610 Lake Shore Dr - CUTFD Parking Lot
Section 16 History 1835-1922
Also bore the address of 604 Lakeshore Dr.
Section 16 History 1835-1922
1908 - Appears to be empty lot
Tho David Burns said the Charlene Hotel was located here at one time. There is no real evidience
that this was a location of any hotel at anytime by the plat maps and Sanborn maps. Could it have
been a name change for one of the other existing hotels of the time? Thus far there is no hotel
found by that name
1922 - Appears to be empty lot |
1924 - by the Sanborn fire map Appears to be empty lot
1927 - Jul 27 - Shell Oil Co. To Build Filling Station Here
The Shell American Pertoleum Company has purchased the lot at the corner of Lake Shore and
Liberty Street (sic State), which is
opposite the Paramount hotel and owned by Dr. C. L. Slonaker.
The company has also rented the next lot from Chas. Hayes and has obtained an option as
well. This gives the company a 96-foot frontage.
Work in filling in the two lots has started with George Busart awarded the contract. An
up-to-date filling station will be erected, the two lots sodded and the appearance improved
1927 - Nov. 2- A new gasoline and oil filling station opened for business Saturday under the
supervision of the Shell Petroleum Company
1929 - Jul 31 - Homer Kemple, formerly of the Academy, has accepted the position of manager
of the Culver Shell Service Station.
1937 - Filling station - 604 Lakeshore Dr.
In 1924 no street/postal numbers were assigned on the Sanborn Map but on the 1937
map the street/postal numbers appeared. Many still did not use the street/postal numbers in
their advertising etc. untill the late 1950's they hung on to the reference in relation of location
from the depot. |
1939 - 1942 - Shell Gas Station -
Clifford Overmyer
1942, Nov. -1951, Oct - Shell Gas Station - L . R. Listenberger
1942 - Nov. 18 - L . R. Listenberger is now the manager of the local Shell Service Station, near the
depot, formerly owned by Clifford Overyer.
1948 - Sep 15 - Shell to Build Super Service Station Here
Work has been started on the erection of a new super station by the Shell Oil Company at the
corner of Lake Shore Drive and State St., the site of its present station
The building will be about 39 by 53 feet with all the facilities of a modern super service station.
The building will have a glazed tile finsih on the exterior. It is expecter that the structure will be
completed within 60 days.
In the meantime, L. l. Lestenberger, manager, will have his office in temporary quarters and
continue to serve the motoring punlic during the time the construction work is being done.
1948 - Dec 29 - L R Listenbarger manager of the new Shell service station anounnces plans for
grand opening
1951, Oct -1952, Feb. - Shell Service Station - Paul Begin
Paul Begin Purchases Shell Filling Station
Paul Begin has taken over the management of the Shell filling station on Lake Shore Drive
R. L. Listenberger who has operated the business since November 1942, sold the business
ro Mr. Begin during the past week. Transfer of ownership took place yesterday morning
In an announcement elsewhere in today's citizen, Mr. Listenberger espresses his apprecationf
to customers for the patronage and commends the new manfer, Mr. Begin.
Feb. 1952 -1957 - Shell Gas Station
Henry D. Winkler
A 1952 advertisement in the Culver phone book lists Shell Fuel Oils on Lake Shore Drive under
the Klein & Klein name
Jan 16, 1957 Henry Winkler announced the sale of the Shell Station to Phill Wallstead;
saying he was going to devote all his time to be in the Town clerk |
1957, Jul 23 1957 - Phil and Joe's Shell Service Lake Shore Drive
Huge Elephant Takes Over At Phil and Joe's
Phil and Joe's Shell Service Lake Shore Drive operated by Phil Wallstead and his brother-in-law,
Joe Topping, promoted their big grand opening last Friday and Saturday largely through a
full-page ad in the Citizen
The result were almost colossal as "Little Babe", the 8,000-pound elephant that journeyed to
Culver from the winter circus headquarters at Peru for the enjoyment of youngsters and
grown-ups alike.
Almost 700 cars were customers of the service station during the two-day carnival
A prominent Republican observed: "Did you notice that they always use an elephant to
promote a worthwhile event - never a jackass". Everybody thought this was a pretty funny
remark except a raft of kids who arrived aster the cotton candy ran out. - 24 Jul 1957 - citizen
?1962-1964, Jan - Phil's Shell Service Station -
Phil Wallstead -
1964, Jan - ? Shell Service Station -
Winfred C. Hansen;
Dale Bennett, Assistant
1967 1968 - Jackson Service Center - Dick Woodward, Mgr. An ad on Aug 10, 1967 places
this at 604 Lakeshore.
Dick Woodward Manager of Newly-Opened Mobil Gas Station
Dick Woodward, 111 South Slate Street, is the manager of the newly-opened Jackson Service
Center, located at 604 Lake Shore Drive, adjacent to the El Rancho Theatre.
Owned by Don Jackson of Plymouth, Culver's newest automobile service station, will sell Mobil
products and offer mechanical work, tune ups. car wash, and the usual line of services.
This new business establishment has been com pletely redecorated in the traditional Mobil
colors of light blue, navy blue, white, and red.
Mr. Woodward has announced business hours from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the telephone number
is 842-7494. - AUGUST 10, 1967
1970 - Ray's Mobil Service
1974-1982 - Camelot Oil Inc - James J. Sarna |
1979 - Feb 1 - Vem Collins. Jr., built this snowman as tall as the gas pumps at the
Camelot Station on Lakeshore Drive after the heavy wet snowfall Wednesday. |
1980's - Stood empty
1986 - Adler's Bait Shop - 604 Lakeshore Dr.
Note that this address reverted back to the 1937 street/postal numbers were assigned |
1980's (late) - D & M Auto Repair (they were from Kewana)
1990-1 - Black Kettle Cookers - Harvey Jackson's
They were a colored family from Delong/Leiters Ford area. They specialized in Barbecue
ribs during festivals. They had plans of turning this into a permanent place
for the rib business.
Believe this was the last attempt for a business in the building before setting empty.
? - May 1995 - Tom G. McCain; again stood empty for years.
May 1995-May 1996 - James Dickie & Co.
1996 May 13 - J Dicke & Co deeded the lot over to the town of
Culver and it is now used as a parking lot for the Culver Fire Department |
1996 - June 12 – The town accepted a former gas station property purchased and cleaned up by
James Dicke of New Bremen, Ohio
May 1996-2013 - Town of Culver - Culver Fire Department Parking.
2013 - Culver Union Township Fire Department's Honor Wall, established -
dedicated July 27 -
Culver Firemen’s
Honor Wall ready for brick placement