Winferd"Win" Hansen
Winferd Hansen Takes Over Shell Serivce Station
Winferd C. Hansen, owner of hansen's Hardware and sports shop recently purchased Phil's shell service station, located at 610 Lake Shore
Drive. Mr. Hansen purchased the entire stock, tools and equipment from Phil Wallstead, former owner of the station.
The station is being repainted and remodeled this week tby the Shell Oil Company, owner of the building and service pumps. mr. Hansen
recentyl returned from the shell company's advanced training School. Mr. Hansen plans to serve the public the same hours as his predecessor
until further notice. Dale Bennett will assit Mr. hansen in the operation of the service station.
At the present time Mr. Wallstead's plans are indefinite. He and Mrs. wallstead plan a trip to california in the newar futre, whre Mr.
Wallstead will investigate possiblitites there. - 8 Jan 1964 Culver Citizen
Winferd C. Hansen Awarded Training Certificate
Winfred C. Hansen, operator of the Shell Service Station, 610 Lake shore Dr. Culver , received a certificate of achievement recently after
completing Shell Oil company's advanced training and development program and management. The training program was given at the Shel a
Advanced Retail Training center in Evanston, Ill.
Mr. Hansen, who resides at 614 Lake Shore Drive, Culver , attended the center to widen the scope of his service to his customers and to
keep pace with latest developments in car design and servicing requirements. The certificate was awarded to him with a drame for display
at his station.
The curric ulum of the training centers has recently been completely revised to incorporate the newest visual communication methods.
sixteen basic service station subjects covering every ascpet of modern service station sales, merchandising, management, and operation
are covered at the centers. - 8 Jan 1964 Culver Citizen