Culver Lions Club
Lions Club
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330 Culver, IN 46511
Physical Address: 615 E. Lake Shore Dr. Culver, IN 46511
Other Information available at Lions Club website
1936 - Aug 05 - Propose Organization of Lions CLub Here
A meeting of several business and professional men was held friday night at
the home of Charles Medbourn when it was proposed that a Lions Club be
formed here. The organiZation was explained by the state organizer,
who was accompanied by several members of the Mishawaka Lions CLub.
The proposal was presented to the Chamber of Commerce at its August meeting
Monday noon, and after an informal discussion it was decided to takeunder
1943 - Apr. 14 - 22 have signed to Organize Lions Club
Twenty-two signatures have been secured of those indicating a desire to form a
Lions International Club here, according to Bryan B. Blalock, special
representative of the organization from Chicago.
It is planned to hold a dinner at 6:15 Thursday night at Snyder's Cafe, at which
time definite steps will be taken to complete the forming of the club here.
Members of the Argos and ROchester Clubs will also be here.
1943 - Elect McDonald Head Of Newly Formed Lions Club; Members Listed
At a dinner meeting held in the Snyder Restaurant Thursday evening a Lions Club
was organized in Culver with 37 charter members signed to date.
The following officers were elected: Presideint, Claude McDonald; first vice
president, Steffen Rector; second vice president, Kenneth H. Miller; third
vice president, William R Easterday; secretary, Maurice A. Curtis; treasurer,
Fletcher T. Strang; lion tamer, Herschel Strang; tail twister, Earl C. Mishler;
and directors, Harry E. Medbourn, James E. Marshall, W. T. Parish and A. R.
The following committee chairmen were named: charter night, C. L. Shively;
membership, Earl R Eckman; finance, Dr. E. J. Yocum Jr.; and constitution and
by-laws, W. R. Washburn.
The following are the charter members:
1 Frank E. Amond,
2 David Burns,
3 Leo Butler,
4 Ralph Condon,
5 Jesse Crabb, br>
6 Forrest E. Curtis,
7 Maurice A. Curtis,
8 Gordon Cultice,
9 W. R. Easterday,
10 Earl R. Eckman,
11 Harry D. Edington,
12 Charles E. Ferrier,
13 Harold I Fitterling,
14 Dale Jones,
15 Rev. Ralph M. Jones,
16 James E. Marshall,
17 Dr. R. E. Martin,
18 Harry E. Medbourn,
19 Kenneth H. Miller,
20 Earl C. Mishler,
21 Karl Murray,
22 A. R. McKesson,
23 Claude McDonald,
24 Lester McKee,
25 Donald McLane,
26 W. T. Parrish,
27 Steffen N. Rector,
28 Col Robert Rossow,
29 Harold W. Shegan,
30 C. L. Shivley,
31 Glen B. Snyder, <
32 Paul T Snyder,
33 Major J. T. Stinhcomb,
34 Fletcher T. Strang,
35 Herschel Strang.
36 W. R. Washburn, and
37 Dr. E. J. Yocom Jr.
Lions President Boswell of the Argos Lions Club was introduced and he expressed
his happiness that a Lions Club was being organized in Culver and promises the
full cooperation of the Argos Lions who were in attendance at the meeting.
The next meeting will be held in the Snyder Resturant on Tuesday, May 4, at
6:30 p.m. All members, plus additional prospects are urged to be present. Regular
meeting dates and the Charter Night date will be agreed upon at this meeting.
Any business or professional men of Culver or farmers of the nearby vicinity are
welcome and eligible to hold membership in the Culver Lions Club. Any additional men
who may wish to be signed as charter members are requested to contact Earl R. Eckman,
membership chairman. The charter membership will be closed at the next meeting.
The Culver Lions Club will hold two dinner meeting each month and will endeavor to be an
aggressive service organization, promoting good fellowship and all worthwhile activities
for the good of Culver.
1943 - May 26 Charter Presented to Lions CLub With with
37 names on the roster
The formation of the Culver Lions Club was completed Tuesday night when the charter was
formally presented at dinner held in the basement of the Evangelical church. A capacity crowd
was in attendance, with a large number of Lions coming from Argos, the sponsoring club, and
also from several other clubs in this vicinity.
The charter was presented by Wyman Finley, of Kendallville district governor, and was accepted
by Claude McDonald, president of the Culver Club.
Herbert H. Bowell, president of the Argos Lions, acted as toastmaster, and was assisted in the
program by the state song leader, Tom Warrillow of Gary and state pianist, Al Greene of Gary.
Rev. Ralph M. Jones gave the invovation.
The address of the evening was delivered by Dr. S. RObert Johnson of Australia, who gave an
interesting and informative talk that was closely followed the the appreciative Lions.
The Culver High School orchestra, under the direction of Paul Egli, played during the dinner.
The charter members of the Culver Lions follow:
1 Frank E. Amond,
2 J. Leo Bulter,
3 Forrest E. Curtis,
4 Maurice A. Curtis,
5 William R. Easterday,
6 Earl R. Eckman,
7 Harry D. Edginton,
8 Charles E. Ferrier,
9 Harold I FItterling,
10 Dale Jones,
11 Rev. Ralph M. Jones,
12 James E Marshall,
13 Dr. R. E. Martin,
14 Howard Maxey,
15 Harry E. Medbourn,
15 Kenneth H. Miller,
17 Earl C. Mishler,
18 Karl Murray,
19 Claude McDonald,
20 Lester McKee,
21 A.R. McKesson,
22 Donald McLane,
23 W. T. Parrish,
24 Steffan N. Rector,
25 Harold W. Shegan,
26 C. L. Shively,
27 Harry A. Smeltser,
28 Glen B. Snyder,
29 Paul T Snyder,
30 J. T. Stinchcomb,
31 Fletcher Strang,
32 Fletcher Strang,
33 William R. Washburn,
34 Dr. E. J. Yocum Jr.,
35 John. F. Bigley,
36 W. R. Zechiel and
37 Harold Baker
1943 - Aug 11 Lions Club to Donate
Resuscitator As Saftey
Aid to Community
Memebrs of the Culver Fire Depaartment demonstrate the resusciataiton
equipement donated by the Culver Lions Club. The not all clearly pictured the
news article of Jan 9, 1952 says pictured are Fire Chief, Dave Burns; Dewey
Overmyer, V. Stafford, Arthur Fishburn, Frank Hayward and Assistant Chief
Oscar Booker. |
1944 - Jan 19 - World War II in Culver Honor Roll of Service Men Erected;
Labor and Material Donated
A roll of honor listing the men and women in service has been erected on
the lawn in front of the Methodist church (on N. Main Street) and without
a cent of cost to community
The project was launched J. J. W. Riggens who had the material and
construction of the board donated by the MArshall County Lumber Co. Jacob
Pederson did the painting and lettering free of charge. LaBounty furnished th
eaggel. HArry Procher cut out the stars and town employees erected the
finished product last week
The Lions Club has agreed to continue the project and is having two six-foot wings built
which will contain the names of the womoen in sevice, those who have died in
service will be painted in gold and those not now on the main section.
After the wings have been erected it is requested that all ommission and errors
be reported to James Marshall, secretary of the Lions Clulb
Photo - Frances (Taber) Geisleman
1945 - 1st Annual Lions Club Outboard Regatta
A couple heads out to enjoy the Culver Lions Regatta |
1947 - Lions Club began a slew of projects for the park among the few found are
they built a playground court in the park
erected high dive
repaired the swimming pier
the "raft" in the "deep" water of the swimming area
By an article om May 14 1947 - "VFW Sets
Schedule For Use of Building" the Lions Club met every Second and fourth Wednesday nights
1947 - May 21 - Lions Clubs to Observe Fourth Annivesary
The CUlver Lions Club will celebrate its fourth anniversary with a banquet,
May 28, at 6:30 p.m. int he VFW Hall.
Special entertaimnet had bee arranged and the special speaker will be Edward H.
Paine of Michigan City. He is past president of Lions International and is known
as a noted speaker and wide traveller. Bazil O'Reilley is president of the local
1947 - June 25 - Lions Club members build playground court in the park.
1948 - Mar 24 - Redecorated K. of P. Hall, Now Lions Den Is Available to Public
Remodeling and redecorating of the former K. of P. Hall under supervision of the Lions
Club has been completed.
A number of other local organizations have scheduled nights when they will be exclusive
users of the facilities. They are as follows:
World War II Mothers, 2nd and 4th Mondays.
Rebekahs, every Tuesday.
Lions Club, every Wednesday.
Burr Oak Rebekahs. 1st and 3rd Thursdays.
Teen-age dances, every Friday
Several other organizations are planning to make the vlubrooms their meeting place.
The State Exchange Bank, which owns the building, has turned over the hall rent-free to the
Lions to manage and maintain, and in turn the club, for a nominal fee to cover expenses,
allocates its use to other organizations. Thus the place becomes a civic c-snter, much
needed in Culver.
Lions Club members did the cleaning work necessary to prepare the hall for redecorating and
will supply dishes tableware, chairs and tables to serve 100.
A number of community projects have been initiated and financed by the Lions largely through
their paper collections, which provides a revenue of about #1OO monthly, and $1500 from the
annual outboard boat races.
Recently the club provided S200 in equipment for eye screening tests in Union township schools.
Other projects which benefited the community include scholastic recognition certificates and
key award in the schools, Saturday recreation program in the gymnasium for younger boys, concrete
handball courts and picnic pavilion flooring in the town park, initiated the stationing of a
life-saving guard and paying part of the expense at the town beach, rat eradication measures in
town and country, cash donations to the Brownies and Girl Scouts, sponsorship of the annual
Kiddies Day, and participation with other organizations in a county recreational program.
Present Lion officers are:
Willard Zechiel, president;
J. Lewis Welsh, 1st vice president;
Joseph W. Furnas, 2nd vice president;
Hampton Botewell, secretary;
James E. Marshall, treasurer;
Arthur M. Fishburn. Lion tamer, and
Fred L Wallstead, tail twister
1948 - Aug 25 - The Lions Club will hold their August corn roast at the Louis Welsh farm
southwest of Culver at 7: p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 25. The ladies are invited to attend.
A 1949 Lions Sponsored Valentine Ladies Night - at The Community Building. |
1949 - Mar 9 - Lions Club to Stage Rollicking Benifit Play "Womanless Wedding"...
to b e stagged at the Cummunity Building on the evenings of March 24 and 25. An all male cas
of 70 aspiring thespians will have a part in the stupendous production... Produced by the
Sympson-Levie Company of Jackson, Mich.... Proceeds from the plau will go to the Indiana Lions
Cancer Control Fund. |
1949 - Aug 31 - Lions corn roast Howling Success -
Members of the local Lions Club and their ladies consumed hundreds of ears of corn and scores
of hamburgers along with plenty of coffee and ice cream at the annual picnic held at the Don
Davis farm last Wednesday evening.
Prepared by erstwhile cooks of the clun, the meni was served up without a hitch and contaru to
some pricately expressed opinon or suggestion there was "nary" a case of sickness reported on
Thursday morning from any of the 200 persons who jointed in the fun.
Frank Walaitis served as toastmaster and chairman of the entertainment was Sgt. Leland ROss,
James Miracle lead the group in singing. Mrs. Harold Sering accompanied the group playing the
Members of the Lions board of directiors will meettonight in a special meeting called by President
Hampton Boswell. The next regular meeting will be held two weeks from this evening
1949 - Oct 26 - Lions Announce Plans for Minstral Stage Production
It was announced last week by the Culver Lions Club that plans have been started for an old time
Minstrl SHow to be given on three evenings in February. The first show will be staged at the
Academy on Friday evening, February 3, followed by two preformances the following Wednesday
and Thursday, February 8 and 9 at the Culver Community Building.
It was announced that the interlocutor, the end men, and most of the chours of thiry have already been
chosen. With the entire cast made up of local Lions, the show promisise to be one of the high lights of the
year. Hopes have bee expressed that the Minstrl Show will be an annual affair to be conducted by the
Lions Club of Culver.
1950 - Jan 11 - Lions Place Order For First Fifty Street Markers
Morley Skinner, chairman of the Lions Club Community Betterment Committe, annouced today that and
order for some fifty Culver street markes will be placed this week. The committe anticpated that the
markers will be delivered by mid-April and plans indicate that the should all be installed before Summer.
The Attractive two-arm adjustable signs featuring white lettering on black background will be mounted
on 10 foot steel posts which will be set in concrete. It was indicated that donations of gravel for mixing
the concrete to set the posts had already been made.
Hampton Boswell, president of the Lions, explained that the prooooject had been submitted to the town board at
their regular meeting in mid-December. The town board heartily endorsed the project and transferred all the
remaining 1949 money out of the community earmarked funds so that the Lions CLub cound purchase additional
As originally announced, the Lions planned to initiate the longe range project by placing signs at every intersection
n Culver and by purchasing markes for Lake Shore Drive and Main Street. At the Board of Director's meeting last week the
group went on record as agreeing to purchase enough additional signs for Ohio, School Street, College
Avenue and possibly Jefferson streert. Eventually as funds become available all street will be marked.
The program calls for possible changing of street names. It has been definitely decided that what is known as Indiana
Avenue will be named Academy Road. There was also some opinion expressed that the east-west treets
begining at the south end of town and running to the north section should be numbered . One or two signs may be ordered
by rural groups for marking roadways, it was indicated.
The Lions club will secure funds for the project from the forthcoming Mindtrel Show which will be
presented early in February.
Lions memer L. Morley Skinner assists Street department employee
Verl McFeely with the installation of street signs |
1950 - Jan 18 - The business men's committee of the Lions Club is assembling information,
illustrations and factual material preparatory to publishing a
promotional bulletin
on Lake Maxinkuckee and the community of Culver.
1950 - Mar 1 - Minstrel Show highlights
The Crinoline chourus - left to right - Loretts Crill, Sandra Hosel, Norma Lee Phlughaupt,
Joyce Kline, Ruth Neidlinger, Helen Sikora, Joanna, Snyder, Barbara Hinkle and Freda Condon |
Chorus and end men - left to right Harold "Bill" Robinson; Al "Creosote" Petesohun,
William "Bones" Washburn, solioists Keith Reed, and Jim Little not shown Judd Stinchcomb, Fred
Wallstead and Frank Walaitis. JIim Miracle was directing the singing |
1950 - Jun 21 - Ray Manis to Head Lions Club |
Ray Manis heads the list of 1950-51 Lions Club officers named by the nominating
committee at the annual meeting of the Club held last week.
Manis, superintendent of buildings and grounds at the Culver Military Academy,
has had an active role in the local Lions Club organization for the past several
Everett Easterday was named by the committee for the office of 1st vice-president;
James Marshall, 2nd vice-president; and Frank Walaitis, 3rd vice-president.
Other officers nominated are as follows:
Norman Kelly, secretary,
Earl Eckman, treasurer;
John Bigley, E. D. Overmyer and Robert Rust, 2nd year directors;
Russell Oliver, Fred Adams and John Hoesel, 1st year directors;
Don Milner, Leland Ross, Don Mikesell and Carmel McKinney, tail twisters; and
James Little, lion tamer.
Manis will succeed Hampton Boswell, who will serve with the officers for the next
year as the immediate past president.
Earl Eckman, as head of the nominating committee, submitted the slate of officers.
Soloist Herbert Keller - sining his own composition "Maxinkuckee Moon" |
1950 - Aug 16 - Bunker Hill Parking Lot Managed By Civic Club
Management of the town parking lot at the top of
Bunker Hill
along Lake Shore Drive was initiated last Sunday by the Lions Club.
Permisson to manage the facilities for the remainder of this season
was granted to the club by the town board at its last meeting.<
The club took immediate steps under the leadership of Jim Talley to
conduct opeation of the consession.
A fee of twenty-five cents is charged for the parking of cars on
Sundays and holidays.
Arrangements are being made to mark off the lot. It was indicated that
approcimately 400 cars could be parked in the area.
Proceeds from the project will be utilized by the club in their
community betterment program.
Details of men are donating their time to park the cars.
Jim Talley
is chairman of the committee supervising the program and serving with him
are Verl McFeely,
Earl D. Overmyer and
Dave Burns.
1950 - Aug 16 - Lions Club to Entertain Families at Annual Corn Roast - The Annual Lions Corn roast
will be held a week from tomorrow evening, August 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis.
Tentative arrangments have been made for Clint Milliken, well know master of magic to entertain the
Lions and ther families.
1950 - Aug 23 -Annual Lions CLub Corn roast scheduled Thursday
The annual Lions Club Corn Roast will be held Thursday evening, Augus 24, at the homeof Mr.
and Mrs. Donakd Davis
Food is being furnishe by the Lions Cl8b; Al Graham is chairman of the food committee, Frank
Walaitis chaiman of entertainment, is planning an evening of fund for the lions and their wives.
Robert Osborn is serving as chairman of the committee planiing initation for new members.
1950 = Aug 20 - Liond Enjoy Corn Roast
Approximately 225 members and guests of the CUlver Lions Club ennjoyed an evening of
entertainment at the annual corn roast held at the DOn Davis farm las Thursday evening
Jimmy RIsk,champion trick horseshoe pitcher, gave an unusual demonastration as one
feature of the entertainment programl after which DOn Mikesell, chairman of the 1950
boat races gave an interesting report on the event.
CLint Millikin,well know sleight of hand artist fromSOuth Bend endedthe evenings festiivities
by performing many interesting frats ofmahiv
A group of Lions ?. ?. Everett Hosell, ?.. ? Earl Eckman prepare for a corn roast |
John Bigley is seen at left in this undated photo taken at one of Culver's Lions' Club minstrel show.
By accounts in the Citizen they contiued to at least 1961. |
1951 - Aug 15 - Annual Lions Corn Roast Scheduled Aug. 22 - . The annual Lions Club corn ROast will be held
at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis Al Perersohn is chairman of the committee.
James Marshall chairman of entertainment, and his committer xomposed of Fran Walaitus, Ray Martin, Don
Davis, Hampton Boswell, Wimbur Taylor, Russ Oliver and Everrett Easterday, will weem tomight to complere
pland for a evening of fuhm for the lieon and their wivess..
1952 - May 7 - The Town Park - ... The Culver Lions Club donated $200 for pier materials...
1953 - Jan 28 - An announcement was made this week that the Lions Club Board of Directors
have set aside a fund of $1,000 for improvement of the Culver Town Park
1953 - May 20 Culver Lions Club will celebrate their 10th anniversary on June 10,
exactly one week after their founding date of June 3.
1954 - Jul 23 - The 10th annual Lake Maxinkuckee Outboard Racing Regatta, sponsored by
the Culver Lions Club will be staged Sunday, Jul 11
1954 - AUg 4 - The annual corn roast of the Culver Lions CLub will take place at the farm home
of Mr. and Mrs Don Davis on Tuesday, AUg. 10
July 20, 1955
Over 4,000 See Outboard Racing Regatta Sunday
The weatherman cooperated and the work of scores of Culver Lions Club members bore
fruit last Sunday as outboard racing fans were served up a thrilling bill of fare at the 11th
annual Maxinkuckee Outboard Regatta.
It is believe that slightly in excess of 4,000 viewed the races from the Town Park. General
Chairman Raymond J. ³Doc² Ives and other boat race officials felt that the crowd was not
as large as for the past year and while figures were that available this morning it was believed
that net receipts would be lower than those for the 1954 races. There will be a full report
presented at the Lions Club meeting on July 27.
Forty-one pilots representing top competitors in the nationa vied for coveted points in the
Culver race and for nearly $1,000 in cash awards. W. L. Tenney of Dayton, Ohio, won the
lionıs share of honors and $115 in the 13 events of the 41 drivers who were entered 26
were money winners.
President Dan Mikesell highly lauded the work of all members of the Lions Club and several
ladies who contributed yeoman service in making it one of the best organized races in history.
The Lions Club president also expressed appreciation for the many contributions and response
of lakeshore residents and from the community of Culver.
1956 - Lions Club Corn ROast Scheduled fo August 8
Public Invited to Enjoy all The Cornthey can devour.
Fun FOr the family!. Thats what the Culver Lions Club has in store for the public on Wednesday Aug. 8
at thei Annual Corn Roast in the Culver Town Park.
I past years the Corn ROast has only been only for members of the Lions Club and their families but
due to the increasing popularity of this annual event it was decided to gice the public the
ppertunity to enjoy the taste and aroma of sweet corn boining in huge pots over outdoor fires, and hear the best in
entertainment at the ssame time.
Food chairman Alex Kennedy has comprised a menu consisting of hamburgers, iced teas, coffee or milk,
ice cream, and of course all the corn you can eat for the total price of $1 for adults and 50 cents for children.
Entertainment chairman James McAllister state that beginning at 7 p.m. the Starke County Swinging EIght wiill provide
music and square dance demostrations for person attending the Corn Roast.
The Starke County Swining Eight is one of the top entertainment groups in the mid-west, having made
several appearances on the Pee Wee King SHow on NBC television and will appear with Homer & Jethro
at the Walkerton Centennial, July 31-Aug. 5
Serving will begin at the Town Park at 6:30 p.m. and continue until 8:30 p.m. Entertainment will begin
at 7 p.m. and last until 10.
All proceeds from the Corn Roast will be used for community improverment projects by the town
1960 - May 4 - DOn't Say DOnkey to ANy Memb er of the Lions Club!
This ia a sad, sad, story about the donkey basketball game scheduled for the Cummunity Building
last night under the sponsorship of the Lions Club for the benefit of the Little League Baseball
Uniform FUnd.
The widely publized troupe "mismanaged" by Ralph Godfrey, of Crescent, Okla., landed in Culver
shortly before 7:30 show time.
Only 7 of the promised 1o donkeys, plus a pony ringer, accompanied the couple in charge. The
animals were vermin-laden, obviously not house-broken, and were not possessors of the proper
footgear to protect the basketball floor
Lions CLub officials, espeically event chairman, Nrom Baker, cancelled the event in quick order,
dissappointing a large crown of kids and adults dressed in their SUnday best. An " official"
explantation will appear in next weeks Citizen.
When last seen the donkeys were headed for Plymout, allegedly to visit the Democratic headquarters
to console party workers about their poor shing in Tuesday's primary election.
1961 - June 14
Thomas K. Walker Heads Culver Service Club Tom Walker Is New Head Of Culver Lions |
(From Bite Culver Lion? 'em News)
Program chairman for the meeting of June 14 is Hampton Boswell. For the program that evening
Lion Boswell has asked
W. 0. Osborn, president of The State Exchange Bank, to speak to the club members.
It is through the courtesy of Mr. Osborn and The
State Exchange Bank that
the Culver 'Liona have use of the fine meeting place and facilities we enjoy here. He is known
over a wide area as a speaker on bankingnd business matters. He has a wide knowledge of the
history and growth of the Culver community and his talk should be very interesting to all Culver
Project Reports
The recent movie shown through the courtesy of
Evert Hoesel
at the El Rancho Theater for the
benefit of the Lions Little League fund netted $91 for the Club.
The sausage and pancake supper several weeks ago under the management of
Al Poppe netted $55 for the Club.
Lion Al reports that he still has on hand several pounds of the delicious frozen sausage used for the
supper. If you are sausage hungry tee Lion Poppe; he will be glad to sell the remainder of his supply.
June 28 Meeting The meeting on June 28 will be given over to inductions both rf new members into the
club and of recently elected officers into their new or renewed positions.
New Members
New members are: Leroy D. Davis, Robert Boyd, Thomas E. Benbrook, Eugene Scott,
Win Hansen, Stanley Sikora,
John Mars, Dr. Foster Sheller and
Richard Hoesel.
This Years Officers.
Officers to be Inducted are:
- Norman Kelly, immesiate past president
- Thomas K. Walker, president
- Harold Fitterling, frist vice president
- Larry Welsh, second vice president
- Dr. F. L. Babcock,
third vice president
- Fred Stettbacher, secetary-tresurer
- Edward O. Schultz, lion tamer
- Andrew Vernum,
Jack Campbell,
Thomas Benbrook, John Mars, Tail Twisters
First Year Directors:
- A. N. Poppe
- C. Glenn Coolman
- Dr. J. W. Oldham</li>;
Second Year Directors:
- Bernard Busart
- Dr. Oscar Wesson
- Edgar Shaw
and Bulletion Editor Jesse Sims.
1962 - Jul 4 - Lions Annual Corn ROast Set For Saturday, July 14
Town Park SIte of 14th Annual Event
The Culver Lions Club will hold its 14th annual Corn ROast at the west end of the Culver Town Park,
Saturday evening, July 14. Serving will begin at 5:30 and continue untile everyone is
The menu again this year will feature the usual hamburgers, iced teas, coffee or milk, and all the
corn you can eat. Dessert will also be a feature of the menu.
The Corn Roast was firsty started as an annual private outing form members of the Culver Lions Club,
their wives and guests. Becaus it was such an enjoyable event, the members decide to make this
annual feast a public affair. Thus this project gives the organization additional revnue to help meet
their obljective to better serve our community.
The public is cordially invited to attend this public spirited event and enjoy the delicious menu and at
the same time contributing to the improvement of our town and community.
1962 - Nov 7 - Paper & Rag Drive Sponsored by Boy Scouts and Lions
The Culver Boy scouts and the Culver Lions Club will jointly conduct a paper and rag drive this
Saturday. Nov. 10. Proceeds from the drive will be used to purchased needed equipment for
the Boy Scots and to support various funds sponsored by the Lions club.
The drive will start at 9 a.m. It will cover the city of Culver, East, West and South Shore Drives
and Maxinkuckee Road. Rural folks wishing to contribute to the drive may drop their bundles of
papers and rags at the parking area of the State Exchange Bank.
PLace you bundles on the street curb by 9 a.m.
1963 - Mar 6 - Lions Club to Fete Basketball Team on March 13
The Culver Lions CLub will hold their annual basketball banquet on Wednesday March 13, at 6:30 p.m.
at the Lions Den.
The banquet is open to the public and anyone wishing to attend, please contact Mr. Jesse Overmyer,
Mr. James Bonine or Mr. Harold Fitterling.
Mr. Frank McLane,superintendet of the Culver Community School Unit, will give the address of the
evening. Mr. WIlliam Washburn will be the toastmaster for the evenings events.
Part of the evening's ceremony will be the presentation of the Paul Underwood Award and the Free
Throw Award.
The committee for this special meeting urges that you make your reservations by Monday, March 11,
by 9:00 p.m.
1963 - May 22 - Fish Fray To Be Sponsored By Lions Club
The Culver Lions CLub will sponsor their first fish fry Friday evening, May 21 at the Culver Town Park.
Serving will start at 5:30 and run untill 8 p.m. The food will be prepared by the Mens Class of the
Monterey Methodist Church. In case of rain the event will be moved to the Lions Den.
Tickets are $1.00 per plate and all you can eat. Children's plates are 50 cents each. There will be
golden fired fish, and all the trimming with plenty of coffee.
Proceeds from the event will be used to help finanace the proojects the Culver Lions are participating in.
They are "The Little League" baseball program; "Junior-Senior Prom Breakfast"; "Culver Street Sign Project";
"Leader DOg for the Blind" ; "Eye Bank" and "Cancer Control".
1963 - July 31 - 950 People Are Served At Lions Corn ROast
The CUlver Lions Club Corn roast, which habe been rainded out two weeks before and re-scheduled
for last Saturday evening was a huge sucess. Held in the Culver Town Park, serving began at 5:30 p.m.
and continued as long as the food held out. The crowd was so large that people were being served
long after dark.
The committee, as nearly as an accurate count can be made, served over 950 people. The amount
of food cnsumed ran into astronomical proportions. Approximately 258 pounds of hamburger, 210
dozen roasting ear, 150 dozen buns, 80 dozen ice cream cups, 30 gallons of coffee and 22 gallons of
orange drink were consumed. Fifty-five Lions participated in the event.
Money made on the proooject after all expenses are paid will go to support the "Little League" baseball
program, finsihing the Culver Street sign prooject and other civix proojects, to which the club is
The committee and all CUlver Lions wish to express heir sincere thanks to Culver, the community and
far-away persons, who helped make the "Corn Roast" sucha huge success. It is deeply appreciated.
1964 - Feb - Lions Club to Fete Basket Ball Team on March 11
Members of the 1963-1964 CUlver High School Basketball team and Coach Gene Crosley will be
feted by the Culver Lions CLub here at the annual banquet program, Wednesday evening, March. 11
John T atum, Wabash, Ind., will be the featured speaker for the program to be presented at 6:30 p.m.
in the Community Building where the '64 team will be cited for their outstanding seaston, according to
Bob RUst, program chairman.
Arrangements call for a reunion of former high school hardwaood team members and their coaches
including: Tom Bembrook, Paoli, Ind.; Bob Gilbert, Renessalaer, Ind.; Ralph Pedersen, Columbia, Mo.;
Harold Sebring, Indianapolis, In.; Waldo Sauter, Murray, Ky; Paul Underwood, Goshen, Ind.; Evert
Hosel, Culver; and Russell Burns and Dean E. Walker both of Plymouth.
The Ladies night affair is expected to attract a large crowd of fans. Ticket chairman Jesse Overmyer
has announced that tickets may be purchased from Lion members Jim Bonine and Earl Eckman and
at the State Exchange Bank. The banquet will be served by the ladies of the Burr Oak Church of God.
1964 - Apr 8 - Henny Penny Chicken SUpper - Sponsored by Culver Lions
Club Saturday April 11 C.H.S. Band Building 5:30-7:30 P.M. Audults $1.25, Children 75 cents;
Advance ticket sales only |
1964 - May 20 - After-Prom-Party A Huge Success
The Culver Lions Club sponsoerd "After-Prom-Party" was an instant success last Saturday night,
when it was held at the Plymouth COuntry Club with an attendance of approximately 85 guests
and chaperons.
Dancing began at 12:30 p.m. with Bob McFarland's band furnishing the music. Dancing continued until
2:15 for intermission. During intermission, Rev. James Campbell, minsiter of the Plymouth Presbyterian
Church, entertained the guests with feats of magic. Rev. Campbell's program was very well recieved
Dancing again resumed at 3:00 a.m. and continued until 4:30 a.m. when a deliicious breakfast of fruit
juice, ham and scrambled eggs, rolls and coffee were served.
Attending the all-night party were Juniors and Seniors of the Culver High School and their guests and
chaperons Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis, Mrs. and Mrs. ROnald Tusing, Dr. and Mrs. Duane Powers, and
James McAllister. Mr. McAllister was chairman of the event.
Mr. McAllister wishes to thank all those who helped make the party the success that it was and special
thanks to Mr. "Smokey" Stutzman, manager of the Country CLub, and his aids in adding to the success of
the party.
1964 - Jul 1 - Culver Lions Club Officers Installed
Culver Lions Club, following the very interesting adress of Robert Schram, vie chairman of the Indiana
Port Commission, last Wedensday evening, June 24, installed the officers, who will serve for the
1964-65 year. Earl Dean Overmyer conducted the installation ceremonies.
Officer who were installed were: Dr. Oscar Wesson, presidfent; A. N. Poppe, 1st vice president; Norman
Baker, 2nd vice president; Whitney Kline, 35rd vice president; James Bonine, secretrary-treasurer; Lion
tamer, Art Smith; tail twister, Earl Eckman, DOonald Davis, Dr. Joseph Howard, and Richard Hosel ; First year
directors Edgar Shaw, Andrew Vernum and W. L. Thompson; wnd year directors, WIlliam Washburn,
Edward Schuiltz and James McCombs.
Officers and directors will meet at the home of Dr. Wesson this evening and lay plans for this year's
programs and to appoint committee chairman. These will be announced next week in the citizen.
1964 - Jul 15 - Dr. Oscar Wesson Appoints Lions Club Committees
Dr. Oscar Wesson, Culver Lions Club president for the year 1964-1965, has announced his appointments
for the administrative committees and activities committees for the year.
Administrative Committees
Constitution and By-Laws: Thomas K. Walker, CHairman; W. R. Easterday, Carl Adams. Jr., Myron Benner,
Earl D. Overmyer.
Convention: Wilber Taylor, chairman; Homer Kemple. Ralph Osborn, Stanley Sikora, Harold Fitterling
Finance: Robert Lindvall, chairman; James McAllister, John Bigley, Maurice Nelson, Jesse McCalla
Lions Information: Willard Zechiel, Chairman; Everett Easterday, Earl Eckman, Larry Wlesh
Membership: Earl Eckman, chairman; Raymond Manis, Carl Adams Sr., C. W. Epply
Program: A. N. Poppe and Norman Baker.
Activities Committees
Agriculture: DOn DAvies, chairman; Eldon Davis, Edward Schultz, Whitney Kline, Richard Hosel, RObert Osborn.
Boys and Birls: Norman Baker, chairman; Jack Campbell, Fred Adams, Peter Onesti
Citizenship and Patritism: W. L. Thompson, chairman; RObert Rust, W. O. Osborn, Maj. Gen. D. Spivey.
Civic Improvement and Community Betterment: ANdrew Vernum, chairman; Joseph McCarthey, Winfield Hansen,
James McCombs, Marion Jones.
Education: John Mars, chairman; Kenneth Cole, Glenn Cooleman, J. T. Stinchcomb.
Health and Welfare: Dr. E. Duane Powers, chairman; Jacob Pedersen, Edgar Shaw, Fred Stettbacher.
House committee: James Bonine, chairman; W. R. Washburn, Jesse Overmyer
Official Club Greeters: Paul Snyder Jr.; Jampton Boswell
Saftey: DOn Mikesell, chairman; Sam Medbourn, Paul Kaley, John Lucas, O.T. Smith
Sight Conservation and work for Blind: Dr. F. L. Babcock, chairman; Robert Cultice, Lester Snyder, Dr. Joseph Howard,
Kenneth Williams.
1964 - Jul 15 - Lions Corn ROast Jul 25th
The Culver Lions Club 16th Annual Corn Roast will be held on Saturday, July 25, at the Culver City Park.
Don Davis is chairman of the event.
All the good delicious corn you can eat, hamburger sandwiches,, ice cream, coffee or ice tea to drink. All for
$1.00 for adults and 75 cents for children under 12.
The event is being scheduled a little later this year than usual in order to have pently of corn that is at the
height of creamy goodness. So come on down to the City Park, Saturday, July 25., and enjoy a coern roast as
only the Lions can prepare. Serving starts ar 5:30 p.m. and goes on untill 8:00 p.m. Porceeds go for the Lions
civic activities. |
1964 - Jul 29 - 1,260 Hamburgers Consumed at Lions Corn Roast -
It was an ideal evening
evening for the Culver Lions Club's 15th Annual corn roast and hamburger fry, which was held
last Saturday evening, Jul 25, in the Culver Town Park. Serving started at 5:15 and continued
will past the 8 o'clock hour.
It was estimated by the corn roast chairman, Don Davis that approximately 700 persoooon
were served during the 2 1/2 hour time. The guests consumed 210 pounds of hamburger,
which made 1,260 hamburgers, 205 dozen roasting ears , and over 50 gallons of iced tead.
Approximately 700 cups of ice cream were also served.
Fifty Lions took part in the event, with each Lion having a certain part in the smooth running
The proceeds from the corn roast will be used for the Little League baseball program and other
civic programs that are a part of the Lion's year-round civic activities.
The Lions wish to express their appreciaiton to the public for the fine support of the corn roast.
It is deeply appreciated. DOn Davis, chairman of the project, extends his thanks to the Lions
who helped with the project and all others who had any part in the success of the annaul
The Lions Club in the mid 1980's moved to the Culve Depot - which they under took the
restoration and preservation of the historic 1925 building and
became the leaseholder of it as well as the caretakers for it.
Dedication of the renovated Depot ELmer Haun, Mike Overmyer and ? |