662 [636] [682] S. Shore Dr. - Stevens-Savage Boat House & Culver Boat House
This has also been given as 600 or 636 South Shore Drive given and earlier as
Stevens-Savage Boat House
1922 - Jun 8 - The Culver Fire Department was called in the Stevens
boat hous at the south end of Lake Maxinkuckee Friday afternoon when
a large motor boatcaught fire. The fire had been extinghushed whe the
fire truck arrived
Not much has been found on the business references to it has been made to it
in regards to picinics and reunions as such:
1935 - Sep 4 - The annual Stevens family reunion took place at the Stevens
and Savage boat house at the south end of the Lake.
193_ -1947 - Stevens-Savage Boat House - Roscoe Stevens & Charles Savage
1935 - Jul 3 - Sailing Dinghy Exhibit - Ricke a Sail and Boat Manufactuing Company of Angola
Indiana, will exhibit one International Sailing Dinghy Made by the above company at the
Stevens and Savage Boat House, and will also have on at the Maxinkuckee Landing for
demonstration, on Saturday and SUnday, July 13th and 14th. All intrested in sailing are
incited to look these boats over and take a ride. - Mr. Dayton E. Ricke will be in charge.
1947 - Jan 15 - Buys Interest In Boat House - Donald Behmer has purchased of
Roscoe Stevens his interest
in the Sevens-Savage Boat House at the south end of the lake
1947 - Jun 11 - Seek Road Improvement
Seventeen property owners along the south end of Lake Maxinkuckee have petitioned the county
commissioners to improve the dirt road past their properstieds.
The Signers of the petition are:
Edwin J. Carlson
Emily H Carlson
Harry E. Medbourn
DOnald Behmer
W. H. Hopkins
O. B. Hatten |
ANdy Coldwater,
F. N. Overmyer
Glen WIlson
Lero Wilson
R. J. Harrison
WM. W. Rankin |
Franklyn Kinkade
Helen V. Kinkade
Geo. F. Brigel
Lillian B . Brigel and
Martha J. Roberts |
Culver Boat House/Culver Boat Boat Service / Behmer Boat House
Don Behmer -
Culver Boat House/Culver Boat Boat Service (Lake Rd.; PH:256-J2)
1947 - April 9 - Purchased Boat House
Donald Behmer has purchased the Savage share of the boat house on South Shore Road.
He had bought the Stevens interest in the boat house some time ago and this purchase makes
him the complete owner of the business
1948 - July 7 - Mrs. Ruth Behmer Lennen announces the opening of a grocery store on South Lake.
Shore Road at the Culver Boat Service
Chauncey Lennen who was from Anderson Indiana married in 1947 Ruth Behmer a sister to Donald
Indpendence Behmer and were children of Clarence D. and Gertrude Agnes "Trudy" Wiseman.
Ruth attended DePauw University and taught music at Morris, Illinois. She joined the Chautaiqua and
traveled throughout the United Sates, Canada and Mexico. Ruth was an accomplished violinist, vocol
soloist and pianist. For several years she was a member of Bill Taber's jazz band. One of her prime
enjoyments was to enterain fellow members of a retirement circle while spending winters in Flordia.
They later resided in the Behmer family home on Lakeshore Dr. & Academy (across from the
LakeShore Clinic & NIPSCO substation. Ruth also spent many long and arduos hours with the music
department of the Methodist Church - 1989 History of Marshall County.
Culver Boat Company
1953 - sep 23 - The Culver Boat Service, operated by Don Behmer for the past eight years, is now
operated on a year-round basis by
O. D.
Campbell and his son,
J. E.
Campbell, under the firm's new name of Culver Boat Company.
takes pride in announcing the acquistion of the Culver Boat Service formerly owned and
operated by Don Behmer.
We will continue to offer the finest in workmanship, repairs and service of boats and
As a part of out inital expansion program we have acquired a direct factory dealership for
a complete line of Johnson Motors and will continue to handle Chris-Craft and Lymoan
inboard and outboard boats.
O. D. Campbell
J. E. Campbell
Culver Boat Company Begins Business Here
Culver extends a hearty welcom e to another enterprising new business firm - the Culver Boat
Company, which will be operated on a year-round basis by O. D. Campbell and his son J. E.
The father and son combination has acquired the Culver Boat service conducted by Don Behmer
for the past eight years, making a slight change in name.
For 20 years the Campbells have specialized in sales, storage, and repairs under the name of
Campbell Boat Livery at Rome City, Ind.
The new Culver Boat Company holds factory dealerships for the sale of Johnson Motors as well
as Chris-Craft and Lyman boats.
Chance Lennon and Jay Rich employees of Don Behmer, will continue with the new firm. Mr.
Behmer has no plans for the immediate future.
The senior Campbells have rented the Olive Shilling home while Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Campbell and
their son David 15 months have rented the Gottschalk cottage
J. E. Campbell, at the age of 26 has already won fame as a hydroplane racer, participating in
races here last summer and two years ago. Last Sunday he was first in Class B at South Bend and
also walked off with a handsom trophy as high point man in Class B.
In the Citizen Issue of 24 Sept. 1954 is found: The Culver Boat Company 636 South Shore Drive
has under construction a fine new two-story 26 by 120' fireproof building for watercraft storage
purposes. The old building on the site was razed to make room for the new. O. D. Campbell and his son
Jack say an additional 40 boats may be stored because of the new building.
NOTE The name changed to - Culver Boat Service (1953-75). finally becoming '
Culver Marina
1958 Lake Directory - 682. Culver Boat Co./ (0. D. Campbell)
1964 - July 29 - Culver Boat Company Erects Large Display Building |
The Culver Boat Company, 636 South Shore Drive, has just finished the construction of their large
display room a n d office building. The new building, added to their complex of buildings, is an Armco
Steel Building measuring 40 by 120 feet. Erected on a heavy concrete slab, the building is located on
the lakeside of the company's operations and adjacent to one of their large storage buildings.
The roof and sides are of sheeting steel, painted green. The front is of brick in which large plate glass
windows have been set. The structural part of the building is of steel I-Beam construction. The large
display room, which is in the front of the building, facing the drive, measures 40 by 80 feet. There is
room enough to display approximately 20 boats. The walls are of mahogany paneling. Display lighting
with four continuous strings of flour-escent lights are attached to the white Starfoam ceiling.
At the back of the display room, the offices for the company are located, also storage closets and rest
rooms. A large door opens from the display room into a large rigging room, which lies directly behind the
office complex. The large door allows room for large boats to be moved in and out of the display room
with ease. The rigging room can be entered from either the outside or from the large storage building
adjacent to it.
The Culver Boat Company is owned and operated by O. D. Campbell and his son, Jack Campbell. The
Campbells' came here in 1953 from Rome City, Ind. The new display building is the third major addition
the firm has made since the Campbells acquired the property.
The Culver Boat Company are dealers for Chris-Craft, Century and Turbojet boats, Johnson Seahorse
motors and all types of marine supplies. Service and storage are also included in their operations.
Watch The Citizen for their opening announcement
Jack E. Campbell and his wife Lelia
(Campbell.) Campbell bought first 50 acres of land over on the east shore with 1,000 feet of lake frontage
in 1970; the Norris Property. Jack Campbell Sr. had obtained a DNR permit to fredge the harbor. After five
years of improvements to the site, which included including dredging a harbor, and daming it up, adding a
seawall; stalls for 140 boats and also several storage buildings. George Franz done alot of dredging work and
welding work for the Campbell's in establishing the Marina site.
1975 The original Culver location, renamed "Culver Boat Company", until the summer of 1975 and with the move
the name changed again - Culver Marina Inc. Thus they moved the business to the site at
3000 East Shore Drive.