Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Colonnade Hotel  

The spelling of the hotel's name also has been found spelled as 'Colonade'.

Location Of

The location of the Colonnade has been long disputed, theorized as, and guessed at etc...

It has been given as being located on the northeast corner of Lakeshore Dr. and State street where the parking lot is for the fire department - where the fire department is - as being opposite of the depot (one must remember today's was built in 1924-1925 and is not the original depot that burnt in 1921 built in 1884; another source says north of the depot which is the most accurate.
The location of the depot given on the plat maps of 1908 and 1922 puts it further east approximately directly across from Osborn Mini Mart (700 Lake Shore Dr.) today

The pictures of the after math of the 12 January 1920 depot fire (which was built in) built in 1884 does confirm the location of the depot as being in font of the Lakeshore Garage which became the location of Osborn's Mini Mart years later.

Two actual pictures of the Colonnade with the depot in them also places it nearly if not in front of the 1884 deopt. One shows the side view with the tracks between the Colonnade and depot; the other a view looking north from within Vandalia Park with the depot in foreground and the Colonafe in the background with top of building only visible.

The most complete and accruate location finally comes from two newspaper articles or quips about the former Colonnade being owned and sold and pinpoint the Coloannde land its grounds with out any dispute as to its location 1904, Jun 8 - The Colonade lot, now owned by T. E. Slattery, is occupied by a promiscuous lot of tents such as lunch. lemonade and peanut, also a barber shop.

The lots extend from the Coffee Shop to the Shively Apartments and from Lake Shore Drive to Pearl Street., whic was found int a later new quip which is further down

Thus the long debated of the location should finally be settled! Now for the chronological history and some of the above shall be repeated.

Chronological History

Section 16 History 1835-1922

The Colonade Hotel 8 May 1881 (formerly refered to as "the railroad resturant" which became the Ohmer Housec. 12 June 1886) which burnt on 27 April 1900; as pictured in this photo would of sat off to the left, and would of probably occupied the area from Bennett's to possibly Lakehouse Patio (excluding the actual Lakehouse building).

This photo interestingly enough shows a view in which the depot and railroad tracks are seen with the Colonnade Opposite the depot" to the north of both.

1891 - May 8 - -The Colonnade
    The Ohmer House, near the Marmont depot at Maxenkuckee lake, has been completely transformed, greatly enlarged and magnificently improved in appearance.

    Large verandas on the ground floor and second story, the full size of the building, have been added, and give the structure quite an imposing appearance.

    The rooms have been greatly enlarged. Four hundred guests can now be comfortably accommodated with lodgings.

    The landlady, Mrs Lord, says she will spare no pains to make it pleasant for guests.

    The hotel will be rechristened "The Colonnade." - Logansport Pharos-Tribune

1891 May 22 THE DEMOCRATIC EDITORS. They will Meet at lake Maxinkuckee...The dates fixed by the executive committee are Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June 25th, 20th and 27th. The sessions will be held at the new Colonnade hotel...

1891 - May 22 - The Ohmer house at Lake Maxinkuckee, has been changed to the New Colonade It has been leased for the season by Mrs. R. K. Lord. - South Bend Tribune
    Mrs. E. E. Lord's obituary states that she ran the hotel for 2 years

Mark Roeder in his book stated: "The Colonnade was perhaps one of the most architecurally interesting hotels that has graced the town of Culver.

Old photos reveal it to have been a rather large structure with two floors or rooms.

One of the most distinctive features of the Colonnade were the porches which surrounded the hotel on both levels on at least threesides. The lattice work brings to mind the style of New Orleans.

Which is clearly shown in this photo.

1891 - Lord, Emma E. (Mortgagor) Herz, Adolph & Herz, Adolph, trustee (Mortgagee) on 5 July 1891 for the amount of 900.00 on Everything in Colonade Hotel, Marmont &c

Logansport Chronicle May 30, 1891 - The Colonade Hotel, formerly the Ohmer is open for guests. The morning train now stops for breakfast ther

Logansport Reporter May 30, 1891 - Chas. Connors has accepted a position at the Ohmer Hotel in Maxinkuckee and will take his place Monday.

1892 - Feb 7 - For Rent - The best summer hotel at Lake Maxinkuckeem Marmont Station., Indiana. Capacity, 25 rooms; elegant large dining-hall, and first-class lunch counter; broad verandas, entirely remodeled and compketely furnished; meal station for hor trains daily; only responsible parties need apply. Address A Herz, Terre Haute, Ind.

1892 - Feb 29 - Hotel Changes at Maxinkuckee
    The Colonnade Hotel at Lake Maxcinkuckee station has been leased by W. H. Sage & Son, of Terre Haute, for one year with the privilege of two at $1,000 per year.

    The hotel will be run during the seasonm and after that, only the resaurant will be operation.

    The Sages had also leased from W. D. Morris & Co. the third floor of the two buildings west of the restaurant for a dancing hall. This hall is 40X70 feet. The hall and this staiway will be opened.

    The hall will be put in first-class order for dancing parties.

    The combination of the dancing hall and the restaurant will be consummated by this is considered an excellent movement as well as convenient for all kinds of parties. - Logansport Pharos-Tribune

1892 - May 11 - Mr. Sage, manager of the Colonnade hotel, Maxinkuckee. was in the city last evening.

1892 - Jul 25 - Maxincukee Notes
    An invitation dance was given last week at the Colonnade hotel

    The Wolf boys, of the Colonnade caught seventeen walleyed pike in one evening's fishing

1892- oct 11 - Frank D. Lamson and family have taken charge of the Colonade hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee for the winter. They will feed the morning and noon Vandalia passengers, and will also accommodate transient guests.

1893 - Sep 23 - ...Mr. and Mrs. Scott Marks will have charge of the Colonnade during the winter Logansport Pharos-Trubune

1894 - Jun 1 - Miss Martha Schmidt. who for number of rears was chief cook at Johnston hotel. went to Marmont yesterday to do tfirst cooking at Colonade." where she will be pleased 10 see her friends when at the lake - .Logansport Pharos-Tribune

July 13 1894 (date assumed) as headed "News From Premier of Marmont Herald" published in Citizen on Sep 5, 1928
    Among the more notable hotels upon the lake is the Colonade, which stands just north of the depot and is conducted under the able and efficient management of W. S. Marks, who has had years of experience in the hotel business.

    This is a magnificent hotel and is most liberally patronized by the public. Here is also where the hungry railroad men have their bodily wants supplied and where the trains stop 20 minutes to give the famished passengers an oo-opportunity to partake of a menu that would make Delmonico's eyes turn green

    with envy.

This is a 1895 ad for the Colonnade Hotel

States that the manager was W. S. Marks. Rates $2 per day. Reduced by the week. Located at the Vandalia depot opposite Park Station boat landing. Special attention given to table service. This hotel is supplied with all the modern improvements with splendid sample rooms

1895 - Jul. 26 - The telephone at Marmont is being transfered from the Colonade, to Mr. Vanscoik [VanSchoiak]. We may expect better tlerphone service hereafter. -- Marshall County Independent

It boasted a dining hall that seated 400 people and it included its own fountain. Dances with orchestras were held there too. It had oil paintings, a roller skating rink and an auditorium. People waiting on trains ate there since it was across from the Depot and made it convenient during the 30 minute train stop that passenger trains made or meals were delivered to people who wished to remain on the train.

1895 - Jul 26 - C. W. Bennet Leaves for Parts Unknown
    SOme people have wondered what has become of the genial manager of the Colonade at Lake Maxinkuckee.

    The Independent was problably as much surprised as many others will be when informed that the affable and apparently respectble gentleman has silently departed, like a thief in the night, leaving unpaid bills behind.

    Cooks, dining room girls, porters, gorcers and butchers all suffer alike; even the little newspboys are left short of the little mute they worked so hard to earn.

    Mr. Bennett has enjoyed the confidence of the propriietors, who are all rescpectable and responsible people residing at Terre Haute, and every one is at a loss to account for his strange actions; but were more surpised when, on the same day of his departure, a warrant was sworn out for his arrest on a charge of assulting Mrs. Kreitsor, of Chicago.

    The proprietors have taken possession of the hotel, on their lease, and willl herafter conduct the house themselves.

    Messrs. Adolph Herz; F. W. and Riley McKeen and Adolph Arnold being in charge.
      Since the mysterious disappearance of C. W. Bennett, formerly mandager of the Colonade hotel at Maxenkuckee, the proprietors of the house have had it in charge.

      They have engaged workmen and will give the hotel a thorough overhauling, renovating and repairing throughout, after which they expect to put in a gentleman from Terre Haute as manger, who is a thorough hotel man of A 1 standing, and will run the house as a first-class hotel.
    Marshall County Independent

    NOTE: Believe that F. W. and Riley McKean are sons of railroad tyscon William Riley McKeen

1895 - Jul 26 - The telephone at Marmont is being transfered from the Colonade to Mr. Vanscoik. We may expect better telephone Service hereafter - Marshall County Independent

In a snipit in the Culver Herald on 15 May 1896:
    We are pleased to note that under the management of Mr. Postlehwaite the Colonnade Hotel is becoming more and more popular everyday.

    Traveling men say it is a pleasure to put up there now and a large number of resorters will spend their vacations at said house this season.

    The hotel is being repainted and thoroughly renovated upon the interior and today will compare favorably with any other first class house in northern Indiana.

    Then, at this exceeding popular hostelry can be found, at all hours, a first class lunch counter where you can procure for very little money an excellent meal.
and then also on 22 May 1896 in The Herald:
    The first excursion of the season to the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee came over the Wabash and Vandalia lines on Saturday last. It was given under the auspices of Purdue University of Lafayette. About a hundred and fity were present and although the weather was not very propitious for the occasion, all seemed to enjoy themselves. The occasional showers somewhat marred the pleasure of the boating parties, but between these occasionals they managed to get a tour of the lake on the steamers.

    In the afternoon a dance was held in the spacious and most complete dining room of the Colonnade and on every hand gallant young men were seen filling up spaces on their programs with the names of the young ladies who were to be their partners in tripping the light fantastic to the sweet strains of music of Professor Ohlsen's orchestra, who accompanied the party from Lafayette.

    After supper the tables were cleared and the dancing once more indulged in until the bell of the locomotive attached to the train [that] was to bear them home announced that it was time to start and at 10 o'clock p.m. moved off, having on board one of the happiest and jolliest parties that ever graced a college of learning.
and also in the 14 Aug. 1896 issue of the Herald is stated that - Among the guests were famous actors of the day.

1896 - Dec 25 - We learn that the proprietor of the Colonade Hotel, contemplates opening a roller skating rink, providing proper inducements are offered. That is, if a majority of the young people desire such a move, they will please make it known, such an institution will help to pass away many long evenings, and if a rink is opened it will be conducted in a first-class manner.

1897 - May 14 - The Colonade hotel has just been newly papered and otherwise improved in appearance

1897 May - The great mogul bass was caught in Lake Maxenkuckee by Al Leak, the baker last Wednesday. The monster weighed seven pounds and two ounces, and can be seen in the fountain in the dining room of the Colonade Hotel

1897 May 28 - C. C. Postlethwaite, the jolly proprietor of tbe Colonade hotel, made South Bend a flying visit Tuesday.

1897 - Aug. 7 - Culver CIty Herald (Maxinkuckee) - Miss Fannie Mitchel, of Logansport, an expert telephone operator, has been at the Colonnade the past week, instructing the operatiors upon the log distant exchange. She is a charming young landy and has been connected with the telephone company for the past eight years. - Logansport Pharos Tribune

In the 1 Sep. 1897 issue of the Culver Herald proclaimed -
    Flew the coop.

    The Citizens of the usually serene community were some what startled at the news that Mr. Pittman, manager of the Colonade Hotel the past four months had quietly shoved down all the cash and skipped for parts unknown, taking all the cash and his family with him.

    He also leaves many creditors.

1898 - Section 16
    L. C. Dillion - 10A, 99.31A, 79.76, 75.60A
    T. Houghton 89A
    A. Roughton
    E. Duddle(son) 9.60A
    E. Morris 21.49A/Morris Lake Front Plat
    T. H. & L RRR Lake View Club 15 A.
    J. J. Bryant
    Incorporated Limits of Culver

1898 - Mar 18 - In the near future Mr. D R. Avery will take charge of the Colonnade Hotel. He is an old hotel man and thoroughly understands how to please the public. Mr. Postlethwaite, the retiring landlord, has won hosts of friends since his advent in Culver, and if he departs from this place, he and his amiable wife will leave a large circle of friends who will deeply regret their departure.

1898 - Apr 15 - J.B. Skinner, manager of the long-distance telephone at Logansport is in town looking after the interestsof the phone station at this place, which will have to be moved from the Colonade hotel to some other quarters. - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1898 - Apr 22 - For fear there might be some misunderstanding relative to the removing of the telephone station from the Colonade hotel, as mentioned inlast week’s edition, we wish to state the phone station will be removed because the new landlord, who will tako possession May 1st, desires to utilize the space it occupies in order to have more office room. Mr. Postlethwaite has given great satisfaction as manager of the station and the company greatly appreciated his services.

1898 - Apr 29 - Mr. D. R. Avery took possession of the Colonnade Hotel this week. He is a thoroughly competent hotel man, a gentlemen in every sense of the word, and will cater to the public in a manner which will receive hearty approval.

The following buisness card dates after the 24th day of October 1895 when proceedings were held for the name change of Marmont to Culver and the spelling on the card is 'Colonade' and before it burned on 27 April 1900; tho stamped Feb 12, 1901:
One end reads; "Meals delivered on Trains, good, lunch room always open, Cigars, Tobaccos and candies; the other reads: $2.00 per day, Special rates by the week to families and paarties, Satisfaction guaranteed. Large cool dinnign room. Middle D. R. Avery, Prop. Colonnade Hotel Near Depot Lake Maxinkuckee

1898 Aug 8 - Under its new manager, D. B. Avery, the Colonnade hotel is doing a rushing business. Trains stop now 20 minutes for dinner and the employees of the trains are loud in their praise of the culinary department Mr. Avery is a gentleman entirely free from the “ big I-am” which characterized certain predecessors.

1898 Sep. 9 - L. C. Wiseman will have charge of the Colonnade lunch room.

Ad from the 1898 Culver Herald Souviner Booklet and the spelling on sign board on the front of the building at this time is 'Colonade' but the the ad reads: Colonnade Hotel, (opposite depot) Culver, Ind. (Lake Maxinkuckee). Special rates by the week or for parties and families. D. R. Avery, Prop.

Colonnade Hotel, Opposite depot Culver, Ind. Lake Maxkinkuckee. D. R. Avery, prop. First-class throughout - Largest dining room in Northern Indiana - A home for fisherman and pleasure seekers - Local and long distance telephone - Meals or lunch delivered on trains. D. R. Avery prop.

1899 - May 19 - Garn Bros, have just closed the contract to paper and paint the interior of the Colonade hotel. This house will be conducted by George Crump, of Kewanna, and will be in charge of a celebrated hotel man from Logansport. The house will be run firat class, and open June 1st.
    Geo. W. Crump, manager of the Toner Hotel, at this place, has leased the Colonnade Hotel at Lake Maxnkuckee, for the season, and has placed Lee Pittman in charge of the same. Mr. Crump will remian here in charge of the Toner. - 19 May 1899 - Kewanna Herald

1899 - May 20 - Mr. W. C. Pittman, representing Schnull & Co. of Indianapolis and George Crump, of the Kewanna hotel, have lesased the Colonade hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee for the season. The house will be thoroughly renovated and refurbished. They expect to run a first-first class, strictly up-to-date hotel, such as any one or any family wishing to take a vacation, will not hesitate to patronize. June 1st is the opening day. This season no doubt will be a good one for the lake, as all Sunday excursions will go as far as the lake only. Sunday, June 11th will be the first excursion. - Logansport Reprter.

Under entire new management. Crump & Pittman, proprietors Rates of $2 per day Rates for families. Made known upon application. Hotel Colonnade, ...Lake Maxinkuckee. Culver, Ind.

1899 - June 2 - Mr. A. Herz of Terre Haute was transacting business in Culver this week. He is making externsive repairs upon the interior of the Colonade.

1899 - Jun 19 - John M. Louthain went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to take the position of day clerk at the Colonnade hotel. He will be there during the vacation season Logansport Pharos Tribune

1899 - Jul 2 - A tragic event at the Colonade a Balloon accident

1899 - Jul 14 - Under the new management, the Colonade is fast coming to the front, and is to-day recognized as one of the best hotels on the lake shore. - Culver Herald

1899 - Jul 21 - Wm. Pittman, the genial landlord of the Colonade Hotel, made South Bend a business visit Wednesday

1899 - Aug 11 - W. S. Pittman is now sole proprietor of the Colonade Hotel, Being a man eminently qualified for the business, and having had years of experience, he has brought the Colonade from a position of practical nenenity to where it is recognized as one of the best houses upon the banks of the lake.

1899 - Sept 2 (Sat.) - Logansport Journal
    Maxinkuckee Hotel Closed

    The Colonnade Hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee, was yesterday closed by its owner, a gentleman of the name of Hertz, living at Terre Haute.

    Will Pittman, lately of Davenport,who had been managing the house this summer, is said to have- skipped out "between two days" the early part of the week, leaving his help and numerous commercial creditors to wonder.

    It is understood however, that Pittman wrote back to Maxinkuckee giving the assurance that he would make an effort to settle all accounts just as soon as he could fine profitable employment.

    It is learned that the hotel had been doing a good business during the season and it is wondered among Pittman's acquaintances here why he was not able to make it go to the close of the season

1899 - Sept 2 - The COlonnade hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee has been closed by the owner. Will Pittman, lately of Davenport, has been managing the hotel this summer and is said to have skipped out leaving the help and business men his creditors. It is learned, however, that he has written the owner that he will make an effort to effect a settlement when he secures other employment. A Mr. Herd of Lafayette is the owner of the hotel - Logansport Pharos-Tribune

1899 - Sep 4 - Hotel Manager Missing - Special to the Indianapolis News = Terre Haute, Ind., Sept 3 - Mr. A. Hertz of this city, who owns the Colonade Hotel at Maxinkuckee has closed it for the season because Pittman, the man who was managing it has left without notice. He came from Davenport to Maxinkuckee - Indianapolis Journal

The Terre Haute Express of a late date devoted a half column to the business transactions of the late W. S. Pittman, formerly of this city - Sep 8 1899

1899 - Sep 8 - "Flew the Coop"
    Wedensday the citizens of this usually serene cuty were somewahat startled at the announcement that Pittman, manager of the Colonade horel the past four months, had quietly shoved down all the cash and kipped for parts unknown, taking his family with him.

    It is also said that he leaves many local creditors who mourn his departure and will not be comforted.

    We hear it is rumored that the owner of the house will make a effort to have this "slick knave" brough to justice, if he ann be located.

    We await developements - Culver Herald / Marshall COunty Independent

1899 - Sep 21 - Manager Pittman of the Colonade Hotel, Maxinkuckee, is missing, and the hotel has shut up - Mooroeville Breeze

1899 - Sep 23 - Manager Pittman of the Colonade Hotel, Maxinkuckee, is missing, and the hotel has shut up - - Cayuga Herald, Saturday, September 23, 1899, Cayuga, Indiana

1900 - Evermans' Biological Survey

1900 - Feb 21/22 - For Sale at Bargin - The Colonade Hotel at Culver, Ind. (Lake Maxinkuckee), containingt 25 bedrooms, elegant large dininng-room (seating 200 people), fine parlors, office and lunch-room; all furnished; reason for selling, disagreement among owners - Address A. Herz, Terre Haute, Ind. - Indianapolis News, Indianapolis Journal,

Mark Roeder states:
    that the 27 April 1899 [sic 1900] Herald reported that the hotel had burnt at 2 a.m. [sic 2:30 a.m] on Saturday. The loss was $10,000 or near that figure. Also burning as a result of the fire was the Wolford Saloon and Kelley barber shop; they all burnt to the ground quickly. The smell of coal oil was detected and it was the belief that the Colonade was intentionally set afire.
Facts within his statement are true but the date has been erronously stated or miss-read when transcribed into his manuscript. All newespaper accounty I have found says 1900.

This photo captures a smaller building in the background near the upper left; to the right it of the Colonnade is a building which is probably the Wolford Saloon and the corner of a canopy the canopies which grace the east and west portions of todays town park as picnic shelters.

1900 - Apr 21 - Hotel Fire at Culver
    The Colonade Hotel and other Property Destroyed

    [Special to the Indianapolis News]

    Culver, Ind., April 21 - About 2 o'clock this morning, fire was discovered in the rear of the Colonade Hotel, opposite the railway station, in Scott Streey, and a short time the building was a sheet of flame, which communicated with the Beeber saloon building, the Keller barber shop and Overman's saloon; all of which were consumed.

    The isurance on the hotel is $2,500. The other buildings are partially covered by insurance.

    As the hotel was unoccupied, it is a cleas case of incendiarism.

1900 - Apr 22- Hotel Is Burned Down
    Colonnade at Culver, Ind. Destroyed With its Contents

    Plymouth, Ind. April 21. - Fire early today at Culver destroyed the Colonnade Hotel . together with its contents. All the guests escaped having been notified of their dange in good season.

    Two saloons, a restaurant and a barber shop were also destroyed.

    The total loss is estimated at $16,500, partially insured. Incendiaries are believed to have started the fire. - - Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette

1900 - Apr 25 - The Colonnade Hotel at Culver was destroyed by fire. All the guests escaped. Two saloons, a restaurant and a barber shop were also destroyyed. The total loss is estimated at $16,500, partially insured. Incendiaries are believed to have started the fire. - Angola Herald

1900 - Apr 26 - Incendiary Fire - Plymouth, Ind. April 23. - Fire at Culver destroyed the Colonnade Hotel together with its contents. . All the guests escaped.Two saloons, a restaurant and a barber shop were also destroyed. The total loss is estimated at $16,500, partially insured. Incendiaries are believed to have started the fire. - Argos Reflector

1900 - Apr 27 - Hotel Burned - Plymouth, In., Apr 22 - Fire arly in the day at Culver destroyed the Colonnade Hotel, together with its contents. All the guests escaped. Incendiarism is suspected - - Bremen Enquirer

1900 May 4 - W. J. Wood, of Indianapolis, who represents the North American Insurance Co., and Chas. H. Kelley, of Terre Haute, who represents the Traders Insurance Co., of Chicago, were in town Tuesday looking after the insurance of the late Colonade hotel. Culver

Found in the One Township yesteryears is only a brief mention of the Colonnade:
    George E. Nearpass, III; of Indianapolis,... "I remember also when the old Colonnade Hotel, which stood across from the depot, burned down.

    The passenger train years ago stopped thirty minutes at Marmont, for dinner at the Colonnade Hotel, and on Sundays the trains would bring into the village around five and six thousand people on excursions, to spend the day at the lake."

1904, Jun 8 - The Colonade lot, now owned by T. E. Slattery, is occupied by a promiscuous lot of tents such as lunch. lemonade and peanut, also a barber shop.

1908 Appears to be empty lot. Vandalia Park

1913 - Aug 28 - T. E. Slattery, who owns 156 feet of frontage opposite the depot, was recently offered $65 per front foot — $10,140 — in trade by a Chicago party who desired to put up a store building. He paid $3,000 for the land 10 ago.


In a much late news clip we find Colonade area defined as:
    1945 - Jun 12 - Marshall Buys Former Slattery Property.

    James Marshall has purchased the property owned by the Slattery estate oppostie the town park on Lake Shore Drive.

    The lots extend from the Lakeside Grocery. to the Shively Apartments and from Lake Shore Drive to Pearl Street.

    No Change in present tenants is contemplated.

    As soon as possible a building is to be erected next to the Shively Shop to house the General Sheet Metal Works operated by "Red" Seese.

    A Parking lot will be built in the vacant area which once housed a restaurant and dance hall. They were destroyed by fire several years ago.

This area - now is: 624 Lake Shore Dr.

630 Lake Shore Dr.

634 Lake Shore Dr.

640 Lake Shore Dr.

642 Lake Shore Dr.

And a new era of history began slowly; and yet another fire in 1931 tried to again destroy the area and 41 years later yet another fire threatened the areas welfare in 1972 .