Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

415 Lake Shore Drive

Nathaniel Gandy Retires having sold out his interests in the barns here to his partner, Mr. Abram Hayes (Hays family), the transaction occurring Saturday, the 27th July 1897 and in retiring feels that he has left the business in good hands as no more conscientious or honorable men than Hayes and Son can be found

1897 - April. 2 - Hays & Son have moved their livery outfit to the barn near the depot

Apr. 1897 - 1905 - 1906 - Hayes & Son Livery - Toner Ave
189_ - May 28 - Hays & Son are constructing a feed shed in the rear of their livery barn which we understand will accomodate at least 75 horses. We also understand they will have it so arranged that farmer& can put their team under the shed for a long time for the sum of 10 or 15 cents.

1898 - Feb 18 - Hayes & Son have taken the agency to handle the Studebaker vehicles of all kinds. Those desiring a first class article can call at the livery barn and see samples

1901 July 26 Hayes & Son’s livery - The above represents Hayes & Son’s livery barn; which is undoubedly the largest and most- modern in Marshall county. The main barn and its annex will stable 300 horses, and put under shelter at least 50 buggies and carriages. In connection the proprietors have a fine-line of driving Horses and carriages. Prompt and close attention to business, has built up a tremendous trade. Their prices are reasonable.

Another 1901 ad
1903 - May 7 - Hayes & son have purchased new horses and buggies preparatory to the summer work.

1904 - Mar 31 - Andrew Curtis of Plymouth is working at Hayes Livery, taking the place of John Spitler, who will engage in carpenter work this season.

1905 - Apr 13 - Hays & Son are having a new cement walk laid in front of their livery barn

1906 Sanborn Map

1907 - Jan 10 - Charley Hayes has added a Cadillac touring car to his livery

1907 Mar 21 - Charley Hayes will put up a five-room cottage south of his livery barn for the use of his head barnman.

1907 - Aug. 22 - ... Charles Hayes is the only person who has made formal application, and his livery barn will live in the annals of local fame as the first permanent pattrion of the Culver water works...

1907 - Sep 5 - Chas. Hayes has installed an acetelyne gas plant in his new house and has piped the gas to his barn, every portion of which is now thoroughly lighted.

1908 - May 28 - Auction Sale
    Tuesday, June 2, at Hayes barn, his entire stock of livery, consisting of ten head of horses, double and single carriages, park wagon, top and open buggies, harness, robes, blanlkets, etc. Am going to change my barn to an automobile livery - C. E. Hayes
      An Automobile Livery

      The heavy expense of keeping up a horse livery at the present prices of grain, and the additional expense of sickness among the horses with a resultant loss of business, had decided Charley Hayes to close out his entire stock and go in the automobile livery xculsively.

      Additional cares will be secured at once.

      Automobile service is so much more rapid that patrons are everywhere demanding it, and the cost of maintiaing an auto livery will be much less than keeping up a stock of horses.

1908 - June 4 - Hayes has bought for his automobile livery a $1,650 Auburn car, 28-horse power, with a maximum speed of 50 miles an hour. However, 49 miles will be fast enough for ordinary purposes.
    Hayes Livery Sale

    The auction of the Hayes livery stock on Tuesday was atended by a rather small crowd, buit it was a buying one, and the sale was a success.

    The horses were in active demand and all except the pacer and a team of young bays, which Hayes kept for himself, were bid off at good prices.

    Porter & Co. bought the team of big browns for $300, "Pet", a bay mare, went for $156, and C. W. Newman go the black and white pony for $151.

    The other animals sold proportionately.

    There was a slower demand for the rolling stock, and Hayes kept a carriage and a couple of buggies.

    Monroe Steiner cried the sale, assisted by M. E. Rarrick and Col. Mow. S. C. Shilling was clerk. The sale fotted up $1,570.

1909 - February 11 - Auto Livery and Garage - About March 15, C. E . Hayes will open a first-class auto livery and garage in Culver and will have cars here for demonstration purpose at that time if roads and weather are good. Mr. Hayes has taken the agency for the Auburn car and has already made one sale.

1911 - Mar 12 - Charley Hayes has decided to dispose of all his interests here at the earliest possible moment and go to California, where a fine opportunity has presented itself to him for investment. He will locate in or near San Francisco.

1914 Sanborn Map
    Gasol. Tk. 290 Gal. Buried
    Horse Shed.

191?-1946 - D. W. Miller Livery & Feed; Oil & Gasoline For Sale
    Pictured here is the former Hayes Building which was the site of a thriving Culver business many years ago. The building has since been replaced by a brick structure which is now occupied by the Ray Wicker Ford Sales on Lake Shore Drive.

    This picture was loaned to The Citizen by Mrs. Dan Weirick of Culver whose father, D. W. Miller,operated the Livery Stable and Taxi Stand at the time the picture was taken in 1914. Mr. Miller operated the business from 1914 to 1946.

    Mr. Miller is shown in the first taxi from the left, and the man standing with the horse is Roscoe _arber. One of the other taxi drivers is Walter Pontius, but the third driver is unknown. - Aug. 12, 1965

D. W. Miller

` 1915 - April 22 - Improvements Are Planned
    C. E. Hayes has a plane for getting his property in a better income-bering shape.

    On the vacant corner plot adjoining the livery stable and garage he will put up two modern cottages, and another in the rear of the garagem which will face east on the narrow street running through that block.

    The present stable and garage will be torn down and in its place he will erect a big steel garage building.

    Two of the proposed cottages are alreay spoken for by prospective newly-weds, and the cottages will be planned to suit their requirements.

    The work will begin as soon as possible.

1915 Apr 29 - Public Sale - Saturday may 1 at the Hayes livery barn entire stock of livery including horses, buggies, sleighs and sleds, harness, etc. Property of D. W. Miller.

1915 - Oct 14 - C. E. Hayes has been given judgement of $161.36 against Philip Pontius, a former renter of his livery barn.

1919 Jan 1 - It is rumored that Billy Link is to convert the Hayes lvery barn into a moving picture theater. The building, which has been recently used as a garage by Frank Clemons, is now closed. If Billy decides to put his project through he will do it right

1919 - June 4 - All persons having property stored in the Hayes livery barn are notified to remove it at once and pay storage charges, or it will be sold within 30 days at public auction or private sale to pay charges - Link & Sullivan

1919 - Aug 13 - Fire Inspectors Report on Buildings in Culver ...Charles Hayes - Building occupied by Liberty theater; place electric wires in booth in conduit, install fire extinguishers, place panic bar release latches on doors, and discontinue storage of cars in othe half of building.

1920's Dominicus "Min' Hatten had the east half of the building for his cars buisness which he moved to 110 W Lakeshore Dr. at the corner of Ohio. & Lakeshore.

1923 - Apr 25 - Open Saturday, April 28 - The new bowling alley for ladies and gentlemen in the old Hayes Barn

1923 - Nov 14 - Remodel for Taxi Company
    Remodeling of the old livery barn just west of the Boblett Bowling Alley is being done for the Culver Taxi Company. An office is being built in the front part and other parts will be repaired. The Culver Taxi Company plans to move in as soon as the place is ready for occupancy.

    NOTE: They were located in the Palmer House on the Culver Miltary Academy Grounds.

1924 - filling station ( 401 Lakeshore Dr. - 1937)
Bowling Alley on corner of Lane [Coolidge] & Toner [Lakeshore] ( 413 Lakeshore Dr. - 1937)

1924 - Jul 9 - Small Fire Broke out On Taxi Company's Roof
    As a result of some Roman candles which were being shot in the community, a small fire broke out on the roof of the building occupied by the Culver Taxi Company and the Boblett Bowling Alley last week

    Fortunately, the blaze was discovered before any damage was done. Neighbors who saw the blaze, quickly notified the occupants of the building.

    One man crawled over the roof and put it our before the fire department arrives on the scene.

    Had it been a little later in the night, it might have been more serious.

1925 - May 20 - Boggs and Hatten Buy Culver Bowling Alley
    Lewis Hatten and Lewis Boggs two young men of the community have purchsed the bowling alley which is located next door east of the Culver Taxi Company. The deal was made last week and the young men have taken charge. They plan to conduct a clean place and clean sportsmanship will be encouragfed. The new owners especially invite the women of Culver and Thursday's have been set aside for for the women. Every month prizes will be given to the players who hold the highest scores both for men and women.

1925 - Nov. 25 - Transfer Company Open for Business
    Mikesell Transfer Company is the names of he new firm that has opened for business during the past week in Culver. C. C. Mikesell is the proprietor and he state that he is rady to handle all types of trasnfer work. He has been driving the STandard Oil truck in this community until just recently. His office is located in with the Culver Taxi Company.

1926 - Jun 9 - Bowling Alley Opened - I wish to announmce that I have taken over the Bowling Alley in the Hayes building and will oped it of business next Monday night. It will be open every night thereafter except Sundays. Come down and get som good exercise bedies having a lot of fun - Earl (Ekc) Eckman.

1926 - Nov. 17 - It is probable that C. E. Hayes will next spring wreck the old livery barn on Lake Shore Drive and erect a glazed tile garage on the site<

1927 - Mar 23 - Work Commences on New Hayes Building
    Easterday Builder

    Old Wooden structure is being torn down; new building up by Middle of June.

    The spring building movement is being inaugurated by Chas. E Haes by letting of the contract for the building of a 98 feet by 100 feet structire on his lots on Toner Avenue.

    The New building will be of tile one story high and will be occupied by the Culver Taxi company and the Culver Motor Sales Company. Both parts of the building will have show and sales rooms in the front section with storage rooms in the rear. The new structure will be a decided addition to the town and will improve the appearance of one of Culver's main streets.

    Work on tearing down the old frame structure was started last Monday. It is estimated that the new building will be completed about the middle of June. Russell Easterday has the contract.

    The Former occupant of the building, Culver Taxi Company has established it temporary headquarters in one of the buildings opposite the depot.

1928 - May 30 - D. Hatten Opens Garage In Hayes Building
    D. Hatten has opened a garage and sales room in the Hayes Building on Lake Shore drive, next to the Culver Taxi company, where he will continue his garage work, and have space for storage. He will also conduct the Chrysler slaes and service for the vicinity.

    1936 - Nov. 25 To My Customers
      Having sold my garage to D. Hatten, I wish to thank all my customers for their patronage through the seven years I have operated the business. I have appreciated their confidence in me and may work and hope in return that satisfaction has always been their. I trust that the accord Mr. Hatten the same support.

      I will continue to operate the dray buisness and will devote my full time to it. My office will be at the same place. - Wayne Bon Ehr proprietor of Wayne's Garage

    1936 - Nov. 25 - Wayne's Garage Sell Buisness to D. Hatten
      The Sale of the garage building and businee of Wayne Von Ehrs to D. Hatten was announce the first of the week and becomes effective on December 1st. Mr Hatten will move his equipment from his presnetn location in the Hayes Building to his new site at that time.

      Mr. VonEhr, who has conducted the garage business for the past seven years, will continue in the transfer businees with office in the garage.

    Moved to 110 W. Lake Shore - across from High School.

1930 - Jan 1 - Geo Fee Chevrolet Moves to New Building; Enlarges
    The George Fee Chevrolet company moved into new quarters January 1 and now occupying the building formerly used by the Culver Taxi Compnay. The Latter firm is now located with Hatten's Garage.

    Mr. Fee announces that in the near fultre he will enlarge his service with complete mechanical work.

    On January 4 he is showing the new models of the chevrolet.

1930 - Feb 1 - Complete Garage Service
    The George Fee Chevrolet agency is pleased to announce a complete garage service not only for Chevrolets but all makes as well.

    Bring your care here and receive first class mechanical work.

    Chevrolet owners and prospective chevrolet buyers can recognize the value of having a service staion in connection with the agency - George Fee, Chevrolet Lake Shore Dr. Culver, Ind.

1930 - Dec 3 - We have opened the garage in the Chas. Hays Building on Lake Shore Dr., formerly Used by Geo. Fee. Storage by day, week or month in a steam heated room - Tom Bogardus.
    Opens Auto Garagee

    Tom Bogardus has opened the garage in the Hay's Building on Lake Shore Drive formerly occupied by George Fee. He will conduct the place for automobile storage.

1937 is divided into possibly 3 seperate lots - with 4 seperate business addresses
    401 Lake Shore Dr - Filling Station -
    405 Lake Shore Dr. - "S" - 'Conc Fl Pilast'D Walls (Tile)'
      Culver Taxi Company - Clifford Loser (1920-1932) / Paul A Eiler (1932-1933)
        Loser Sells Taxi Line to Eiler; Retains Bus
          After operating the Culver Taxi COmpany for about 12 years. Clifford Loser last week sold the business to Paul a Eiler, who has been with the company for some time. The transaction did not include the large busses owned by Mr. Loser. The same firm name and drivers will be continued by Mr. Eiler. Mr. Loser has nto announced his plans for the future - Apr 27 1932 - Citizen.

        To Operate Bus Line
          Clifford Loser has completed a business transaction whereby he will operate a bus line from Goshen to Peru. He has secured a new bus and will start his new route Sept. 24, making two round trips daily. His local taxi business will be continued as usual.

        Taxi Company Changes Hands, New One Starts

        The Culver Taxi COmpany is now being operated by its former owner, Cliffor Loser, while Paul Eiler, recent operator of the company, has started another taxi company under his own name.
    409 Lake Shore Dr. - Roofing W. HO. - 'Conc Fl Pilast'D Walls (Tile)'
      Roofing company operated by Frank Young.
    411-113 Lake Shore Dr. - Vacant. - 'Conc Fl Pilast'D Walls (Tile)'

1937 - May 12 -Bus Destroyed in $8,000 Fire in Haes Bldg, Sunday
    Fire Believed to Have started in Loser Bus; Young's stock damaged

    An $8,000 fire damaged the Hayes Building on Lake Shore Drive, ruined the bus belonging to Clifford Loser, and caused a loss to the roofing compay operated by Frank Young.

    The blaze occurred about 8:45 a.m. Sunday and a heavy smoke was pouring from the building by the time the fire departmet arrived.

    A roadster belonging to Robert Rich was the only thing saved from the part of the building formerly occupied by the Hatten garage and in which the bus was located.

    The exact origin of the first {fire} is not known, but it is believed that it started in the Loser bus and spread to the roof. The roof of this hald of the building is badly damaged and the walls show the effects of the smoke and heat. Most of the window glass was destroyed.

    Damages Roofing Stock

    The fire crept into the other half of the building occupied by the roofing company, damaging a small portion of the roof.Most of the damage suffered by the roofing company was from water, two motors and several belts being ruined and a large portion of the stock soaked by water.

    CHarles Hayes, owner of the building, states he has insurance to cover the estimated loss of $5,000.

    The present value of the bus, which was insured it is said is not known, though it cost about $4,800 when purchased new several years ago.

    The extent of damage to the county truck has not been stated.

    Mr. Young places his loss at about $1,200 - which is covered by insurance.

    Mr. Hayes plans to repair the building and office.

1937-1955 - A. R. McKesson Ford Sales

1937 - JULY 21 — The Ford Agency and garage owned by A. R. McKesson (Photo - Culver Ford 1927, left to right Joe Humes, AR McKesson, ?, ?, ?.) has moved from its location on East Jefferson to the Hayes Building on Lake Shore Drive -

1943 - Apr 28 - A. R. McKesson has purchased from Mrs. Bertha Hayes, the garage building on Lake Shore Dr. which his business has been occupying for the past few years.

1945 - Feb 14 - Sandard Oil Co. to Alva R. and Zella McKesson, west 50 feet of lot 15 and equipment north 15 feet of west 50 feet lot 16 Napp's Addition, Culver.

1955-1962 - Dick McClure Ford Sales
    1955 - Sep. 14 - New Ford Dealer
      Richard C. McClure - The A. R. McKesson automobile agency, second oldest Ford dealership in Indiana, on Sept. 1 was taken over by aggressive 24-year-old Dick McClure of Winamac. His father, the late Ray McClure, and his mother operated the Ford agency in the Pulaski county seat for more than a quarter of a century. Culver and Union Township wlecome this new young businessman to their midst and wish him every success

    1955 - Sep 28 - Dick McClure's Ford Open House Draws Big Crowds

1962- 1969 - Wicker Ford Sales - Ray Wicker


1969-1976 - Van Horn Ford-Mercury - 'Ron' Ronald & Connie VanHorn
    Ron began working for Wicker's in 1964. In Nov. 1969 he purchased the buisness from Wicker. Brothers Mike and Jon VanHorn were mechanics and a Mr. Keifer and a Ron Noel were salesman and Jon VanHorn eventually became a salesman also.

Ford - Mercury Has New Manager
    Ron VanHorn has assumed the dealership of the Culver Ford- Mercury Sales as of November 15.

    Mr. VanHorn resided in the Bass Lake area most of his life and has lived in Culver for three years. His wife is the former Connie Johnson of North Judson and they have two sons, Ronnie and Rick.

    Ron has been employed by the Ford Co. for five years, usually in the managing service department.

    The Culver community wishes Ron luck with his new business. 11 Dec 1969 - Citizen

    At The same time they also ran VanHorn Trucking company owniing their own semi-truck and also VanHorn trees and shrubs. Ron also served as a Culver Police Officer under Sam Madonna.

1976-1979 - Marshall Bros Ford-Mercury Inc
    It was not to long after they bought it that that built a new building at the corner of new St. Rd. 31 & St. Rd. 10 just outside of Argos and transfered all business to there. The news of it was found as follows:
      Marshall Bros. Ford And Mercury Moves To Argos

      Culver - Marshall Bros. Ford and Mercury, located for many years at 415 Lake Shore Drive in Culver, spent many long hours last weekend moving to its new location at the corner of St. Rd. 10 and U. S. 31 in Argos. This is the new location is also the site of Marshall Bros. RV Center.

      Genral Manager Ken Aemmer and his staff were busy last week moving new cars, used cars, service equipment, office equipment and parts to the new location.

      The foundation of the new building has been constructed and the building is to be installed in the comming months. The sales office will operate temporarily ont of the mobile office at the site. The service department will be temporarily located in the old Vanadco Sign Co. building on St Rd. 10 near the Argos Post Office.

      The Marshall Bros. Ford and Mercury agency serves both communities of Agros and Culver. The agency feels that the new location on U. S. 31 will better serve the many fine customers since it is located near the center of their dealership district. The same fine quality Ford Motor Co. products and service will be offered at the new location. - - Jan 4, 1979

1979 -1984 - 198? A & R Motors - Ron Tanner

The Mar 1st issue annouced the up coming "Grand Opening" at their new lcoation - 415 Lake Shore Dr.; they had been located at 103 Lake Shore Dr.

? - Feb. 1995_ - Society National Bank

1996, Mar. - Rosline L. Robarts
    While Robart's had it they leased it out and several businesses where in the front part, one being a Clicks Inn (1999), Guido's Pizza parlor & Sandwich shop - was to have been ran , managed or owned by Mark click and possibly Tony Jimenez had some type of investment into it and the back part of the building was was used as storage.

    While the library was being constructed and remodeled the library occupied most of the building as temporary quarters.

2003. Jan - Donald Robarts
    2005, Nov. - 'Larry' Lorenzo & Joette Surrisi
      2004 - City Tavern has opened to rave reviews. Local restaurateurs Jo and Larry Surrisi have done it again. Sleek atmosphere, excellent service, and fresh, innovative food. Enjoy.

    2007 - Jul 25 - Improvements surrounding the City Tavern Restaurant in downtown Culver may finally become a reality.
      At the Tuesday town meeting, the board voted unanimously to accept a plan presented by owner Larry Surrisi for sidewalk and curbing installation on Lake Shore Drive.

      Surrisi stated: One thing we didn’t have three years ago was experience. We have tried to work with the neighbors He indicated planned outside lighting would be of a landscape design which would be close to the ground and not on the side of the building. There are only 60 or so parking spaces along Lake Shore Drive. He also mentioned the speed at which some vehicles travel.

    2008, Jan -Donald C. Robarts Sr.

2008, Jan- 2008,Feb. - 'Larry' Lorenzo & Joette Surrisi
    It was refurbished and now is home of several business:
  • City Tavern / Culver's City Diner 2007- 9 Jan 2011 - 'Larry' Lorenzo Surrisi
    • 2004 City Tavern has opened to rave reviews. Local restaurateurs Jo and Larry Surrisi have done it again. Sleek atmosphere, excellent service, and fresh, innovative food. Enjoy.
  • 2008-2013 Mirar Custom Homes & Renovations/Mirar Development, Inc. Suite B

2011,Feb-2011,Mar - M & J Lakshore LLC
    The west end is to be a banquet hall -
      but in recent past weeks a bicyle was turned up side down in one of the windows - and lately if not mistaken the windows have been covered up
  • Gladie's deil
    • Gladie's deil is in the process of remodeling the far east side of the building... they have place 3 new windows on the side street side of the bulding. once remodeling is doen they will be moving from their downtown location at 108 N. Main st. with the move to this location they will add a baker and bakery items to their menu items. Also will be an extension of hour of broader variety. As int he past they will continue to offer catering.

      Note: - as of late 2013 this looks as if it is now defunct

2011-Mar-2012, Dec - North Lakeshore Holdings LLC

2012, Dec- 2014, Aug - M & J Lake Shore LLC - ? or Scotty Van Hawk of Four Feathers Racing?

2014, Aug- Jul 2020 - 27 Group Inc., The
    This building looks like to be totally vacant of any type of business as of now - the windows are sheeted up with brown paper and there is an 8 by 11 1/2 in white paper with about 1/2 of it written on.


    The defendants are believed to have an interest in real estate located at 415 Lakeshore Drive, Culver, Indiana 46511 that is alleged to be unsafe as set out in the allegations of a Complaint filed on August 15, 2018. Defendants must respond within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published... October 5,12,19 2018 CC250098

2019 - Jan 31 - Judge Palmer Request to Demolish 415 Lake Shore Drive
By Jamie Fleury, Culver Citizen
    Judge Curtis Palmer ruled in favor of the town of Culver to demolish the structure located at 415 Lake Shore Drive.

    Appearing on behalf of Culver was town manager, JOnathan Leict and Town of Culver Building Commissioner Chuck Dewitt; the town was represented by attorney James Clevenger.

    Evidence presented included that the structure has been unoccuied for more than four years, the roof has holes allowing water to leak inside the buildinf, there are holes in the walls and the structure has broken windows, and the doors and windows are not securley covered.

    Evidence of vandals and pests entering the structure was indicated; animal feces were found inside the structure. The foundation is cracked and deteriotating, psing a risk of collapse. Odor was among several other offenses listed.

    The building was found to be unrepairable and unable to restore to complaince with the Unsafe Building Law.

    The only remedy found was domolition.

    The court found the structure to be unsafe due to an impaired structure, fire hazard, hazard to public health, publice nuisance, vacant, and blighted, and maintained in such a manner that it is unfit for human habitation.

    The order was filed in open court on Jan. 22.

2019 - Oct 3 - Property is scheduled for Court of Appeals on Oct 28th at the Indiana Historical Society Attorney Clevenger is to appear on behalf of the town of Culver. Residents were ask to attend tho they would not be able to give input or ask questions, to show support for demolition of building

2019 - Oct 9 - Building caught on fire - the alarm was sounded around 4:42 p.m. Firefighters from Culver, Plymouth and Monterey were on scene at 5:15 p.m. to battled the fire
    There was mention that it was up for tax sale, by records seems last taxes paid was 2016 due in 2017 and as a result up for tax sale.

2019 - Oct 9 - Tax Sale Certificate held by Marshall county Commissioners

Litigation history of the property at 415 Lake Shore Drive
    A court order filed January 22, 2019 ordered that the defendants, named The 27 Group, Inc., Scotty Vanhawk aka Scotty Vanscoik and Katie Delacruz, demolish the unsafe building and remove all of the garbage and debris at the property on or before Feb. 28, 2019.

    An appeal was filed which ultimately resulted in an order for Culver Attorney Jim Clevenger to appear in the Court of Appeals of Indiana on behalf of the Town of Culver for an oral argument concerning the property.

    The oral argument is scheduled for Monday, October 28 at 1:30 p.m. (Indianapolis time) at the Indiana Historical Society the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center located at 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis.

    A complete summary of the court findings are a matter of public record. CAUSE NO. 50C01-1808-CC-000381.

2019 - Nov 15 - Council Approves Demoliton Bid
    Bids for clean-up were made
      Zehner Excavating, a base bid of $50,000.00
      Thomas Excavating & Welding bid on $87,700.
      National Construction Rentals, Asbestos remediation $2,763.24
      A & G Soulutions, Asbestos rmediation per 8 hour day $1,200.00

    IDEM requires a report showing no asbesto's in building; if asbesto's is found it has to be watered down and placed in a poly-lined dumpster

    Demolition would be within 30 days of awarding the contract. And was quoted one for the southwest corner which stands close to a structure and clean-up of the remainder of the building.

    The town attorney advised clean-up should wai unti the determination of the oral argument int he Indiana Court of Appeals that took place on Oct 28th.

    The council voted to move forward because the feel the area is a saftey issue for the general pubic. They accepted Zehner's bid and a efforts to recoup cost will be done through a real estate lien on the property at the time it is sold.

    The council also was warned that an additional appropriation will have to be advertised as the demolition quote is not available it the current line item budget. This will go before the council on Dec. 10.

2109 - Nov. 21 - Zehner's was approved pending inspection of the bid by the Culver Town manager * the Marshall county Building commissiont for complaiance of safe handling and removal of the debri. A & B was approved for proper asbestos disposal.

2019 - Dec 6 - Demolition of Culver property at 415 Lake Shore Drive affirmed By Jamie Fleury Culver Citizen Editor Dec 6, 2019
    CULVER — The Appellate Court of Indiana affirmed the trial court order for demolition of 415 Lake Shore Drive in Culver. A court order filed January 22, 2019 ordered that the defendants, named The 27 Group, Inc., Scotty Vanhawk aka Scotty Vanscoik and Katie Delacruz, to demolish the unsafe building and remove all of the garbage and debris at the property located at 415 Lake Shore Drive in Culver on or before February 28, 2019. An appeal was filed by the defendants which resulted in an order for Culver Attorney Jim Clevenger to appear in the Court of Appeals of Indiana on behalf of the Town of Culver for an oral argument concerning the property which was scheduled for Monday, October 28. A structural fire occurred on the property Wednesday, October 9. Clevenger appeared Monday, October 28 at the Indiana Historical Society the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center to present the oral argument. Clevenger informed the Culver Town Council on Tuesday that the appellate court a ffirmed the demolition. Zehner’s Excavating was previously approved for their bid on the demolition of the property which is expected to start in December.

2020, Jul -2021, Aug - Foundation For Underprivledge Children Trust.

2020 - Dec 3, 10, 17 - NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE
      By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marshall County, Indiana, in Cause No. 50001-2005-CC-000l 31

      wherein Town of Culver, Indiana was the Plaintiff and The 27 Group, Inc.; The 27 Group, Inc. as Assignee of M&J Lakeshore, LLC, Scotty Van Hawk,

      Treasurer of Marshall County, Indiana and Jason Frazier were the Defendants,

      requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and costs, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 26th day of January, 2021 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Marshall County Sheriff's Department, the fee simple the whole body of Real Estate in Marshall County, Indiana. Lots Numbered Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in Knapp's Addition to the Town of Culver City, Marshall County, Indiana, EXCEPT the West 50 tee thereof. Also, the West 50 feet of Lot Numbered Fifteen (15) and the North 15 feet of the West feet of Lot Numbered Sixteen (16) in Knapp's Addition to the Town of Culver City, Marshall County, Indiana. More commonly known as: 415 Lakeshore Drive, Culver, Indiana 46511
      Parcel No.
      50-21-16-303-083.000-014; and
      50-21-1 E-303-084.000-014

      Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. If the sale is set aside, the Purchaser may be entitled to only a return of the sale deposit less any applicable fees and costs and shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's Attorney.
    • Matthew K. Hassel, Sheriff of Marshall County
    • Union Township 415 Lakeshore Drive Culver. Indiana 46511
    • James N. Clevenger Wyland, Humphrey. Clevenger & Surris, LLP 319W. Jefferson St. Plymouth, IN 46563
    • December 3,10,17, 2020 CC9297 hspaxlp

extended to 22nd day of June 2021 was online at www zeusauction .co

2021 - Jul 22 - 415 Lakeshore Drive Sale Could Pave Way for Culver Unsafe Building Fund July 22, 2021 Author Michael Gallenberger
    The recent sale of 415 Lakeshore Drive could help jumpstart an unsafe building fund for the Town of Culver. The town had to tear down what was left of the former City Tavern building after a fire in October of 2019. The proceeds from last month’s sheriff’s sale will reimburse the town’s demolition costs and other charges....

    The fire at 415 Lakeshore Drive remains under investigation by a grand jury, and authorities are asking for the public’s help in locating a person of interest, Scotty Van Hawk, 50. While there hasn’t been a charge in connection with the fire, Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman said last week that the case goes “beyond arson.”

2021 - Aug 6-2022,Sep - BRYWAL REAL ESTATE LLC

2022 - Apr 19 - NOTICE OF HEARING
    The Culver Planning Commission has scheduled a Public Hearing on an application to rezone to PUD (Planned Unit Development) from the current zoning of C-2 (Commercial) the following parcels: Marshall County Parcels ID #502116303081000014,
    located at 415 E Lakeshore, for the purpose of converting property from a C-2 to a PUD.

2022 - May 24 - Was rezoned from comomercial to Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Orodinance 220222-003
2022,Sep - Mirar Custom Homes Inc.

2022 - The Lofts

KNAPP ADD LOT 15 W 50' - Vacant lot