Built by Jacob Larson. Put into service during the 1880's. The only double decker steamboat.
1889 - Aug 2 - It is said that next-year it is probable that there -will be a new double-deck
steamer on Lake Maxinkuckee with a capacity of four or flve hundred. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1889 - Dec 3 Capt, Oliver Crook has gone to Chicago to purchase an engine and boiler and an entire
new outflt for the new pleasure steamer, which is in course of construction at Lake Maxinkuckee -
Logansport Pharos Tribune
1889 - Dec 12 - Mrs. Lord, relict
of the late Capt. Lord of Maxinkuckee, has lately been in Chicago negotiating for a new outfit of
machinery for her new steamboat new building, which is to consist of a double engine and Clyde boiler,
costing $2,000 The craft will have a double deck, and be 60 feet long by 13 feet in width. She hopes
to be able to launch the vessel by April 15 next. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1890 - Feb 27 - New Boat For Maxinkuckee - Mrs. R. K. Lord of Maxinkuckee, is building a new steamboat, which
will be sixty feet long, double decks. The machinery is to consist of a double engine and Clyde marine
boilwe, government test. She will be ready to launch the vessel on the lake by May 15 - Logansport
Pharos Tribune.
From the Chattel Mortgages Book 5 Marshall County, Indiana comes:
Mortgagor | Mortgagee | Date | Amount | Description |
Lord, Emma E. | Willard, Chas. P. & Co. | 31 Mar. 1890 | 875.00 | Steam boat |
Lord, Emma E. | Crook, Oliver | 10 Nov. 1890 | 1,000.00 | Steam boat |
Lord, Emma E. | Schmidt, Harold | 25 July 1891 | 1,800.00 | Steamboat "Aubbeenaubee" |
1890 - May 24 - D. A. Hauk is engraving a silver plate for the new steamer Aubbeenaubbc, to be
launched on next Tuesday at Maxinkuckee. It contains the following inscription: "Steamer
Aubbeenaubbee, built by Jacob Larson, Marmount, Ind.; May 27th, 1890. Mrs. Capt. Lord, owner."
1890 - May 21 - The New double decked steamer Aubeenaube, recently built for Mrs. Captain
Lorn, will be lauched with considerable pomp and ceremony on Thuesday, May 27. Hon. S. L.
McFadin, a personal friend of the Indian Chief Aubeenaufee, will be present and deliver an
address appropriate tot he occasion. There will be music by the band, and a grand ball in the
evening at the
Ohmer House
whihc has been leased by Mr. Lord. "The Aubeenaubee" is entirely new and is the largest and finest
boat on the lake. It is a double-deck propeller, finely finsihed throughout, and has a capacity sufficient
to carry three hundred people. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1890 - May 12 - Lake Maxinkuckee's New Steamer
Lake Maxinkuckee will have a new steamer.
This will be welcome news to the host of people who go to this pretty litte lake, even to
spend a few days during the hot summer months.
The new steamer is a double deck propeller, with a capacity for carryign 300 people. It is
handsomely finsihed, very complete in all its details and was built especially form Mrs.
Lord, the proprietres of the Ohmer house near the lake.
The boat bears the romatic name of "Aubeenaubee", being named after the Indian chief
It will be launched on Tuesday, May 27, with considerable pom,p and ceremony. A band of
music will be present, and the addres made by Hon. S. L. McFadden, of Logansport, the
festivites ending with a grand hopp in the evening at the Ohmer House. - South Bend
1890 - May 27 - Mrrs Lord's New Boat (Democrat)
The new double decked steamer Aubeenaubee, recently built for Mrs. Captain Lord, will
be launched with considerable pomp and cetemony on Tuesday, May 27, Hon. S. L.
McFadden, of Loganpsort, a personal friend of the Indian Chief Aubeenaubee, will be
present and deliver an address appropriate to the occasion. There will be music bn the
band and a grand ball in the evening at the Ohomer house which has been leased for the
season by Mrs. Lord.
"The Aubeebaubee" is entirely new, and is the largest and finest boat on the lake. It is
a double-deck properller, finely finished throughout, and has a capacity sufficient to carry
three hundred people. - Argos Reflector
1890 - May 26 - To-morrow promises to be a big day it Lake Maxinkuckee, on the occasion of
the launching of Mrs. Capt. Lord's big double-decked steamboat. Aubbeenaubbee. Gen. Manson
and many other distinguished gentlemen will be present to witness the ceremonies. Mrs. Lord is a
worthy widow lady, and deserves success for her untiring energy in getting up something interesting
and useful for the citizens and visitors to the lake. Major McFadin will make the speech and give
the old Indian Pottawottamie war whoop that will make the hair stand on your heads. Fare only $1
round trip.
1890 - May 27 - "AUBBEENAUBBEE"
Christening the New Steamer A Hitch in the Progamming
Large Crowd— beautiful Day.
About siixty Logansport people boarded the train yesterday morning for Lake
Maxinkuckee to witness the launching of Mrs. Lord's new steamer, "Aubbeenaubbee,"
and attend the ball at the Ohmer house last night.
Prominent among the the Logansport delegation were Mr. N, B. Barron and Major McFaddin.
the latter delivered the address of the occasion, in which he gave a brief history of the once
noted chief, and the boat was christened by Miss Julia Grover, daughter of Mr. John B. Grover,
of this city, who broke a bottle of wine over the bow. Gen. Hanson, of Crawfordsville, was
present, and proposed three cheers for Mrs. Lord, Capt. Crooks, the boat,its builder and engineer.
A band was present from Plymouth and discoursed sweet music during the exercises.
There was an unavoidable hitch in the programme on account of the boat becoming fastened as
it was being launched, but the entire programme was carried out and the trip around the lake
made in another vessel belonging to Mrs. Lord.
A delightful dinner was served by Mrs. Lord at the Ohmer, and the ball last night was highly enjoyed
by all. Steinhart's orchestra furnished the music.
The new steamer was successfully launched today. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1890 - May 28 - The Launching -
A galla day at Lakle Maxinkuckee Christening Aubeenaubee
One of the most beutiful days of the backward spring lent its aid to make the occasion of
Mrs. Lord's new steamer at Lake Maxinkuckee a pleasurable Affiar.
ABout fifty people from Logansport took advantage of the bright day and excursion rates.
Lake Maxinkuckee never looked more beautiful than it did yesterday when it burst into
view from the train.
The reception of the excursionist by Mrs. Lord at the Ohmer house was a warm welcome
supported by a substanial meal that was partaken of by the crowd with much relsih as the
noon hour and the train arrived at the same time.
A crowd from Plymouth heased by the band came in later.
The new boat Aubeenaubee was built by Jacob Larsen, a scientific boat builder who can
well fell proud of his work.
The boat was built on the edge of Culver park and the launching was prepared to take
place there.
At half past two o'clok the ropes were cut and amid the music by the Plymouth band
and the tooting of te whistles the boat moved slowly down the slide, but just as it
was faining impetus it stopped and could not be budged by any power at hand.
Major S. L. McFadin the orator of the day was then forced to christen the boat as it
He introduced Muss Julia Groves who broke the bottle of wine over the bow and the
boat was named Aubeenaubee after the old Indiana chief.
Major McFadin then delivered a very elequent address, speaking og the early Indians that
inhabited this country and particularly of Aubeenaubee the Chief of the tribe that was
foremly located near the lake.
He exhibited a number of relics of Indian workmanship, the most notable being the
ugly hunting knife with which Aubeenaubee was killed by his son.
The speech was listened to with close attention by the crowd and applauded at various
The Major paid a very fitting compliment to Mrs. Capt. Lord and her enterprise in
building such a fine boat. Their cheers were given to the lady, Capt. Crook, Jacob
Larson and others conneceted with the success of Aubeenaubee, and the day
closed a success in spite of the fact that the new boat would not slide into the water
as smoothly as was wanted.
Mrs. Capt. Lord is the owner of a beutiful vessel, a doublte dekcer capable of holding
many people, and there is no doubt that her boat will do a great business this season.
THe ball in the evening was a very enjoyable close of the event.
Later: A gentleman who stayed for the festivities of the evening stated that the boat
was successfully launched at 9 o'clock and a pleasant ride given everybody around the lake.
- Logansport Register
1890 - Aug 2 The excursionists enjoyed a ride on the new double-decked steamer, Aubbeenaubbe,
owned by Mrs. Lord and captained by Dick Crooks, of this city. This boat is commodious and elegantly furnished,
and under the able management of Mr. Crooks - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1893 - Jun 28 - The Maxinkuckee steam boat Aubeenaubee, has been provided with with an
electric head light. - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1894 - Apr. 13 - The Aub-bee-aaub-bee steamer has been launched, and is having her upper
deck taken off and the seating capacity increased by the addition of a row of seats on the lower
deck. It will carry as many passengers as formerly, and will not be so top-heavy - Logansport Pharos Tribune
1896 - May 1 - M. F. Mosher, Culver City’s celebrated boat builder, is on the east side of the lake, making extensive
repairs on the steamer Aubbenaubee. This magnificent boat will be repainted, and placed in exellent condition for the season's work
1896 May 9 Steamers at Maxinkuckee....The Aubeenaubee, Mrs, Lord's boat, has been thoroughly overha uled.
- Logansport Pharos Tribune
1896 - May 22 - The Aubbenaubbee and the new “Peerless” have been painted in a most artistic mauner and they now
present a magnificent appearance - 22 May 1896
1896 - Jul 3 - The Aubbenaubee has always been noted for its superiorty as to safety and its excellence in rapidity of movement; but since
there has been added improvements in her machinery she will now be as a trim a craft as floats the broad and limpid waters
of Lake Maxinkuckee. Among other improvements there has been attached a steam condenser. Mrs. Lord is the proprietress
of this stanch little steam boat, and Captain Crook stands proudly at the helm as she majestically glides over the waters of the lake.
1896 - July 17- Wednesday the Steamer Aubbeenaubbee was unfortunate enough to break her rudder, which laid her up for repairs a short time
1896 - Aug 14 - Logansport Pharos Tribune is found:
Occurred This Week at Lake Maxinknckee — Piers Washed Away.
One of the severest storms that ever visited Lake Maxinkuckee, Is said to have occurred Thursday. In
less than ten minutes after the first approach of the storm, the lake was turned Into a raging sea, and
those who were out in boats started quickly for land.
The steamer Aubbeenaubbee was caught in the center of the lake, with Jonas Smith in command,
who, though but a boy, kept his ship headed toward the storm and. although, it looked serious, the boat
was safely moored alongside her dock. ...
From the Chattel Mortgages Book 5 Marshall County, Indiana comes:
Mortgagor | Mortgagee | Date | Amount | Description |
Lord, Emma E. | Morris, Edmund | 22 Mar. 1897 | 4,000.00 | Steamers "Peerless" & "Aubbenaubee", all belongings, piano |
Lord, Emma E. | Forgy, Geo. B. | 14 Mar. 1898 | 360.00 | Naptha launch, steamers "Peerless", "Aubbenaubee" |
Lord, Mrs. E. E. | McAllister, Elmer A. | 6 July 1901 | 21.91 | Steambts "Aubbenaubee" & "Peerless |
Crook, Oliver | Lord, Emma E. | 23 June 1902 | 7,000.00 | Steamboats "Aubbeenaubee" & "Peerless", launch "Dewey" |
Crook, Oliver | Lord, Emma E. | 10 Sept. 1902 | 2,300.00 | Steamboats "Aubbeenaubee" & "Peerless", launch "Dewey |
1897 - May 21 - The steamer Aubbeenaubbe is being thoroughly overhauled and repaired.
1897 - June 11 - The steamer Aubbeenaubbee is receiving a new coat of paint and otherwise being repaired.
1898 - Aug 12 - The Maxinkuckee pier which was p ulled out of ;ine while drawing out the Aubbeeuaubbee will be placed in
proper position as soon as possible... B. H. Rassner has given the h ull J of the Aubbeeuaubbee a new coat of paint...
Granville, York is chief engineer in repairing the Aubbeeuaubbee. She will receive a new wheel
Was sold by Mrs. Lord in 1902 to
Oliver Crook. and used
until 1915 another source says 1918.
1902 - Jul 3 - Maxinkuckee Stemers sold - (SPecial to the Indianapolis News) Culver, Ind. July
3 - Mrs. R. K. Lord has sold the Lake Maxinkuckee steamers Peerless and Aubbeenaubee to
Captain Oliver Crook, a nephew of General Crook, the famous Indiana fighter. Much of the
popularity of Lake Maxinkuckee is due to Mrs. Lord, who began running steamers thirteen
years ago, - Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana)
1902 - Jul 10 - Mrs. R. K. Lord of Culver has solde her fine line of steamboats to Captain
Oliver Crook who has had charge of the boats for the past ten years. - The Weekly
Republican (Plymouth, Indiana)
John Bigley wrote of the Aubeenaubee:
The only double-decked steam launch to ply the waters of the lake was the majestic, placed into service shortly after
the coming of the railroad. It was built for Captain R. K. Lord who skippered it until his death in 1889. It was then under the command of
Captain Oliver Crook, a famous skipper who had sailed the waters of Lake Michigan as a commander. It was 70' long and accommodated 200 to 300 passengers. Later this launch was converted to a single decked boat and was in use until
1915. It featured a high grade piano.
1900 Oliver Crook b. Feb. 1855 Indiana; he was listed as manager of Steamboat and in his household was James Smith
born March 1877 Indiana and as Captain of Steamboat.
1900 - Jun 1 - he steamer Atibbeenaubbee has been thoroughly overhaled and repaired
by Capt. Morris, Culver ’s celebrated boat builder, and is now in first class condition. - Culver Herald
Beached November 19__ between the Palmer and Lake View Hotel and taken apart.