430 Vandalia St. aka 303 Winfield Street
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Esther Powers - subdivided this off into 2 properties -
Was original a part of Willow Point
303 Winfield St. now 430 Vandalia
back about 1969 - .- Willow Point
over the years.
This area was Railroad property and town access to the lake till the
Railroad went bankrupt and sold the right-of-way
Also a pier was at the end of Winfield St for people of the neighborhood for swimming and
for the neighborhood fishermen to dock their
fishing boats there
Ted Strang he lived on winfield just a couple doors up on the south side
David Burns were among them
1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad
track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased
the right-of-way between their property and the lake.
Maxinkuckee West Side Property Owners, Inc. was formed to procure and buy
up the railroad prperty along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee from Plymouth St.
to the end of South Street ending at West Shore. Dr.
This home and had an access driveway off of Winfield and well as the old one to "Cherry Villa" and
"Willow Point" from Mill Street. To build the house on the lot she had two very large willow trees
cut down.
The access was finally changed to just Vandalia St.
1969- May 1989 - Esther S. (nee ?), Powers Wampler) Miller (Mrs. Ward)
She had built in 1969.
1974 - Lloyd E Wampler
1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad
track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased
the right-of-way between their property and the lake.
Maxinkuckee West Side Property Owners, Inc. was formed to procure and buy
up the railroad prperty along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee from Plymouth St.
to the end of South Street ending at West Shore. Dr.
May 1989- Jul 2005 - Stuart E. & Patricia J. Warren
Jul 2005- Oct 2006 - Patricia J. Warren
Oct 2006 - 2022 - Thomas H. and Mary E. Story
PRT W1/2 NW1/4:COM W1/4 COR E1030.15' - 430 VANDALIA ST
Part of the west half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 32 North, Range 1 East,
City of Culver, Marshall county, Indiana, described as follows: Comminecing at a found iron rod
located at the intersection of the centerline of Winfield Street and the Westerly right-of-way
line of the Penn-Central Railroad (now abandoned) in said City of Culver ; thence North 12-50-07-
West (recorded bearing) 73.11 feet along said Westerly right-of-way line to a point of curvature;
thence along a curve to the right with an arc dixtance of 6.35 feet, a radius of 1959.50 feet,
and a chord bearing and a distance of North 12-44-25 West, 6.35 feet to the point of beginning
of this description; thence alongs a curve to the right with an arc distance of 121.60 feet, a
radius of 1959.60 feet, and a chord bearing distance of North 1-54-50 West, 121.58 feet; thence
North 80-51-06 East 99.40 feet to a found iron rod on the Easterly right-of-way line of said railrod;
thence South 85-01-39 East 96.85 feet to the shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee; thence South
89-17-46 West 155.98 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO an easement 5 feet in wideth for
driveway purpose described as follows: Commencing at the Southw corner of the above described
tract 52.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 89-17-46 East 60.00 feet;
thence South 0-42-14 East 6.00 feet; thence South 89-17-46 West 60.00 feet; thence North
0-42-14 West 5.00 feet to the point of begining.