Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Bradley Hotel (508 & 525 Lakeshore)

There were indeed 2 Bradley hotels! one at 508 Lakeshore & and the other at 525 Lakeshore . One rran by Daniel A. Bradley and the other by his son Edwin J. Bradley. Both buildings were demoilshed in later years to make way for newer buidlings. New articles give the clues to the 2 Bardley Hotels locations - the INFMOUS "1 block west of the depot" is the hindrance for clarity.... one must remember that the original Vandalia depot which burnt in 1920 sat in the middle of the town park between the now present depot built in 1925 and the noew present beach lodge. Thus both hotels was indeed "1 block west of the depot" no numbering system existed for buildings in Culver till 1925. 1888 - Meat Market / ?Hotel? - by Fred Keppler of Logansport and was demolished in March 1933 to erect a Phillips 66 gas station and later was the Shell Gas station. It was located on the Northeast corner of Lakeshore Drive and State Street

1889 - D. A. Bradley - Bradley Hotel

    the Biography on his father Daniel A. Bradley States:

    At this place he purchased a place formerly owned by Celia Van Schoiack, and for two years conducted a hotel opposite the location now occupied by his son in the same line of business
      1928 - Oct 24 Former resident Dies - Mrs. Celia VanSchoiack, of Los Angles, passed away of cancer, October 10. The VanSchoiaks were in business here for several years but moved away 27 years ago

    1896 - May 8 Wanted, at the D. A. Bradley restaurant, immediately, a first-class woman cook also to assist in general house work. Good wages paid to right party. D. A. Bradley

    1896 - Sep 8 - On account of failing health I want to sell or rent my entire business consisting of a grocery and restaurant with butcher shop in connection, also good barn. Posession will be given at once, excepting the butcher shop, that will be given the 1st of April 1897. A small stock of goods, fixtures etc., for sale at a bargain Call on or address, D. A. Bradley, Marmont, Ind.

    1897 - Mar 19 - Mr. D. R. Avery, of South Bend has bought out D. A. Bradley and will start business in earnest. He will put in a fine line of groceries and conduct a first class restaurant.

    1897 - Oct 29 - Nearly a year ago, D. R. Avery moved to this city from South Bend, and took possession of what was known at that time as Bradley’s restaurant and grocery... This is most likely the building that sat at what is now 508 Lakeshore drive as on the far left one can see the rear of another building which would of been the Lakeside. David R. Avery in chair on porch, two children are Ross Avery & Howard Leon Avery, Mattie Avery on left on upper level.

    A Lie Nailed.
      Mr. Editor.— I understand that Mr. D. R. Avery is reporting that when my husband sold him his business three years ago, he agreed not to return to Culver .

      Now we pronounce this a prevarication of the deepest lie, as no such an agreement was ever made.

      We rented the store building to Avery for one year with the privelege of holding it two years if he desired.

      But he did not desire to retain the buildiug, hence we moved into it.

      This is a free country, and it seems a little hard to be censured for occupying one’s own property.

      We desire to live peacably, but do not care to be lied about. - Mrs. D. A. Bradley. Jun 29, 1900 Culver Herald

    1903 - May 7 - Daniel Bradley has rented the Kreuzberger building and will keep the same in connection with his present hotel and restaurant business

    And as indicated by this business card had much earlier connecetions with the Kreuaberger Hotel - sometime before October 25th, 1895 when the towns name was changed to Culver from Marmont

    1903 - June 4 - Daniel Bradley is going to put in a new cement walk in front of his business block and contemplates putting a new roof on his porch

    1903 - June 11 - Dan Bradley is putting in an eight foot cement walk in front of his business block.

    1904 - May 5 - Wanted Girl or middle age woman to work in hotel address D. A. Bradely & son Culver, Indi

    1904 - Nov 11 - Dissolution Notice
      Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between the undersigned as D. A. & Son has this day ne have dissolved by mutal consent. All accounts due the late firm will be collected by EdwinJ. Bradley, and all accountys due from the firm will be paid by him he succeeding said firm in business

      D. A. Bradley,
      E. J. Bradley

    from a Biography on Edwin J. Bradley states:

      Mr. Bradley was in business with his father for two and a half years, after which he assumed the independent hotel venture, in which he has been so successful. His house contains thirteen rooms, is well-arranged, modern in equipment, and Mr. Bradley and son are erecting an annex to their hotel, dimensions being twenty-eight by one hundred feet, for the purpose of placing therein one of the most approved bowling alleys found in the state, at a cost of $3,000.

      They are gentlemen of much business ability, and the excellent location of their property, within a short distance from the Pennsylvania depot and the banks of the beautiful Maxinkuckee lake, will make their resort one of the most popular in the vicinity of the lake.

      Their guests will find these gentlemen and the attaches of the hotel most courteous at all times. Besides the hotel, they keep in stock the best brands of cigars, tobaccos, candies, fruits, ice cream and all soft drinks. We bespeak for them signal success in their business.

    After this break-up it seems that Daniel A. Bradley also still took roomers on at his own residence as this was found in th Apr 4 1907 citizen

      1907 - Apr 4 - D. A. Bradley is building a large lunch room on his property near the Vandalia station. It will be about 23X44 and will cost upwards of $600. Mr. Bradley found his home accomodations in such demand last season by vistiors that he has conculded to enlard his facilitied fro handling both transient and permanent trade

    In the 1905 Directory for Culver (title etc. unknown) - is listed:
        Bradley Hotel - One Blk. W of Vandalia Depot P.O. Box 88 TE.-4 - E. J. Bradley, Prop.

    1906 - Restaurant - by the 1906 Sanborn Map which shows a large building divided into 2 stores.

    1906 - Jul 19 - For Sale or exchange - A hotel and restaurant. Property good for any business. add. Bradley Hotel

    1906 - Jul 19 - It is no more than due to the management of the Bradley hotel to state that no charge was made against Mr. Leaf for the service rendered during the three days

    1906 - Sep 20 - Fred Weaver and Wife, who have been running the Bradley hotel this season, returned to Chicago Tuesday

    1907 - Jun 27 - Fireworks! Fireworks! - E. J. Bradley at the Bradley hotel will have the only stock of fireworks in town this year. A large and complete stock, including blank cartridges and at fair prices.

    1907 - May 2 - D. A. Bradley to E. J. Bradley part outlot 4 Toner's add., Culver $2300

    1908 - Jan 16 - Seely L. VanSchoiack has sol to Ed Bradley the lot adjoing the Brabley hotel on the west for $450. Bradley will erecr a building 28 X 100, one story high, to be used as an amusement resort. He had comtracted with the Brunswick company for two bowling alleys and tow pool tables and as soon as the weather permits wiill commence laying the foundation for the construction of a fram building. The entire incestement will represent between $2,500 and $3,000.

    1908 - Sep 17 - D A Bradley is having all buildings treated to a fresh coat of white paint

    1909 - June 3 0 Brabdley's Souvenir Store....Hotel and Restaurant in connection...

    1911 - Aug. 24 - Mrs. Emma P. Smith of South Bend, who is housekeeper in charge of the Bradley Hotel during Mrs. Ed Bradly'e sickness, has an interesting lineage. She is the great franddaughter of Marion Redding who history says died in George Washington's arms immediately after crossing the Delaware, and she is the granddaugher of Rev. Philip Redding, a pioneer methodism, who preached to the Indianas in Northern Indiana and Southern ichigan before there was a church in the territory. Mrs. Smith was a nurse in the Civil and Spanish-American wars and wears the badge of the Red Cross society.

    1911 - Nov. 9 - Boys Had Some "Fun"... Some Fellows, said to be known, out on a spree Mondayd night, perpetrated several mischievous jons wich may get them into trouble... A section of the fence along the high walk east of the Bradley hotel was torn down.

    1914 - Restaurant & Rooms by the 1914 Sanborn Map

    1914 - New Barber Shop - I have cpened a two-chair shop in the east room of the old Bradly hotel, and will be pleased to see all my old frienda and customerys in my new location - E. A. Poor.

    1915 - Mar 18 - Mr. Leighty is giving the old Bradely hotel a fresh coat of white paint

    1917 - May 9 - W. H. Leighty has traded the former Bradley Hotel property and the cottage in the rear to Frank and Ira McLane for *their 65-acre farm near South Bend. Mr. Leight and his family leave his week for the new home. He expects to use th land largely for garen stuff. The McLanes will rent the hotel property.

    1917 - Jun 20 - The Bradley Hotel is to be reopened. Mrs. Oberlin. daughter of Elias Jones, has rented i t.

    1918 - Mar - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burkett had left the Chadwick and opened the Bradley Hotel

    1919 - Jan 15 - A small roof fire at the Bradley Hotel building, occupied by Richard Burkett, was put out with bucketts before theapparatue reached there this morning

    1919 - Aug 13 - Mrs Richard Burkett left about two weeks ago presumably for her parents home in Virginia and 'Dick' hiked out a few days later for parts unknown. The Bradley hotel is being run by the Blacks, who were employed by the Burketts

    1919 - 0ct 29 - New Hotel Management - Henry Hass, recently of the Bay View has taken over the Bradley hotel which Dick Burkett has been running for the past year.

    1919 - Nov 12 - D. A. Bradley & son have dissolced partnership. The hotel business will be conducted by Edward Bradley

    1920 - Jun 23 - C. C. Boblett, until recently chef at the academy, has bought Mrs. Frank McLane's interest in the old Bradley Hotel property and will take over the management of the house which was vacated no to long ago by Mr. and Mrs Haas who went to the Bay View

    1920 - Jul 21 - Hotel Bradley becomes Chasnelle, The Ad states : Now open - throughly equiped and renovated, the former Bradley Hotel, hereafter to be known as "The Chasnelle"...