Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

600 Peru Ct.  

Section 21 History 1835-1922

1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased the right-of-way between their property and the lake.

CULVER - Culver CitizenJ. O. Ferrier's purchase of the old assembly grounds on the west shore less than two years ago has proved the wisdom of the buyer. He has sold enough lots to pay for the land and has 60 lots remaining which he says he can sell outright any day for $6,000. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 15, 1909

Ferrier's Addition

?- 1944 - hughie E. and Laura M. Steele

1944- ? Robert J. and Trenna L Mace

    1944 - mar 15 - Hughie E. and Laura M. Steele to Robert J. and Trenna L Mace, lot 89 Ferrier's Addition, Culver.

1944 Harley A Davis etux
    1944 - Nov 22 - Harley A Davis etux to Walter O. Senour etux lot 89 and north 14 feet lot 88 Ferrier's addtion Culver.

?? - Walter O. & Mabel C. Senour
    1929, Nov. 9 Walter O Senour vs. - Guy W Parson, Bessie Parsons, Boyd Parsons, Blanche M Parsons, Paul P. Parsons, Lola B. Sppink, James E Spink, Sinclair G. Parsons, Ethyl Parsons, Nellie L. Parsons, Alva L. Porter as Gdn. of Robert D Parsons, and Robert D Parson quiet title-

1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased the right-of-way between their property and the lake.

The Maxinkuckee West Side Property Owners, Inc. was formed to procure and buy up the railroad prperty along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee from Plymouth St. to the end of South Street ending at West Shore. Dr.

1992, May-? - Edward K. & Michael M Dewiitt

1996, Mar 1996 Francis G. Dewitt

1996, Mar - Virginia Dewitt

1996, Mar - 2024 - Michael M. & Dorothea Dewitt

    FERRIER ADD LOT 89 FERRIER ADD N 14' LOT 88 PRT W1/2 NW1/4:COM W1/4 COR E1030.15'

    FERRIER ADD LOT 89 & FERRIER ADD N 14' LOT 88 & PRT W1/2 NW1/4:COM W1/4 COR E1030.15 COMB FORM COMB 138 315 W/ 137 21PAY22.