA
Registration Year: 1921
Father: Ivan M Walker
Mother: Glendolyn Hazel Kessler
Certificate Number: 33206
Roll Number: 012
Agency: Indiana State Dept. of Health
Volume Range: 67 - 72
Oklahoma, County Marriage Records, 1890-1995
Name: Ruth Mayes {residence Lawton Oklahoma}
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Birth Date: abt 1920
Marriage Date: 11 Jul 1944
Marriage Place: Comanche, Oklahoma, USA
Spouse: Thomas K Walker {residence Culver, Indiana}
Film Number: 001869741