Fred Johnson Died Suddenly Sunday Night
Fred R. Johnson, 71 years old dropped dead lat Sunday afternoon of a heart attack at his
apartment on Lake Shore Drive.
He was the owner of the aprtmant building on the corner of Lake Shore Drive and Liberty
He was born in Argos, Oct. 31, 1872 and hade lived in Culverfor the past 16 years, coming
here from LaGrange, Ill.
On Nov. 11, 1894, he was untied in marriage to Alvilda LaMarble, who survies
Othe survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Ana Kendall of Argos and Mrs. L. H. Hughes oc Chicago
and the broither, CHarles Johnson oc Chicago
Fuernal services are being held this (Wedensday) afternoon at the Grossman Funeral home
in Argos, with burial in the Plymouth Cemetery.
The Culver Masonic lodge will be in charge of the services.