Ralph K. Lord and Emma Lord Steamer Empire
Ralph K. Lord
and Emma Lord built an empire of steamers which she cointinued to
oversee after her husbands deat with the help of
Capt Oliver Crook.
1884 - W. R. McKeen AKA "Flora"
1890 - May - Aubbeenaubbee
1897 - Peerless, Emma Lord purchased from Capr. Ed Morris
April 1898 - Built by Capt. Morris for
Lord. It replaced the Peerless & Aubbeenaubbee. Naptha Launch
1898 - Apr 15 - New Boat. - Mrs. R. K. Lord's beautiful naphtha launch appeared
upon the lake Monday in full running order and is a gem of the first water and can
carry about 25 people. It was built by Capt. Morris and will be used for the spring
traffic in place of the large steamers Auhbeenaubbee and Peerless. During the summer
season it will be used by private parties, who desire to ride upon the crystal waters
of Lake Maxinkuckee without being in the company of strangers. The boat was christened
"Culver" which will be very appropriate. This will make three magnifieent boats now in
the possession of Mrs Lord, which are absolutely the peers of all boats upon resort
lakes in the country. The steamers Aubbeenaubbee and Peerless are now receiving a new
coat of paint aud will soon appear in public resplenden in their beauty.