644 South shore Dr.
Section 27 History 1835-1922
1922 - D. McDonald |
McDonald Subdivision |
1951 - Mar 28 - Ten New homes which are under construction include those of...
Chance Lennen
Home on the South Shore;
1953-61 - Chauncey B. "Chance" & Ruth (Behmer) Lennen
1958 Lake Directory - Chauncey Lennen - , 644 South Shore Drive, Culver.
Chauncey Lennen who was from Anderson Indiana married in 1947 Ruth Behmer a sister to Donald Indpendence
Behmer and were children of Clarence D. and Gertrude Agnes "Trudy" Wiseman.
Ruth attended DePauw University and taught music at Morris, Illinois. She joined the Chautaiqua and traveled
throughout the United Sates, Canada and Mexico. Ruth was an accomplished violinist, vocol soloist and pianist.
For several years she was a member of Bill Taber's jazz band. One of her prime enjoyments was to enterain
fellow members of a retirement circle while spending winters in Flordia. They later resided in the Behmer
family home on Lakeshore Dr. & Academy (across from the LakeShore Clinic & NIPSCO substation. Ruth also spent
many long and arduos hours with the music department of the Methodist Church - 1989 History of Marshall County.
? - Jan 1985 Jack E. & Lila J. Campbell
2017,Jun-2022,Jun - Burns Lake Home Trust, Mary H Burns
2022,Jun-2024 - Eric H. and Hartha H. Burns, cotrustees
The Legal description is: Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), and the
West Thirty feet (30) of Lot Nineteen (19) of McDonald's Subdivision,
in the Fractional Southwest Quarter (Fr'1SW1/4) of Section 27, Township
32 North, Range 1 East, Union Township, Marshall County, Indiana.
together with a nonexclusive easement for ingress and egress to Lake
Maxinkuckee, which easement is hereby described as follows:
The West Fifteen (15') feet of the East Forty (40') feet of Lot 4
in McDonald's Subdivision of Fractional Southwest Quarter (SW1/4)
of Section 27, Township 32 North, Range 1 Est. situated in Union
township, Marshall County. Indiana.