Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Coffee Shoppe 622 Lakeshore Dr.  

A view of the Coffee Shoppe sometime during the 1920's it is assumed.

1926 - Lichtenbergers Buy East End Coffee Shoppe
    A business transaction has been completed during the past week where by N. A. Lichtenberger becomes the owner of the Coffee Shoppe and Barbeque Shop on Lake Shore Drove

    Mesdames Thession and Simpson, former proprietors, have been highly sucessfull in the enterprise but they decided they wanted out.

    Mr. and Mrs. Lichtenberger have had much experience in this work, having managed the Club House for a period and it is expected that they will also be successful in their new venture.

1927 - MAr 16 Add state Ben Logan, prop.

1928 - Mar 1 - Operates the Coffe Shop
    Mr. N. A. Litchenbeerger has taken over the operation of the Coffee Shoppe opposite of the depot and will run it in conjunction with the Lake View restaurant.

1928 - Oct 21 - Harold Easterday Takes Over "Coffee Shoppe"
    The Coffee Shoppe, popular restaurant in the north part of town, will open its doors tomorrow with a new management.

    Harold Easterday will be in charge having secured the location from Mrs. E. A. Thessin.

    Mr. Easterday has been in business here before in this line and needs no introduction.

1928 - July 11 - Mrs. Thessin Purchases Coffes Shop Near Depot

Mrs. E . A. Thessin, purchased the Coffee Shoppe, which is located opposite the depot, last week from N. A. Listenberger. The interior has been redecorated and is open to the public with a regular restaurant menu besides the barbecue orders. This business is not a strange on to Mrs. Thessin as she opereated the Coffee Shoppe once before.

1930 - Dec 3 - Coffee Shoppe Robbed of $30 Late Sunday Night
    The Coffee Shoppe was robbed of about $30 sometime Sunday night shortly before closing time, it is believed.

    The theft was not decovered until Monday morning.

    It is stated that the money had been placed in a hding place in the kitchen and that someone who knew the location slipped in and stole the money. No clue was left.

    Mrs. E. A. Thessin is the proprietor

1931 May 27 - Buys Coffee Shoppe
    A deal was completed last week whereby Arthur Simpson bought the Coffee Shoppe of Mrs. E. A. Theesin.

    The restaurant is located opposite the depot.

    Mr. Simpson took possession Monday Morning. He plans to install a modern soda fountain and to remodel and redecorate the interior of the room.

1931 - Dec 9 - $7,000 Fire Threatens Block
    ....The slight damage to the Simpson restaurant building which is next to Louden's, is placed at about $50 and is covered by insurance. This building is owned by Ezra Hawkins....

1937 - Jul 6 - Coffee Shoppe Changed Owners First of Week
    The Coffee Shoppe opposite the depot, has been sold by Arthur Simpson to Mr. and Mrs. Garl Cultice who took possession on Sunday.

    The restaurant will now be known as "Bea's Coffee Shoppe

1944 Jan 26 - Coffee Shoppe Sold - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Warner have sold he Coffee Shoppe to Mary Carouthers and Catherine Kowatch, who have taken possession

1944 - Feb. 23 Fire in Chimney - A fire in the chimney at the Coffee Shoppe prompted a call for the fire department this morning No damage was done.

1945 - Aug 8 - Coffee Shoppe Sold - Jack Kowatch announced the sale of the Coffee Shoppe to Joe Balough of South Bend. The former owenrs had operated the restaurant for over a year and a half.

1945 - Aug 22 - Re-buys Coffee Shoppe - Jack Kowatch has re-purchased the Coffee Shoppe after being out of the business for about a week

1945 - Jan 1946 - Jack Kowatch... Jack Rrecently sold his inerest in the Coffee Shoppe to his sister, Mrs. James Little

1951 - Jun 13 - Coffee Shoppe to Open - The Coffee Shoppe will open again Sunday morning, June 17, according to Mrs. E. A. Thessin, owner.

1953 - May 6 - Open Resturant -
    Mrs Tom Hagle and Mrs. Floyd Triplett are the joint prorietors of the Coffee Shoppe on Lake Shore Drive which opened for business on Monday of this week.

    The restaurant, formerly owned by Mrs. E. A. Thessin, has been completely redcorated before opening.

    An add found elsewere reads
      Announcing _ The Coffee Shoppe is now open under new management. Completely redecorated - Clean - Attractive - Always Good tasty food at economical Prices at The Coffee Shoppe. Hours 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mon,. Tues, Fri, Sun. 7 a.m. to midnight Wed, Thurs, Sat. Mrs. FLoyd Triplet Mrs. Tom Hagle

1955 - Aug 24 - Jack Kowatch has sold the Coffee Shoppe to Joe Balough of South Bend

1960 - 2 Mar - David Laffoons New Owners of Coffee Shoppe -
    Mr. and Mrs. David Laffoon of South Bend have purchased the Coffee Shoppe on lake Shore Dr. from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Triplett and took over the management of the restauraunt on Monday, Feb. 22.

    The Tripletts have operated the business for six years [1954].

    The Lafoons and their three children, Lane, 5 1/2; Jan Elizabeth, 2 1/2; and valerie Jean 1, have moved into the former McCafferty home on North School Street.

    Mr. Laffoon was previously employed as a postal clerk in South Bend, and Mrs. Laffoon is the former Glenda Ames of Plymouth.

    they are members ot the Methodist church.

1962 - Lavina's Coffee Shoppe - Lavina Triplett (Mrs. Floyd Triplet

Lavania Triplet & Pearl Onesti ran it together for several years. Pearl bought Lavinia out and became sole Owner.

1962 - Lavina's Coffee Shoppe - Lavina Triplett

1965 - Aug 26 - Coffee Shoppe Under New Management
    Mrs. Pearl H. Onesti and Mrs. Virginia M. Kubish have purchased the Coffee Shoppe on Lake Shore Drive from Mrs. Floyd Triplet and will officially take over the management of the restaurant on Sept. 1.

    The new owners are well known in Culver as Mrs. Onesti has assisted her husband in the management of the Lakeside Grocery for the past 12 years and Mrs. Kubish has been associated with Mrs. Triplet in the restaurant. Mrs. Triplet, known as Lavina to her many friends, has operated the Coffee Shoppe for the past 12 years and stated that she now plans to work at home.

    The new owners honored Mrs. Triplet with a farewell party Saturday evening at the Coffee Shoppe.

1965, Sep-1967, Aug - Pearl H. Onesti and Virginia M. Kubish

1967, Aug.-12 Oct 1978 Coffee Shoppe Pearl Onesti

1973 - Dec 13 - Coffee Shoppe BURNS
    The Coffee Shoppe, located across from the city park on Lake Shore Drive, experienced a fire last Wednesday that completely gutted the aged building and the apartment above.

    The fire loss has been estimated by Pearl Onesti, operator of the restaurant and occupant of the apartment above, to be over $25,000. The building and contents were not covered by fire insurance.

    Mrs. Onesti is not sure what shedo this the building or the business. The windows have been boarded up, and little has been done since the fire except the salvage of silverware and other items not irrepairably damaged in the fire.

    Mrs. Onesti reports that there is much water damage to the building, in addition to the effects of the flames.

    As of this writing, Mrs. Onesti had not yet found a permanent place to live

STANDING EMPTY, The Coffee Shoppe on Lake Shore Drive is closed following last week's fire.
At this point in time Pearl Onesti had the restaurant re-furbished and put a brick facing on the lower half.

The caption under the newspaper photo reads: Culver - work is progressing on Pearl Onesti's Cofffe Shop on Lakeshore Drive in Culver. The brick front is being done by David Burns in foreground with the aid of his helper, Mickey McFarland.

Restaurant Resumes operation - - Coffee Shoppe REOPENS - Mrs. Pearl Onesti is shown at work in her newly remodled Coffee Shoppe, which is located on Lake Shore Drive. The Coffee Shoppe was closed December 5, 1973, whe fire badly gutted the interior. The extablishment reopened last Saturday, June 1st., after workman completed the extensive repairs and remodeling work on the walls and ceiling. The kitchen at the Coffee Shoppe was completely remodeled, but the same food food is still being served - home cooked. - June 13, 1974

Then on 21 October 1978 it completely burned down when the bowling alley again caught fire. Fire departments from Culver, Plymouth, and surrounding communities assisted in quenching the blaze.

and by the end of the fire all that remained of the Coffee Shoppe was a pile of rumble - the back wall with the back door!

Pearl never re-built after this fire - it remained an empty lot for years.