Paramount Hotel 504-525 LakeShore Dr
AKA the Bradley Hotel,
1924 - The Sanborn Fire Map labels it as the Chasnelle - this is labled as
Chasnelle on the Sanborn fire map.
David Burns also said this was known as the Paramont Hotel which is confirmed by the Jul 1925 Citizen
Announcement name of the Chasnell Hotel has been changed to that of Paramount Hotel...
management remains the same... Mrs. A. McLochiln, prop |
1925, Jul 29 - Announcement name of the Chasnell Hotel has been changed to that of Paramount Hotel...
management remains the same... Mrs. A. McLochiln, prop
1925 - Sep 2 - For Rent - Furnished or unfurnished cottage. Inquire Paramount Hotel
For Sale Doors With and without glass. Inquire Paramount Hotel.
1925 - Oct 28 - For Sale - Paramount Hotel Mrs. A. M. McLochlin, Culver, Ind.
1926 - Feb. 10 - Builder of Paramont Hotel, Dies in Logansport
Mr Fred Keppler, age 81, died at his home in Logansport last Sunday after an illness of several months
duration. Furneral services were held yesterday and burial was made in the Winamac cemetery.
Mr. Keppler was the builder of the building in the east part of town that now bears the
name of Paramount Hotel.
The structure went up just forty-five years ago [1888] and he ran a meat market therein
for some time the town was then known as Marmont.
He leaves a wife and one son.
The following also give information on the Paramont Hotel
The Shell American Pertoleum Company has purchased the lot at the corner of Lake Shore and
Liberty Street (sic State), which is opposite the Paramount hotel and owned by Dr.
C. L. Slonaker. - Jul 27 1927
1927 - Jul 27 - Paramount hotel and owned by Dr. C. L. Slonaker.
1926 - Apr 21 Mrs. A McLochlin has opened the Paramount for the summer. It will be under the
management of P. J. Smith, steward of New York Club
For rent - 4 room cottage rear of Paramont Hotel.
1926 - May 19 - Paramount Hotel Gets Interior Remodeling - During the past two weeks, the Paramount
Hotel has recieved some interior remodeling which will make the place much more attractive to visitors of
Culver. The rooms have been redecorated and hot and cold running water has been placed in each room.
Manager Smith is plannint further improvements during th coming summer months.
1926 - Jun 2 ad - Under new management - P. J. Smith, manager;
Mrs. A McLochlin, proprietor |
1926 - Jun 9 - Stove Explosion Causes Bad Burns For P. J. Smith
P. J. SMith was badly burned last Sunday morning at the Paramount Hotel when a combination gasoline
and oil stove exploded and threw the oil and flames on him.
It was only his quick work that saved him from being burned to death.
As it was, his body above his waiat and his left leg below the kneew was severely burned.
Mr. Smith is manager for the Paramount Hotel.
He was in the kitchen early to get things started for the day, when the stove exploded.
He has been suffering much pain for the last few days, but he is improving as well as could be
1927 - Mar 23 - For Rent - cottage in rear of Paramount Hotel. Mrs. A. M. McLochlin
1927 - May 25 - New Beauty palor opened at the Paramont May 27th - Mrs. Taylor, operator.
1930 - Mar 19 - Manager of the Paramont Hotel Died Sunday
Mrs. A McLohlin, manager of the Paramount hotel for several years died at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon
at the home of her daughter, 625 Broadway, Mishawaka. She was born in Kewanna in 1875, and is
survived by the following children: Angla Bottorff and Francis McLochlin of Olymouth, Mrs. Mary Harfy of
Mishawaka and Evonne McLoughlin at home. Five brothers, one sister and seven grandchildren also
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at St. Michael's church in Plymouth. Father Everyly
conducted the services. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.
1930 - May 21 - For Rent - Furnished apartments, Paramount Hotel Culver.
1931 - Nov 4 - BUYS LAKE HOTEL A transaction was completed las week whereby the Lake Hotel has
been sold by G. T. McCullough to H. H. Kemple. The McCulloughs are moving to Mishawaka.
1933 Mar. 15 - Work has been started in tearing down one of the landmarks of the town, the Paramount
Hotel, to make room for a $3,000 super service station to be built by Homer Kemple.
Kemple to Build Service Station
$3000 Service Station to Go Up on State and Lakeshore
Wrecks Landmark
Brick building to be Ready For Use in Two Months; to Handle Philips Products
Work has been started in tearing down one of the landmarks of the town, the Paramount Hotel,
to make room for a $3,000 super service station to be built by
Homer Kemple
The new station will be of brick and cement with a glass front featuring the exterior. A 60-foot
drive is planned so that motorist will have easy access to the service area.
It is expected that the structure will be ready for occupancy in about two months, but gasoline
pumps will be installed in about three weeks. Mr. Kemple plans to handle the weill know Phillip's 66
Mr. Kemple plans to leave the house at the rear of the hotel and to enlarge it for his home.
He is an experienced service station manager, havin been connected with the local Shell Station for
three and one-half years. Clifford Overmyer has been appointed manager of the Shell Station.
The Paramont Hotel, formerly known as the Chasnell, is about 45 years old [1888], and at one time
was one of the popular Hotels of the town.
1933, Mar 15 - For sale Old lumber and frame stuff. Homer Kemple, at Paramount Hotel