511 Cavalier Drive - Sandhill Farm
Section 17 History 1835-1922

12/27/1989 - Catherine M. Easterday
07/02/2002 - First National Bank of Monterey
2002,Jul-2016 Kevin L Berger
2015 - June 23 - There have been several status changes to Sand Hill Farm this Spring.
The first was the retirement of the County drainage easement through the property. It
was replaced by a new easement to the Town of Culver. This was part of the agreement
with the Town that saw the relocation of the storm drain from running diagonally across
the property to a new location along the property line. This also included removal of a
large area of brush and scrub trees which generally improved the property. The second
was the inclusion of Sand Hill Farm in the talks regarding Entry Level Housing for Culver.
2015 - Oct - Culver chooses site for
entry-level housing development
West Jefferson property voted for project to develop
more economically diverse apartments, houses
That a petition has been filed by Kevin L. Berger, 8886 State Rd 17, Plymouth to approve
a Special Use Variance at his 25 acre parcel located on State Rd 17 between Jefferson Street
and State Rd 10 for the construction of an apartment building.
Commencing at an aluminum cast county section marker at the Southwest corner of said
Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees, 49 minutes, 19 seconds East along the West
line of said quarter section (centerline of Thorn Road) a distance of 534.84 feet to
a railroad spike on the Westerly extension of the North right-of-way line of West
Jefferson Street in the Town of Culver; thence North 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds
east (record bearing) along said North line of West Jefferson Street a distance of
748.75 feet to a 5/8" iron rod; thence continuing North 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds
East on and along said north line of West Jefferson Street a distance of 103.07 feet to a
1/2" iron rod to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence North 01 degree, 47
minutes, 37 seconds East, 132.00feet to a 1/2" iron rod; thence North 90 degrees 00
minutes, 00 seconds East parallel with said North line of West Jefferson Street a distance
of 479.44 feet to a 5/8" rod on the East line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter;
thence North 01 degree, 01 minute, 35 seconds East on and along said East line a distance
of 990.37 feet; thence North 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West a distance of 1210.21
feet; thence South 01 degrees, 01 minutes, 35 seconds West a distance of 858.92 feet along
the east Right of Way on SR 17; thence North 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds West a
distance of 619.29 feet; thence South 01 degrees, 47 minutes, 37 seconds West a distance of
260.45 feet to a point on the north right of way line of West Jefferson Street; thence
North 90 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East a distance of 103.07 feet along said right
of way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Notices are being sent to the-petitioner and to the owners of property affected by the
petition... October 8, 15, 2015 cc21 93 hspaxlp
2016 - Jun 23 - Annexation for housing project amoung councils action... new
state rules won't allow entire property to be annexed... 13.66 acres from basis for the
project... the dawing shows plans for the Sandhill Farm propposed development on West
Jefferson. |
> |
2017 - Mar 29 - Culver Sand Hill Farm LLC 13.66 PART IN TOWN
COM AT SW COR SE1/4 TH N0-49-19E 534.84' TH N90E 748.75' TO
POB TH N0-43-67E 260.45' TH S90W 619.29' ETC - |
Kevin Berger 12.23 PART IN TWP COM AT SW COR OF NE1/4 TH N0-49-19E 534.84 TH N90E 748.75 AT
POB TH N0-43-57E 260.45 TH S90W 619.29 TH N0-40-36E 858.92 TH N89-51-53E 1210.21
TH S1-0135W 990.37 TH S90W 479.44 TH S1-47
Petition No: 2023-B101950
Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed by Kevin Berger to approve a variance of
usage for the property located at SR 17, Culver, IN 46511. The parcel number is 502117000045000013.
The petition requests a special use variance for a mini-warehouse development. Copy of this notice has been
sent to the petitioner and to the owners of properties affected
2023 - Jul 12 -
Culver Storage Solutions LLC
Sand Hill Farm
The Paddocks
The Culver Planning Commission has scheduled a Public Hearing on an application
for the creation of the Sand Hill Farm minor subdivision. The existing 13,66-acre
parcel is proposed for a subdivision into 3 lots, with approximate average size
014 acres per lot. The proposed subdivision is located at 511 Cavalier Drive in
Culver, Marshall County.....
June 20. 2019 TIME OF HEARING: Data: May 29, 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:
The Culver Planning Commission has scheduled a Public Hearingon an application
to rezone to PUD from the current zoning of S-i the following parcel, Marshall
County Parcel ID 8 502117403045002014, located at 511 Cavalier Drive in Culver,
for the purpose of building a 48-unit multi-family housing development, commonly
known as The Paddocks PUD.....