Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Pickle Salting Works  

1893 - Found in the 1893 annual report was: The new sidings extensions were as follows:

  Feet Expense 
Marmont pickle factory 558 454.85

' So far not much is found about their tenure in Culver.

It seems the Salting works abandoned Culver in April 1897 tho the property remained in their name until sometime after the 1908 plat map.

The Heinz Pickle Co., who have a salting house at this place will erect a new building at Saginaw, Mich. size 400X400, where they expect to care for the product of 1,000 acres of cabbage, tomatoes, pickles etc., and will try the experment of raising cauliflower there this year

    The Pickle Salting Works Will Be Moved From Culver City.

    This Step Taken By the Company After Due Deliberation.

    We understand that the H. J. Heinz Co. are completing arrangements to move their pickle salting works from this place to Plymouth or some other town where they can secure more acreage, ancl have the same placed upon a permanent basis.

    Last year owing to a shortage of acreage the company did not receive near what they could handle at this place, and as there is no better prospect for more extended acreage in the future the works will go.

    We understand in order to secure this industy, several individuals of this community put up the money to build the plant, which necessarily will be lost in the “shuffle.”

    Now if this community was greatly benefitted by having pickle salting works here, we regret that the company feel obliged to move the plant for lack of patronage Of course the farmers and others directly interested in the affair, know of its benefits better than we do and hence we have no comments to make. - - Jan 1 1897.

Thi was found: 1897 - Apr. 20 - Jacob Brucker, of Monterey, has taken the contract to build the pickle salting works at said place. The building will be 90x180 feet.

and it is ASSMUMED that the Marmont buildings were used to construct it as this was also found:
    The company is tearing down the buildings at this place and moving the materal to another point, hence this enterprise in Culver is a thing of the past

    Those immediately interested in the business say the company was wholly to blame, as under the rules and regulations no farmer could cultivate pickles without a loss, as they were assorted altogether too close; consequently there was no object in breaking your back picking pickles when only about half were received at the factory.


1908 - H. J. Heinz Pickle Salting Grounds

Its address today is 320 Davis Street