Elder F. Obenchain
1904 - Jun 23 - Almon P. Jenks
and wife to Elder F. Obenchain; lot in Union tp. $700
1904 - Jul 7 E. F. Obenchain of Loganpsort has purchased the A. P. Jenks cottage on
Long Point and has taken possession
County Treasurer Missing
Logansport Man Soid to Be $50,000 SHort.
COunty Treasure Frank Obenchain of Logansport, has been
missing for three weeks and Monday his bondsman placed
Jacob Guthried in charge pending an accounting. It is
known there is a large shortage which is extimated in the
neighborhood of $50,000. Obenchain, it is said, has been
heavily interested in Virginia oil companies. - Dec 15 1904
Quarter of a Million Short
A Misisng Indiana Treasurer Is a Big Defaulter
LOgansport, Ind., Dec. 15, - Elder Frank Obenchain, treasurer of Cass county has been
declared a defaulter. His thrity-six bondsmen have assumed charge of the office and
placed one of their number, Joseph Gutherie, in charge of the books and funds. It is
saind his deflacation may amount to #250,000
Obencohain hemselh has disappeared. He was at first thought to be in CHicago and his
relatives went to the home of Frank Rimpley, a CHicago musician, in the hope that Miss
Tillie RImpler, of this city, who was visiting her brother, cvould throw some light on
Obenchain's absence and his finanical entanlements.
Miss RImply convinced them she k new nothing. SHe returned to Loganspor this morning to
clear herself of suspicion. SHe had left Logansport a week ago, having been emplooyed in
the treasurer's office.
''Obenchain, it is said was the victiom of ooooverconfidence
in his friends.
Accoding to his bondsmen he got little or the missing funds, having loaned the money to men
who were organizing various companies. Securoties were found showing the ha had loaned
$13,000 to Wilson, umpheries & Co., a wholesale printing house that does much of the county
wowwrk and wished to reoorganize; $12,000 to the Miskimen Furnance COmpany, of which he was
made president; $7,000 to Senator J. G. Powell, who is completing a ditch in this county, and
like sums to others for similar ventures, with only personal security and charging no interest.
The bondsmen allege that Obenchain purchased $12,000 worth of city real estate, invested $5,000
in oil and gas companies in West Virginia and Indiana and loaned probably $15,000 to individuals on
presonal notes od hand. They are convinced that he tool little with him when he left. There is still
$54,000 of the county's money in the city banks.
SOme sources give the estimated complete defalcation at $250,000m but those in closest touch of the
affair places the amount at a much lower figure.
Obenchanin was a thrity-second degree Mason and a SHriner, an ELk and an Eagle and Knight of
During the last campaign he was the democratic county chairman. He had held the treasurership for
two terms, running far ahead of his ticket. Owen McGreevy, a republicanm was elected last
Novemebr to succeed Obenchain, although Obenchain, as chairman, bent every effort to elect the
democratic nominee in order to gain time to repace the funds it is alleged. - Sioux City, Iowa
16 Dec 1904
Shortage May Reach $150,000 - NY Times Dec 18, 1904
Dozen Bondsmen and Three Banks Prehaps Ruined by Fugitive Official
Speicial to the New York Times
Loganspport, Ind., Dec 18 - The shortage in the accounts of Elder Frank
Obenchain, Treasurer of Cass County, has proved so much more extensive
than at first supposed that it now threatens not only the bankruptcy of
his dozen bondsmen, but the financil ruin of three or four business firms.
It already has caused the appointment of a recveiver for the Milskimen
Furnance Company, fo which Obenchain was Treasurer, and a brief run on
three local banks.
His bondsmen have learned that in addition to having a shortage of $50,000
which the records show he advanced to private firms and individuals,
Obenchain had another shortage of $25,000, which he now is believed to have
taken with him when he fled.
HIs bondsmen will confer Wednesday to consider offering $100,00 reward for
Obenchain's arresst. The impression prevails that thediscrepancies will
reach $150,00.
Elder F. Obenchain the defaulting cass county treasurer may
yet may his indebtedness in full. Word was received that the
Cann Manington Oil CO. of which Obernchain owned nearly 2000
shares struck a 500 barrell well. If this proves true this
well alone will pay his indebtedness = Jan. 12 1905 Citizen
The commissioners of Cass county compromised with the bondsmen
of defaulting Obenchain at 50 cents on the dollar - Sept 21 1905
E. F. Obencahin by sheriff to Wickizer-Bondurant CO., 1/2 acre in
lot 3 in 21-32-1 $731 - Citiizen
Elder Franklin "Frank" Obenchain BIRTH 12 FEB 1867 Logansport, Cass, Indiana
DEATH 29 AUG 1942 Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand as William James Robertson
BURIAL Hillsborough Cemetery Hillsborough, Auckland Council, Auckland, New Zealand
son of Allen Stair Obenchain and Eliza Jane Obenchain
The death has occured of Mr. WIlliam James RObertson, aged 76, of 117 Mountain
Raod, Epson, born in Canada he c ame to New Zeland 38 years ago with one of
the first geological survey parties prospecting for petroleum and for the greater
part of his business career was assocoiated with the perroleum inducstry for a
number of years. Mrs. Robertson was Deputy Mayor of Dargaville. He is survived
by his wife and four children - Auckland Star Aug 31 1942
NOTE his change of idenity was found on Ancestry.
married 24 Apr 1888 South Bend, Indiana, Mary A Barnhart BIRTH
14 JUN 1865 North Liberty, St Joseph, Indiana DEATH 26 Apr 1958
Flora, Carroll County, Indiana BURIAL Highland Cemetery South Bend,
St. Joseph County, Indiana, daughter of John Naff Barnhart and Mary
J. Peffley Barnhart
Asks to Sell Home
Mrs. Obernchain Left in Beed by Her Fugitive Husband
Logansport Ind., Oct. 24 - FOrced through necessity to sell her little home
to provide for oheself and three children, Mrs. Mary A. Obenchain, wife of
Elder Frank Obenchain, the absconding treasurer of Cass county, who has not
been heard from since he left Logansport nearly two years ago, after looting
the county treasury of more than $60,000, has asked the Cass circuit court
for permission to oconvey the property without her husband;s consent.
The property consoists of a himble little home on the north side, and in her
petition she says she an oppertunity to dispose of it for $1,200.
The property has always been in her name and was not inclusded in the assets of
Obenchain, all of which were disposed of for the benefit of his bondsmen.
Mrs. Obenchoain maked affidavit that she knows n othing of the whereabouts of her
fugitive hisband. - The South Bend Tribune - 1906-10-24
Mrs. Mary A. Obenchain filed a bill in the circuit court for a decress from
Elder Frank Obenchain, claiming he abandoned her and their four children. The
COuple was married April 24 1888 and separated Dec. 3, 1904 - 16 Apr 1910
South Bend, Indiana
They had
Roland Ross Obenchain 1890–1961
Mildred M Obenchain 1892–1942
John Allen Obenchain 1894–1945
Edgar Thomas Obenchain 1900–1994
married 2nd 1907 Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand Ellen (Nell) Bridget Grayden 1877–1961
They had:
Allen Grayden James Robertson 1908–1988
Marie (Molly) Phyllis Robertson 1910–2014
Gladys Joan Robertson 1911–1993
Peter Franklin Robertson 1916–1995
1870 United States Federal Census
Name Elder F Obenchain
Age in 1870 3
Birth Date abt 1867
Birthplace Indiana
Dwelling Number 20
Home in 1870 Adams, Cass, Indiana
Race White
Gender Male
Post Office Logansport
Inferred Father
Allen Obenchain
Inferred Mother
Eliza J Obenchain
1880 United States Federal Census
Name Elmer F. Obenchain
Age 13
Birth Date Abt 1867
Birthplace Indiana
Home in 1880 Adams, Cass, Indiana, USA
Dwelling Number 26
Race White
Gender Male
Relation to Head of House Son
Marital Status Single
Father's Name Allen Obenchain
Father's Birthplace Virginia
Mother's Name Eliza J. Obenchain
Mother's Birthplace Ohio
Occupation At Home
Attended School Yes
Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001
Name Elder F Obenchain
Gender Male
Event Type Marriage Registration (Marriage)
Marriage Date 24 Apr 1888
Marriage Place South Bend, Indiana, United States
Spouse Mary A Barnhart
Page 139
FHL Film Number 001503392
1900 United States Federal Census
Name Elder F Obenchain [Elder T Obenchain]
Age 33
Birth Date Feb 1867
Birthplace Indiana, USA
Home in 1900 Eel, Cass, Indiana
Ward of City 4 (Part)
Street Ottowa
House Number 13
Sheet Number 5
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation 119
Family Number 115
Race White
Gender Male
Relation to Head of House Head
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Marry A Obenchain
Marriage Year 1888
Years Married 12
Father's Birthplace Virginia, USA
Mother's Birthplace Ohio, USA
Occupation Traveling Salesman
Months Not Employed None
Can Read Y
Can Write Y
Can Speak English Y
House Owned or Rented Own
Home Free or Mortgaged Mortgaged
Farm or House H
Neighbors View others on page
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship
Elder F Obenchain 33 Head
Marry A Obenchain 34 Wife
Roland R Obenchain 9 Son
Mildred M Obenchain 7 Daughter
John A Obenchain 6 Son
Thomas E Obenchain 3/12 Son