Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Carl Adams Jr.  

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams Jr. & Miss Virginia Tomkiewicz Bride of Carl Adams Jr.

    A two piece dress of romantice blue textured silk shantug was worn by Miss Virginia Pomkiewicz for her marriage Saturday to Carl Adams Jr.

    The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomiewicz of South Bend and Mr. Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams of South Shore Road Culver.

    The ceremony took place at 11:15 a. m. in St. Adalbert's Catholic Church with Very Rev. Ingnatius J. Gapezynski, the pastor, officiating.

    The altar was decorated with baskers of whire gladioli and white delphiniums. Organ music was played by Mrs. Adolph Wisniewski

    The blouson effect of the brides dress was achieved by a loosley gathered bodice to a comtoured waistband emphasizing the narrowness of the skirt. The bride wore a hat of pink and white flowers and carried a whitle orchid with lily of the valley on a white prayerbook. She was given in marriage by her father.

    Mrs. Leonard Cebulski, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, she wore a pink silk shantung sleeless sheath dress shaped into a matching jackey which tapered into a fitted waistline. Her has was of floweres in shaes of pinkand she carried a nosegay of roses. Leonard Cebulski was best man and usheres were Fred Adams and Wendell Jones their cousins.

    A worsted crepe suit in bahama blue enhanced by a matching hat with navy accessories was worn by the bride's motgwe. Her corsage was of pale pink sweeheart roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a brimmed flowered hat with a silk shantung dress in French vlue, fashioned with a jacket. Her corsage was also of pale pink sweetheart roses.

    Following the cermemony, dinner was serves in Alby's Steak House. The T=shaped table was centered with spring flowers

    Mr. and Mrs. Adams left afterwars for the Great Smokey Mountains and afeter June 1 they will live on South Shore Road Culver - 21 May 1958

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams Jr. Well known among a wide acquaintanceship of friends for the enthusiastic appreciation and love of countryside, Carl Adams Jr. and his wife Virginia H. Adams (1922-1983) resided for many years at 545 South Shore Drive on Lake Maxkincukee.

Carl Jr. and Virginia Tomkiewicz of South Bend met at Healthwin Hospital in the late 1930's. Miss Tomkiewicz was a medical secretary to the late Dr. Custer. The couple was married in South Bend in 1958.

Following a brief wedding trip they moved to the South Shore of Culver and soon built a new home there. Both were active in community affaird. Virginia was moost active in her church, Culver 's St. Mary's of the Lake. Not only did she participate in regular calendared services but also in special church sponsored community events and Health Care projects.

With her husband their active interest in the well being of family and associates and in area events is an inspiration to their wide acquaintanceship. Thier home, flower garden with profusely blooming roses, was a lake side attraction for many years.

A sports enthusiast Carl Adams Jr., son of Carl and Margaret Adams graduated from Culver High School. He was a member of the editorial staff of the Culver Citizen before he began a 26 year association with the State Exchange Bank in March 1954, as assistant vice president. He retired in 1980.