Long Point Annexed 2007- 2008
The Culver Citizen of 18 July 2007 - proclaimed the Town of Culver s intent to
annex Long Point into the city limits. the process could take from six months
to a year or possibly longer. It was noted that this was a totaly town-driven
annexation plan that the property owners of Long Point this will involve a total
of seven properties and it is said that of these seven so far at least four are
not in oppostion of the plan. The vote for the approval of this by the town
board was 5-0. The town board had briefly considered adding other parcels to
the plan but decided to adhere to the orgiginal plan of just annexing Long Point
this point in time.
In the 22 May 2008 Culver Citizen in the Legal section was found the start of
the annexation dated 14th day of May 2008 as follows:
that the Culver Town Cuuncil, at its regular meeting on May 13, 2008 considered
on first reading on Ordinance NO. 20008-005 whihch is captioned "An
Ordinance Annexing Certain Contigous Lands to the Town of Culver ,
Marshall County, Indiana"
At that same meeting, the Culver Town Council, by unanimous wote set a date, time
and location of a public hearing on this matter, which public hearing will be on
August 12, 2008....
Full legal descriptions followed; a brief summary is these lots on Long Point:
- Lot Number Seven (7) & Twenty (20) Feet off the East side of Lot Number Eight (8) in Chadwick's...
- Lot Number Six (6) in Chadwick's...
- Lot Number 5 (5) in Chadwick's...
- Parcel I: Lot Number Four (4) in Chadwick's...
- Lot Numbered Three and one half (3 1/2) in Chadwick's...
- Lot Three (3) in Chadwick's...ALSO, a part of Lot Number Two (2) of said Chadwick's...
- Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in Rochester Club Addition....