Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

612 Peru Court

Section 21 History 1835-1922

1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased the right-of-way between their property and the lake.

CULVER - Culver CitizenJ. O. Ferrier's purchase of the old assembly grounds on the west shore less than two years ago has proved the wisdom of the buyer. He has sold enough lots to pay for the land and has 60 lots remaining which he says he can sell outright any day for $6,000. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 15, 1909

Ferrier's Addition

1911 - June 8 - J. O. Ferrier to Lena Finch lot 84 Ferrier's add Culver $220

    1914 - Jun 18 - Frances Churchmanm Fred Cunningham, and Tennyson finch of Indianapolis are occupying the J. O. Finc cottage in the Assembly Grounds for 10 days

1916 - Feb 3 - Lorena Finch to G. W. Davis - lot 84 Ferrier's add Culver, $100-

1916 - Mar 9 - Geo. W. Davies to T. Kriescher lot 84 Ferrir's aadn Culver $700
    1916 - Aug 10 - T. F. Kriescher and family of Terre Haute are spendin a couple of weeks at the Finch Cottage

1970-? - James A. & Sally Ann Dixon

1976 - The Pennsylvania Railroad track was abandoned and lot owners on South Street and the west side of the lake purchased the right-of-way between their property and the lake.

The Maxinkuckee West Side Property Owners, Inc. was formed to procure and buy up the railroad prperty along the shore of Lake Maxinkuckee from Plymouth St. to the end of South Street ending at West Shore. Dr.

? - Jul. 1996 - Sally Ann Dixon

July 1996-2013, Sep - Sally Ann Dixon & Suzanne Roach

2013, Sep - 2020, Aug. - Melissa & Nathan Dennis

Remodeld between 2013-2017
2020, Aug - 2020 Sep - Katharine Dolan Waddell

2020, Sep - 2022 - Kurt & Kimberly Minko

    PRT W1/2 NW1/4:COM W1/4 COR E1030.15'

    Note - the following description was publishied in Legals for a variance - this discription does not fit this property unless the name of the subdivision was erounously transcribed -
      Property is the East 5 feet of lot 7, Lot 8 , and the West 25 feet of Lot 9 of McDonalds Subdivision in the fractional Southwest Quarter of Section 27. Township 32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana.

    PRT LOT 84 FERRIERS ADD & PRT NW1/4 SEC 21 BEG AT SW COR LOT 84 TH N0-04-39W 44.09' TH S89-34-42E 127.61' TH S89-41-12E 67.94' TO SHROELINE TH S11-22-32E 44.85' TH N89-45-41W 67.20' ETC