350-80 West Shore Public Boat Access Landing
1951 - June 13 - Public Access To The Lake
The opening of the 1951 fishing season next Saturday serves as a timely reminder of the
worthy efforts of local conservationists to keep open the public right-of-ways to Lake
John Bigley, president of the Marshall County Conservation Council, along with many local
and county leaders have on a number of occasions, urged public vigilance in keeping open
present right-of-ways and the re-opening of those that have been apparently closed.
There is considerable evidence that through the years neglected right-of-ways have been
closed with the result that today there are comparatively few places where the public has
access to the shoreline.
Along the south shore only one or two openings remain; on the west shore, the stretch of s
shoreline along Road 17 is gradually being closed;
the area near the viaduct in the town of Culver, and
the town park and
two openings on the East Shore
are all that keep the lake from being a closed body of water.
Leaders of the County Conservation Council recently petitioned the Marshall County Commissioners
to take action in the matter.
The problem obviously important to all those who might wish to take a swim or to launch a boat, is
of prime importance to fishermen, many of whom have fished the waters of Maxinkuckee for many seasons
and want to continue without having to purchase any new fangled collapsible helicopter to get on to the
In a very real sense it is of importance too, to all Lake property holders.
With regard to the shoreline area along State Road 17, local civic groups have expressed the hope from
time to time that the State Conservation Department might be interested in establishing a roadside park
here thereby guaranteeing a public opening.
It is understood that if the ownership of the strip could be determined the possibility of realizing the
state park would be greatly enhanced.
Indiana State Of DNR
1952 - May 7 – Representatives Of this community and officials of the State Departments of Conservation and
Highways conferred last week at Indianapolis concerning possibilities for state establishment control of a
roadside park on the open west shore of Lake Maxinkuckee along state Road 17.
1952 - State takes title & control, 700-ft. West Shore public access to lake |
1953 - Jan 28 - The State of Indiana gained full access to a large part of the open shore area
along the westshore of Lake Maxinkuckee on State Road 17 last Friday when Walter Busart, in a
generous and cooperative civic step, formally sacrified any claim of his to the shore area by deeding his
claim to the State.
1953 - Jul 1 - A fishing boat access to Lake Maxinkuckee will be constructed later this year
on the west side of the Lake along the open shore area on Road 17, across from the railroad
right-of-way, Doxie Moore, director of the Indiana Department of Conservation, has
announced. |
1958 Lake Directory - 350-580 Boating Access Area
1962 - Lake Maxinkuckee Access Area is Being Improved
The State Conservation Department, after several years of inaction, decided to do something about the Lake
Maxinkuckee Access Area, located on West Shore Drive. This past week access personnel made some very much
needed improvements. The launching area was widened to a 20-foot width, which will allow for two boats to be
launched at once, thus helping to eliminate the congestion caused when the area is being used over and above its
Cement slabs were laid on the launching ramps, which will make boat launching much easier and trailers will not be
sinking into the soft mud. Another improvement planned for the area is additional space so that cars and trailers can
be parked off the road, which has become a traffic hazzard during the summer months. The local Chamber of
Commerce and the L a k e Association have petitioned the county commissioners to lower the speed limit in that area
in an effort to help eliminate the traffic hazzard on the road.
NW COR SEC NELY 2155.5' SLY158.7' SLY