Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Blue Front  


1908 - Jan 16 - Seeley L VanSchoiach has sold to Ed Bradley the lot adjoining the Bradley Hotel on the west for $450. Bradley will erect a biulding 28X100, one story high, to be used as an amusement resort. He has contracted with the Brunswick company for two bowling alleys and two pool tables and as soon as the weather permits will commence laying the foundation for the construction of a frame building. The entire investment will represent between $2,500 and $3,000

Mr. Bradley and son are erecting an annex to their hotel, dimensions being twenty-eight by one hundred feet, for the purpose of placing therein one of the most approved bowling alleys found in the state, at a cost of $3,000.

1908 - Feb 13 - D. A. Bradley has taked a half interest with his son Ed in the new bowling alley and will assist in its management

Bowling Alley Not Used

1915 - Apr 29 - Harvey Kamp of Chicago has rented the Bradley bowling alley building and will fit it up for a theatre in which movies and vaudeville will be given.

1915 - Dec 26 - The Young men's Y have removed their club room to Bradley's Hall

1917 - Mar 22 - Henry Litzenberger has bought the Bradley hall and will open it as a bowling and box ball alley.

1920 - Dec 17 - For Rent Blue Front Dance Hall - See H. A. Listenberger 1923 - Mar 28 Will Open Bowling Alley --- E. E. Boblett, a brother of Chas Boblett of the Chasenlle hotel, has rented the dance hall formerly run by Billy Link and will open a bowling alley in about a month -
    To Whom it May Concern
    1923 apri 18-Mar 25 - - Anyone having anything stored in the building formerly used as a dance hall by Billy Link is hereby notified that I will not under any circumstances be responsible for anything left by former occupants. Unless arrangements are made by May 1; I will dispose of any property for storage. Address all repllies to E. E. Boblett care Chasnelle Hotel
1924 - "S"

1924 - Jan 16 - A. Fletcher has opened the pool and billiard hall just west of the Chasnelle which was formerly run by J. Listenberger.

1926 - Sep 15 - George Spangler has sold his interest in the Blue Front refreshment parlor, but retains his interest in the dance hall, which has won a deserved popularity.

1927 - Mar 27 - Henry Litzenberger Adds Oil, Gas Filling Station
    Automoile accessories, and an oil and gas filling station are the additions to his business that Henry Litzenberger has made at the Blue Front building.

    Work made necessary by the changes has been about completed and the new business will soon be ready to serve the public.

1930 - For Rent - Blue Front Dance Hall see H. A Listenberger

1931 - Dec 16 - Open Grocery Store - A grocery store has been opened by George Spangler and Fred Thompson in the Blue Front Store. They have been busy for the past week remodeling and stocking the shelves.

1934 - Sep - Buys Blue Front - Homer Kemple has bought the front half of Henry Lizenberger's Blue Front dance hall building (formerly bowling alley) which he will wreck and use the space for the enlargement of the driveway to his gasoline station