Emanuel United Methodist Church
Section 21 History 1835-1922
This Church was first known as the Albright Evangelical Church. Originating in 1852
in the Kaley Schoolhouse that was four miles southwest of Culver . Besides sharing the
school building for the purpose intended several other denominations also held their
church services there. |
The first church building was located at 20thA Rd. and State
Road 17 [north side of W. 20A Road, beteen S. Union & S. Tulip Roads]. It was erected in
1872 and called: The Emmanuel Church of the Evangelical Association and was commonly
referred to as the "Albright Church" and designated on plat maps by that name. The 1898
plat map of Marshall county shows the location in the lower left hand corner. |
The Albright Evangelical Church (which was established in 1872) was moved into town and
erected on S. Main St. (Mill & Main) in 1899. It is said timbers from the dismantled
'Albright' Church south of Culver and Lost Lake (which was about 2 miles south of
Culver and west of the old gravel pit) was brought in and the new church erected from
them - and a 20 foot addition was placed on it. Yet another version says the whole
church was dismantled brought into town and reconstructed as was.
From 'One Township's Yesterday's '- Corwin
The Evangelical Church
In the year 1872, there was erected, about one and a half miles east of Zion Church, in the
lower part of the township, a house of worship for the congregation of what was designated
as "The Emmanuel Church, of the Evangelical Association." The location was not far south of
Lost Lake, in the northeast corner of the crossroads south of the present Keller farm. It
was right in the corner, near the roadside. It was called the "Albright church," and was so
designated on maps of 1881 and prior, but it went by the official name of the Evangelical
This original church edifice, built in '42, was moved in 1899, or rather was wrecked and
rebuilt in the present village of Culver , with an addition which made it about twenty feet
longer. Some years later, the church was further improved by being brick veneered and
otherwise changed. The remodeling was done in 1924, and the church structure of today is as
it appeared on the completion of those improvements.
This original church 1899, built in the present village of Culver |
When the Evangelical Church building was moved in from the country and set up again in town, it
traveled a distance of some two miles from its old location south of Culver. The church in the
country had two entrances. In town, it lost one of these, became more modern (and have you noticed
how fast those old-fashioned two-entrance churches are disappearing almost everywhere?). Well,
the town church accepted one entrance, located in a corner of the building. The new church, as it
now stands, is frame, with brick veneer.
1899 - feb 3 - There is strong talk of moving the Evangelical church south of this city into Culver .
1899 - feb 10 - Arrangements have been made by the Evangelical society of this section to build a new church at Culver , and
for that purpose over 1,000 dollars have alreay been raised. Work will be commenced upon the same just as
soon as the weather will permit. Our citizens when called upon sho uld be liberal with donations of cash, as
every church erected in a community tends to better the moral coudition of the people. No one will deny
that the church has been the great factor which brought America to its present exalted position among the
civilized nations of the earth.
1899 - feb 17 - The Evangelical society purchased three lots of Samuel Medbourn Saturday,
facing Main street, west of the grist mill, where it will erect a handsome church in the spring, or
just as soon as the weather will permit. The church will cost in the neighborhood of $2,000
From the abstract of 419 S. Main on page 51 is found that on 2 June 1899 a
warranty deed from Samuel E. and Claire Medbourn was issued to the church trustees as follows: |
1899 - Feb. 24 - Parties have commenced to haul stone for the foundation of the new Evangelical church
1899 - May 5 - I t has been decided to build the new Evangelical church of brick, and already D, H. Smith & Co., have the
foundation about completed, and we understand said firm will also do the brick work.
1899 - May 12 - The old Evangelical church has been torn down and the suitable lumber, timber, etc., have been ha uled
to Culver which will be used in the new church, which is now being rapidly pushed, and it is hoped that
by the last of J uly it will be ready for occupancy
1899 May 19 - Tho foundation to the new Evangelical church is about completed
1899 - Jun 2 - A car load of choice brick has arrived from Converse for the new Evangelical church. Smith & Co.
will lay the brick, and are experts at the business.
1899 - Jun 30 - D. H. Smith & Co. are doing the brick work on the new Evangelical church...
1899 - Jul 7 - The bell of the new Evangelical church was placed in position Monday, and Culver citizens had the
first opportunity of hearing its clear, silvery-toned notes, pealing forth their glad tidings, of “ Peace on
earth aud good will to men.”
1899 - J ul 14 - The brick work upon the new Evangelical church will soon be
completed... The brick work upon the new Evangelical church is about completed
1899 - Aug 11 - it is thought that the new Evangelical
church in this city will be dedicated about the third Sunday in September
The first parsonage was north of the present one on the corner of Main and Madison That would either be the Corndance Cafe or the
Main Street Bed & Breakfast corner, or Lakeside Auto corner. It was probably rented by the congregation for the minister and his
An Ornament to the City and a Credit to Its Builders
Culver can now, and will boast of having as fine churches as any town of its size in the state, or in
fact in any town double its size when the church edifices now in course of construction are completed. The
Evangelical church, which is about completed, aud which stands about three blocks south of the post office,
is a model of architectural beauty and speaks volumes in favor of the mechanics who constructed and
planned the building. The church is veneered with brick, the work being performed by D.H. Smith & Co.
of this city,which fully demonstrates that this company is no novice at the business, and can compare its work
with that of any other contractors in the county. The carpenter work is under the immediate charge of that
master mechanic, J. H . Zechiel,who can without fear of contradiction, point with pride to this modern
structure, aud ask “Who can find fault with the work?”
The dimensions of the church are 33x50, with 20 foot ceiling, and has a gallery 15x32, and an ante-room
15x22. The main auditorium is separated from the ante—room by sliding doors, which in case of necessity
can be opened, thus throwingboth rooms into one, which, with the gallery, adds greatly to the
seating capacity of the church. The building contains nine windows the casings etc., being finished with
block trimmings. The inclined floor is laid with white pine— oil finish
The was white coating performed by master artist, S. G. Buswell, (who is proud of the fact that he is a
Culverite,) and it is truly an excellent job.
The church will be dedicated Sept. 17th. A week’s meeting will be held before the dedicatory services,
the first service being held on morning of the 10th inst. Sunday school will convene at 9:30 and arrange
as it was organized in the old church last New Year. There will also be preaching services morning
and eyening by Rev. Newman.
The church will be dedicated by Rev. N. Shupp of Oregon, who will be here on a visit. During the week’s
services, Rev. Newman will aim to have preaching by different ministers every evening.
1899 Sep 8 - Evangelical Church Program. Sunday school at 9:30 o’clock on
Sept. 10th. Preaching at 10:30 and Sunday eyening at 7:30by Rev. Newman.
Monday evening at 7:30 aud each evening during the week. Rev.
S. H. Babmgardner, of Elkhart, S. I. Zechiel, S. C. Cramer, of Logansport,
A. S. Elzey, of Orrian, and others will be present to preach, so
that there will be a different minster to preach each night durning the
week. On Sat. the 10th Rev. Noah Shupp will arrive and will dedicate
the church on Sunday the 17th.
1899 - Sept. 15 - Services at the New Evangelical Church
Last Sunday morningquile a number of peeople gathered at the new Evangelical church for the fii»t time
for Suudav school and worship. The sc|100] was arranged into classes anda very interesting time was had
during the Suudav school hour. Immeddiately after Sabbath school Rev. Newman delivered an andle discourse
on the way to the celebrated Canaan land.
At 7:30 in the evening a large audiance greeted Rev. Newman again and for some length of time he portrayed
to them how wonderf ul God protects Lis followers aud how he gives them the victory over their
Oa Monday morning another large crowd gathered to hear the word again. Rev. Newman preached and
showed how God bids his people not to fear, and how He loves and cares for them.
On Tuesday Rev. S, I . Zechiel of Elkhart, arrived and in the evening he was greeted with a very large
audience of earnest listeners whiom he held almost spell bound for an hour in showing to hem how much
earnest laborers are needed in the vineyard of the lord.
On Wedenday evening Rev. M. L. Scheilder of Rochester, in his calm, deliberate, and able manner spoke of
the good old way, and urged all those that were not in this good old way to make haste to get in the way of
saftey and rest.
Ou Thursday evening Rav. S. H Baumgartner, presiding elder of Elkhart district, delivered a very
able discourse on our duties to Christ aud the great danger in neglecting our salvation and our
preparation for our eternal home.
The after meetings have been good, spiritual., interesting and beneficial.
This (Friday) evening, Rev. S. C. Cramer of Logansport, will preach. Rev. Shupp of Oregon, and Re v .
Fisher of South Bead, are expected here today.
Sunday morning at 9:30 Sunday school will convene. After Suudav school Rev. Shupp wiil preach, and
at the close of the forenoon services. the church will be dedicated to God. Rev. Shupp will also preach on Sunday
The Church was dedicated on 17 Sep. 1899.
1900 - may 11 - The Emmanuel Sunday School of the Evangelical Assoiation, of Culver
have decided to celebrate children’s day, June 10th in the evening. The programme will
consist of songs, recitations, etc. All are cordially invited to attend.
Rev. P. L. Browns, who for the
last two years has been in charge of the Culver Evangelical Assoc, circuit has been transferred to the
Evangelical charge at Germantown, Ohio. During tho time Mr. Browns has been here he has been very
sucessful in his work iand they will leave a host of friends who wish them well in their new home.
Rev. Chas. Connehoy, of Lancaster. Ill., has been chosen to take charge of the Culver circuit....
1904 - Apr 28 - Rev. McConnehey, the new Evangelical minister and family
arrived here last Tuesday. - - Preaching at the Evangelical
Church Sunday evening at 7:30. - Chas. McConnehey, Pastor
1905 - Apr 13 - The Rochester Conference of the Evangelical Association re-appointed
Rev. McConueliey to the Culver charge
1905 - Jun 8 - There will be an election of three trustees for the Emmanuel church
of the Evangelical Association, of Culver, Ind., June 21, 1905, at 8 p. m. at above named church. A
good attendance of the male members of the church is desired. Chas. McConnkhey, pastor
The Church as presented on the Sanborn fire map of 1906; and tho not pin pointed it is said
that the parsonage was built in 1903. |
1908 Marshall County Plat map |
1913 February 13, -
Rev. J. E. Young,
from Ridgeville, Ind. is the pastor of the Evangelical Church.
Rev. J, E. Young (1913-14). He came to Culver in February, 1913, from Ridgeville, Ind. Early in April,
1914, he was returned to the Culver Evangelical Church, and Rev. Tiedt to the Culver Charge.
1913 - the Culver church (EUB) petitioned the Annual Conference to be detached
from the Culver Circuit and be made a station. Rev. J. E. Young, father of Lester P.
Young, was pastor when this change was made from a mission to a station
The parsonage and the church are both depicted on the Sanborn Map of 1914; the
driveway for the garage was entered off of Main St.; sometime after this
The driveway entrance was changed to Mill Stree just behind the church. |
1915 - Apr 15 - Rev. J. E. Young and W. S. Easterday returned Monday from the
annual Evangelical Conference at Kendallville. Mr. Young has been assigned to the church a
at New Paris. The new pastor for the culver church is F. L. Snyder
1916 - Rev. F. L. Snyder
1918 - May 15 - The unveiling' of a service flag was an interesting incident of the Y.P.A. at the Evangelical Church
on Sunday. The flag contains nine stars for the members of the church of Sunday school who are wearing the war
uniform of our country. They are Ray Bowen, William Alberts (just deceased), George Nichols, Gerald Patesel,
Chester and William Easterday, Edward Arnold and Herman Young.
1919 Apr 9 - Rev. Mtgrant to serve another year.
1919 - Oct 8 - The old barn on the Evangelical parsonage lot was sold last week to Paul
Gansch for $50. (see above 1914 Snaborn Map.
1919 - Oct 15 - Improvements are being made on the Evangelica parsonage. The outside has been
given a couat of white, a coal room has been excavated under the rear of the house, and the
former coal shed is being converted into a garage
By the 1920 census William A. Mygrant was minister during this period
1924 - Feb 27 - Wrecking work on the Evangelical Church was begun in preparation for the
building of the new church during the spring and summer months
During 1924 the church members met in the basemnt of the Culver-Union Township Public Library while
the wooden frame structure was being replaced by a new modern brick veneerer building. The exterior
was veneered with brick by D. H. Smith & Co. of Culver , J. H. Zechiel did the carpenter work and S. G.
Buswell of Culver done the white coating. The building was described as a structure 33 by 56 with 15
feet ceilings, a gallery of 15 by 32, and an ante-room of 15 by 22 and the main auditorium was seperated
from the anteroom by sliding doors. The floors were of white pine.
G. A. Weisshaar has been assigned to the Evangelical Church. He comes here from Syracuse where he has been
the past year. - April 13 1924
Preliminary work was begun under the direction of a building committee in March, 1924. The cornerstone of the
new church was laid Sunday afternoon, May 25, 1924, at an impressive ceremony with Rev. J. W. Metzner, of
Elkhart, delivering the dedicatory address. Cost for the building was given as $24,000.
The completed church was dedicated on September 28, 1924, with appropriate dedication day services. |
The 1924 Sandborn map showing the church property and the block; the 1937 Snaborn map bears the
stamp of Nov. 1924 but is "tagged" 1937 but present the same images as the 1924 Sanborn map |
September 24, 1924— Formal dedicatory services of the new Evangelical Church will be held Sunday.
Found in the profile of Lemuel Crabb in the Culver Citizen in 1938 it stated that he has been trustee at the Evangelical
church for 20 years and that his biggest job in that capacity being to help plan and build the new Church structure a
yew years ago.
Sept 9, 1925 - Evangelical church will Observe Anniversary Day
Sunday, September 20th, has been designated by the members of the Evangelical
church as Anniversary Day. The special services will be held to celebrate a successful
year in the new church building of the olld church just twenty-six years ago. A special
program has been arranged for the day which will be announced in next week's issue
of "The Citizen". Services will be held Thursday and Friday and Sturday nights preceding
the SUnday services. Good speakers for the Sunday service have been secured.
Culver Evangelical Church - The members of this church observed the first anniversary
od the dediciation of this structure lat Sunday with special services. |
1928, Mary 9 Rev;WIllmert Returns to Culver Pastorate - Believing that one good year diecserves anouther,
the conference if the Evangelical church has returned Revl Fl I. WIllmert to the Culver charge for another
yearl This communiuty congratulates memberd of the local church in securing Rev. WIllmert as their leader
for another yearel
By the 1930 census Fremont Wellmert/Wellmart was minister during this period
1931 - Mary 6 - After serving the Culver Evangelical Church for the past five years, Rev. F. I .
Willmert has been appointed the pastorate at Van Wert, Ohio. Rev. J. H. Rilling of Indianapolis
will occupy the pulpit here
Rev. J. H. Rilling (1931-32-33-34, at Culver . He retired in May, 1934, and moved to South
Bend, having completed 3 7 years of continuous service in the conference.)
Rev. R. L. Haley (1934-35, at Culver . He came from Peru, Ind., to fill the vacancy caused by
the retirement of Reverend Rilling.)
1936 - May 6 - Rev. Charles McConnehey (1905).
1940 - May 1 - Rev. R. l. Haley was returned to the Culver charge of the Evangelical Church for
the sevnth year at the annual conference of the church in Cami, Ill. last week.
1941 - May 7 - After serving the Culver Evangelical Church for seven years, Rev. R. L. Haley has
been transferred to South Bend and Rev. E. D. Mast of Elkhart has been appointed to the local charge.
1942 - Apr 29 - Local Evangelical Church Pators Return - Rev. E. D. Mast has been returned to his second
year of the CUlver Evangelical Church... The many firends of Reb. R. L. Haney will be interested to
know he returns to First Church, South Bend.
1943 - May 12 --1945 Rev. E. D. Mast has been returned to the Culver Evangelical Church for
the third year
1945 - May 30 — Rev. F. C. Wacknitz has taken over as pastor of the Emmanuel Evangelical Church.
He came to Culver from Huntington
1946 The Evangelical Churches and the United Brethren Churches combined forces to form the Evangelical Brethren Church. The Evangelical church
merged with the United Brethern denomination and the church became known as the Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethern Church.
L. Haley was assigned to the Culver Evangelical Church at the annual conference held last week at Rochester.
1947 - Nov. 5 - The Evangelical United Brethren Church installed the new Wurlitzer electric organ and chimes last Wednesday and it
was used for the first time at the Sunday morning service
Sometime in the late 1950's or early 1960's the EUB Church - purchased the two residential
lots north of the church between Clover and Mill Street. The church had the residences demolished and
converted the area into a parking lot for the church. A map of the area from the abstract of 419 S. Main
shows these lots as follows: |
This map was made after 1937 - as the Sanborn Fire Maps for that year does not show the divisions and
so-called plated non-dedicated alley.
The other Evangelical Churches and United Brethren Churches of the area disbanded and united with the
church at Main street. These were the:
Rutland St. Paul's Evangelical was dedicated 1896; church disbanded in 1936 abd was ib the east
E side of Pear Road, near intersection with W. 16th Road which disbanded in 1936;
Washington Evangelical church -
dedicated 1892 was on the northwest corner of W. 20th & S. Queen Roads and disbanded in 1937; and was
demolished in 1939
Burr Oak United Brethren was organized in 1877 organized in 1877 the first white frame church burned
in 1914 and was replaced by one faced with cement blocks and it was on the east side of St. Rd. 17 in
Burr Oak and disbanded and united with the Main street EUB in 1967
and during the same year the Hibbard Beulah Chapel Evangelical Church which was organized in 1913 it
was a cement block building on the east side of Redwood Road, N. of W. 15B Road also disbanded and
united with the Main street EUB.
1949 - Rev. I. G. Roederer
1950 - Apr. 26 - Rev. I. G. Roederer has been re-apointed as pastor of the E.U.B. Church for another
1951 - April 25 — Rev. & Mrs. I . G. Roederer after serving the local Evangelical United Brethren
Church for the past three years, have been assigned to a pastorate at Olney, Ill
1952 - Sewer Project
Location of Sewer Line Discussed At Board Meeting
A near capacity crowd of interested citizens attended the regular meeting of
the Town Board on Monday evening.
Many of those attending the busy session were property holders along Main
Street extending from Mill Street to Davis street where the town is seeking a
n easement for the placing of a sewer line at the back of the properties.
The Matter of the location of the line was brought before the group of
property holders at a called meeting two weeks ago where it was explained
that because there was no alley the the town was seeking easements to
permit the placement of the sewers at the back of the property to serve
both Main Street homes and those on Ohio Street.
Original plans called for the sewer line to go around the Boetsma Upholstery
firm Building making it necessary tow manholes.
At Monday’s meeting Joe Boetsma and his son offered to permit the town
to go underneath their building if the could be guaranteed that any damage
to the building would be prepared.
Following a discussion with Donald Lessig, consulting engineer, it was decided
to get estimates on the proposal with a view to following the suggestion. It
was believed that The construction of one manhole together with the saving
in tile would offset the cost of Replacing the floor of the Boestma building.
Among the property holders directly affected are the Evangelical United Brethren
Church which was represented at the meeting by Board Chairman Lester Young,
and L. A. Crabb, Dave Burns, and the Boetsmas.. – Mar 5, 1952
1952 - Jan 16 - Blanche Finney Present Two Lots to EUB CHurch
The Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethern church at Culver is the recipenet of a gift
gorm Blanche Finney.
Mrs. Finney has deeded over two lots located at the corner of Ohio and Mill streets to
the church for parking purposes.
The gift was made in memory of Mrs. Finney's father, Jacob Cromley, life long Culver
resident and member of the church. Mr. Cromley died in the fall of 1950.
THe timely and thoughful gift was formally accepted by the church board and the
congregation at a formal services last Sunday. Officials of the church have announced plans
to grade the badly needed parking lots and to lay out driveways on them.
1953 - AUGUST 5, Rev. Charles L. Haney, pastor of the Culver E.U.B. Church, has been reassigned to
Culver for the third straight year.
1957 - Jul 10 - Rev. Vernon L. Palmer of New Paris is the new pastor of the Culver E.U.B. Church,
and with Mrs. Palmer, is moving this week to Culver .
1958 - April 23 – Beautiful Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church sanctuary to be dedicated next
Sunday it was remodeled and equiped with new chancel furniture
In 1958 also the basement entrance to the church was enclosed the area encompassing
12 by 9 foot the it is highlighted by a large cross made of glass blocks and was finished by 19 Nov. 1958. |
With the availability of natural gas in 1960 new gas furnaces were installed in the church and
parsonage both.
1960 - Jun 15 - E. U. B. Conference Re-assigns Palmer to local church - Haney Returning to area. -
Rev. Vernon l. Palmer was re-assigned to the Culver Emmanuel church for his fourth year of service
at the closing meeting of the 116th session of Indiana Conference north at Syracuse friday night...
Rev. Charles L. Haney, formerly of the Culver E.U.B. put at Silver Lake the past three years, has been
assigned to the Donaldson-Grovertown circuit, formerly served by Rev. Lawrence White of Culver .
Rev. White will be the pastor of the Kewanna circuit this coming year...
Coming to Culver as pastor of the Emmanuel Churah is
During Rev. Palmer's four years improvements were Santctuary was remodeled and
redocrated; ne carpeting and lighting fixtures installed, the floor
sanded and refinishers, a new entrance built to the basement, and new
heating in both church and parsonage. These major improvements
along with a number of minor changes and additions hace totaled
1961 - Jun 14 - Walter Chisholm Is His Successor...br>
Rev. Walter Chisholm. who has been serving in the Ohio East Conference of the E.U.B.
Church at Akron. Ohio, as associate pastor of one of the churches in that community.
He, his wife, and three children, ages 5, 7,. and 8 will be moving to Culver on or
about July
1961 - Jul 19 - Walter S. Chisholm Assumes E.U.B. Pastorate
The new pastor of the Culver Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church, Rev. Walter S.
Chisholm, is a young man with a fine family. For the first time in many, many years, the local
parsonage will ring with the voices of small children.
Rev. Chisholm, who served in the Ohio East Conference of the E.U.B. Church at Akron, Ohio,
as assistant pastor in a church there before coming to Culver, was born Oct. 16, 192G, in Cleveland,
Ohio. He is a graduate of Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, and studied at Malone College,
Canton, Ohio.
World War I Veteran
He is a veteran of World War II, having served in the U. S. Navy. He is a member of the Kiwanis
Club, being immediate past president of the Portage Lakes Kiwanis Club of Akron, Ohio.
Rev. Chisholm and his wife, Patricia Joan, were married Dec. 27, 1950, and have three children.
Shirli Ann will be 8 years old in August, Walter Steven will be 7 this month, and Patti Liane is 5.
Mrs. Chisholm and the children are still living in Akron but are spending the weekends here and
will move to Culver on Aug. 16.
Rev. Chisholm will be attending Evangelical Theological Seminary in Naperville, Ill., weekdays
after September for further study
196_ - The church purchaused the Lots #1 and 2 in the WIseman Addition - north
of the church across Mill Street for parking lot. . The 1922 plat map shows only 2 houses but by
June 13, 1945 houses stood on both lots. as follows:
Harry E. and Faye Medbourn to Clair and Lucille Bennett, lot 1 Wiseman's Addition to Culver
Nella VanCook Ocker to Emery J. and Doris C. Yocum Kr. lot 2 Wiseman's addition Culver. ---> |
1964 - June -
Rev. Dwight McClure was assigned
to serve as pastor of the Culver Evangelical United Brethren
1967 -
Arthur E. Givens
Again in 1968 another merger of churches evolved - this time the merger was with the Methodist Church - thus forming the United
Methodist Church.
? - 1976, Jun. -
Maurice E Kessler
1976, Jun - 1979, Apr. - Richard L. Bennett
1980's - Stephen King, Peggy Jean Arter;
1980-199_ -
Frederick H Pflugh
199_ - May 2014.
Rev. Ronald Matthews Lewellen
2014 - Nov. - Rev. Tom Richards is pastor of a church in Richland Center (in Fulton County), he graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University at age 61, and was
subsequently ordained a Wesleyan pastor (like his predecessor, the late Pastor Ron Lewellan, Richards was not ordained in the United Methodist Church, so
Emmanuel had to obtain special permission from the United Methodist Conference for him to serve here). Richards then served his first church for 10 years.
History of Marshall County Indiana Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986 -,
Taylor Publishing Co., 1986, Publication # 357 of 1422, Marshall County Historical Society
A Historical Review Grace United Church of Christ Culver , Indiana 1885 - 1985
(1985, unknown) Robert Rust
History of Culver , and the Culver Military Academy (ND, Universal 2
nd Edition)
Mark Roeder
A Township Yester Years (WPA, Culver Citizen, 1934/5)
Culver Citizen - 28 may 1924
Culver Herald - 1 Sep. 1899
PLAT #2005-05322.