Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

604 Peru Court  

Section 21 History 1835-1922

1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased the right-of-way between their property and the lake.

CULVER - Culver CitizenJ. O. Ferrier's purchase of the old assembly grounds on the west shore less than two years ago has proved the wisdom of the buyer. He has sold enough lots to pay for the land and has 60 lots remaining which he says he can sell outright any day for $6,000. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 15, 1909

Ferrier's Addition

the house was originally built as a lineshack for the railroad. The beam in the basement was a 20' section of iron rail

1917 - Oct 10 - Harley Davis to C. H. Thomas lot 86 ferrier's add Culver $50

?-1947 Minnie M. Craig

    1947 Jun 11 - Minnie M. Craig to James W. and Mildred M. Breedlove lot 87 and south 26 feet of lot 88 and nirth 4 feet of lot 76 Ferrier's addition Culver

1947 - James W. and Mildred M. Breedlove
    1947 Jun 11 - Minnie M. Craig to James W. and Mildred M. Breedlove lot 87 and south 26 feet of lot 88 and nirth 4 feet of lot 76 Ferrier's addition Culver

1979-? - William A. & Lillian F. Hadley

The Maxinkuckee West Side Property Owners, Inc. was formed to procure and buy up the railroad prperty along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee from Plymouth St. to the end of South Street ending at West Shore. Dr.

1991, 1993 - Paul E. Hadley

May 2004 - 2018, Feb. - Paul E. and Sandra M. Hadley

The cottage was demolished Jan-Mar 2013 -

2014 - Feb - Petitioned to re-plat into one (lot) their three (3) lots located at 604 Peru Court.
    A part of lot number 86 and part of lot 87 in FERRIER' Addition to the Town Of Culver and a part of the Northwest one quarter (1/4) of Section 21, Township 32 North, Range 1 East. Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana.

    >2018, Feb - 2020, Dec. Sandra M. Hadley

    2020, Dec. - 2022 - James S. Waddell

      FERRIERS ADD S 40' LOT 86 EX
      PRT W1/2 NW1/4:COM W1/4 COR E1030.15' LEGAL DESC: PRT W1/2 NW1/4 SEC21T32NR1E COM AT N 1/4 COR OF SEC 21 ETC

      PRT LOT 86 &87 FERRIER ADD:BEG N W35' LEGAL DESC: PRT LOTS 86 & 87 FERRIERS ADD BEG AT PT N0-32-31W 35 ALG WEST LN LOT 86 TH N82-4-03E 70.01 TH S12-50-07E 9.08 TH S89-89-55-53W 71.46 TO POB