700 Lake Shore Drive
Section 16 History 1835-1922
It was directly across from or in front of the Vandaliai depot |
> |
Was 704 Lake Shore in the 1940's , 720 Lake shore drive in the 1960's - Jan 1972.
1915 - May 6 - S. E. Medbourn and S. J. Lenon have bought the Vandalia Park
tract of nine acres and will plat it into about 40 lots
1915 - Jun 23 Medbourn and Lenon received the deed on Moday for the
Vandalia Park tract, and yesterday had surveyors platting it into lots.
1916 - Apr 13 - built by Charles Plotner.
Big New Garage
Chas. Plotner of Star City last week bought a lot 45X100 opposite the depot in the new
Vandalia Park addition for $900, and his contactiors, Keen & Buckheister, are now at work
on a cement block building which will cover the entire lot. It is to be completed by June 1.
1917 |
1917 - Mar 8 - A Business Change -
Culver, Ind.,
March 7
I wish to announce that the Lawrence Bros. of Plymouth have purchased the Lake Shore
Garage and thereby have added another link to their chain of service stations.
We are going to put in an up-to-date shop where all kinds of machines and repair work
can be take care of in a besiness-like way and will be cecond to no other shop in this
Whether your needs are a small adjustment or a general overhauling, we are going to do
the work thoroughly and complete, and your car must not leave the garage until you are
We will soon have on display in our garage a new 1917 Dodge, which is every inch an extra
ordinary porduction of the motor car world.
We will take great pleasure in showing you this car and explain all its many pleasin
Yours for Service, The Lake Shore Garage - W. J. Low, Manager.
1918 - November 27 - Fritz Schweidler of Chicago buys Lakeside Garage from Lawrence
Sale of Lakeside Garage
The Lakeside Garage has been bought by Maurtiz Scheilder of Chicago who will take
possession Dec. 1. Lawrence Bros., sell the equipment and White Bros. & Co. of
Laporte the building. The amount invovled in the deal is $5,000.
1922 - Lakeshore Garage - Note the building runs North & South as shown in the
photo of the depot fire in Jan. 1920. Later years it ran east & west on the back portions
of Lots 1 & 2 |
Schwidler's & the Lakeshore Garage; more detailed
1923 - Mar 7 Installing Big Tank
The Lake Shore Garage is planting a 1000-gallon gasoline tank on the rear of its lot
and will have a service station on the curb. The Schweidler's have contracted for
100,000 gallons of gasoline.
1924 - Sanborn Fire Map shows simple as "garage" and material made
of and the location of the gas pumps |
1925 - Feb 18 - Joe Schweidler sells half interest in garage to his brother
and partner. M. F. Schweidler.
1927 - Joe Schweidler
Buys Lake Shore Garage
1928 - Nov. 28 - Michigan Man Plans to open Chevrolet Agency
A Chevrolet agency will be opened in the Lake Shore garage, December 15th by a Mr.
Fry rom Michigan.
This announcemnt is made by J. W. Riggens who closed the deal renting the Fishburn
house to Mr. Fry.
Mr. Schweidler will not be connected in any way with the agency but will handle the
seviceing work.
1929 - Aug 21 - Lake Shore Garage Starts Extensive Remodeling Plan
Work has started in remodeling the Lake Shore garage into one of the most modern
buildings in any town this size in the state.
The building is o be extedned to a 100-foot front with a fine filling station at the
corner of Liberty and Lake Shore Drive.
On the north side of the building will be a super-service station with the latest type
of equipment.
An entirely new front will be built.
1929 - Dec 11 - Remodeling of Lake Shore Garage Completed
After several week's work on on the minor details the remodeling, the Lake Shore
Garage has been changed into an up to-date garage that is a credit to the town and
a reflection of the business ability of Joe Schweidler, the proprietor
The old wooden frame has been replaced by a beautiful light colored glazed brick,
which is made nore attractive at night by the two flood lights
The entire structure was moved back allowing for a for a drive-in filling station.
The building was also widened to give more room for the repair shop as well as
additional storage space.
The front of the building is taken up with the office, parts room and convenient
The doors to the repair shop are electrically operated and is in keeping with the
improvements made by Mr. Schweidler through out the garage.
Two hydraulic lifts are also a part of the new modern equipment.
1936 - Jul 22 - Schweidler to Move Buffington Bungalow
Work has started removing the trees from the corner of Lake Shore Drive and Forest
Place prepartory to moving the Buffington house to the back of the lot. The property
has been purchaed by Joe Schweidler.
The house will be faced on Forrest Place, will be raised and a basement placed under
A furnace will be installed, a new roof built, and the interior and exerior of the house
There is a possiblity that Mr. Schweidler will extend the entry way to the Lake Shore
Garage to the corner.
was 409 Forrest Place |
1937 - Sanborn map it bore the strret/postal address of 702 Lakeshore Dr. |
1940, Aug 14 - Ray Bickel Leases Lake Shore Garage
Ray Bickel announces that he has leased the Lake Shore Garage of Joe
Schweidler, effective Aug. 7
Bickel has been in the mechaical department of the garage for 12 years
so is well aquainted with the business
He also states that he has been assigned the local associate dealership
for Gates Chevorlet of Plymouth
Joe Schweidler will devote all his time to his bowling alley in
1942 - May 20 Builds Sub Chasers
Ray Bickel former manager of Lake Shore Garage, left Monday for Benton
Harbor, Mich. where he was a postion helping build submarine chasers
Joe Schweidler is now operating the local garage.
1941-1942 Howlett Motor Sales 704 Lalkeshore Drive. Lake Shore Garage
view from Liberty Street the left is on the alley and the far right end is the south side on
Lake Shore drive |
1942 - December 30 – Closes Gargae - Joe Schwiedler closed the Lake Shore
Garage due to war donditions and is now workng in Plymouth on war production
as a skilled mechanic.
1943 - June 16 - Machine Works Moving Shop to Culver Site
The Moore Engineering Co. is moving its machine shop from
Plymouth to the building formerly occupied by the Lake Shore Garage.
Three or four men will be employed until the plant gets under full
operation, after which the force will be enlarged
Joe Schweilder, who has been associated with the company for sometime,
has been turning out work for the navy in the local plant for the past
two weeks
1944 - Jun 7 - Garage Reopens - Joe Schweidler announces the Lake Shore Garage
opened for Business
1945 - May 5 - Lake Shore Garage Opens Under New Management
The Lake Shore Garage has been leased by Joseph Schweidler to the
Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., which has issued a sub-lease to George Mayes
of Mishawaka and R. J. Smith of South Bend.
The garage and service station reopened for business last week
under the new managment at the sign of the Flying Red Horse. |
Mr. Mayse and Mr. Smith have had considerable experience in repair business, garage
work, welding, etc, as well as the operation of service stations. Mr. Smith had moved
into the house formerly occupied by the Herman Gardner family and Mr. Mayse plans to
move her as soon as possible.
1946 - Hudson Sales & Service, Lakeshore Garage - ad in Oct 2 issue
of Citizen |
1947 - February 26 – Buys Out Partner - G. O. Mayes has purchased R. G. Smith’s interest
in the Lakeshore Garage and will continue to operate the business as in the past. Mr.
Smith plans to move to California after school is out
1947 - APr. 23 - add stating also Hudosn Sales & Service
1948 - Oct 6 - Joe Schweidler, proprietor of Lake Shore Garage, announces that Williams
Wooletts, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Ward has accepted the position of car sales
manager for his business.
1950 - 1952 - Lake Shore Gargage - Oldsmobile Dealership
1950 - Jan 11 - Don Anderson of Kokomo has purchased the Lake Shore Garage
from Joe Schweidler
Don Anderson Purchases Lake Shore Garage
Don Anderson of Kokomo, Indiana, has purchased the Lake Shore Garage from Joe
Scliweidler it was announced early this week. The new owner has already taken
over the management of his newly acquired auto sales and service establishment
For the past ten years, Mr. Anderson bias successfully conducted an auto sales and
service business in Kokomo. He has purchased a home just east of the Lake Shore
Garage on Forest Place and expects to move his family here within the next two
weeks. The Andersons have two children.
In announcing the sale Mr. Schweidler stated that his plans for the future were
indefinite. He and Mrs. Schweidler plan to soon go to La Jolla, California, for an
Indefinite visit.
“Joe” as he is familiarly known to his many friends has a wide acquaintance throughout
the area. He is a veteran machinist and during- the war did specialized defense work.
He established his business here 31 years ago.
1952 - Chicago Motor Club AAA Service Station
1953 - The new 1953 Oldsmobile will be shown this Friday at Don Anderson's Lake Shore Garage
1952 - Feb 6 - Short in wires leading to the large electic sign on front of the Lake Shore Gargae
Satruday evening,brought a call to the Culver Fire Department who extingushed the blaze
1955 - Nov. 9 Lake shore Oldsmobile -
WInamac Meb Buy Lake Shore Garage
Bud Goble and Kash Holbrook of Winamac have purchased the Lake Shore Garage from
Don Anderson.
They will operate the dealership under the name of Lake Shore Oldsmobile.
Both Mr. Goble and Mrs. Holbrook have been connected with an Oldsmonile dealership
four years.
Mr. Holbrook, a factory trained serviceman, will have charge of the Service Deprtment and Mr.
Goble will handle the Sales Department and office work
The families of both new owners plan to move to Culver in the near future.
1957 - Sep 11
Oscar B. Perine, the
Indianapolis oil tycoon, has bought the Lake Shore Garage from Bud Goble and is a most valuable
new merchant for this town to acquire. Watch him make things hum. Get to know him, he's just what
this burg needs...
1958 - Jan 1 - Oldsmobile Names Lester C. Snyder its local Dealer... Culver has been without an
Oldsmobile agency since Forrest C. Goble moved to Winamac and discontinued his Lake Shore
Garage across from the Town Park. He sold the building to Oscar B. Perine, Indianapolis,
business tycoon, who has a summer home as 1954 East Shore Drive. Mr. Perine had been
advertising the availabilty of the large modern building in the Wall Street Journal hoping to
get a small factory to locate here...
1958 - Mar 26 - Oscar Perine Inn Town: New Cut-Rate Gas Station For Culver?
Oscar B. Perine, Lake Macinkuckee summer resident and prominent Indianapolus business man
and petroleum distributor, who bought the vancant Lake Shore Garage (Oldsmoblie_ property
across from the Park several months ago has been in town for the past couple of days
supervisin activities at that location.
The rumor prevails that a modern cut-rate gasoline filling station is in the offing.
During the winter months Mr. Perine advertised the availability of the fine building for light
manifacturing purposes in the Wall Stree Journal.
1958 - April 9 - HOOSIER PETE STATION FOR LAKE SHORE DRIVE - According to rumor the
new service station being erected at the former Lake Shore Garage across from the
Town Park buy Oscar Perine, Lake Maxinuckee summer resident from Indianapolis, will
be a Hoosier Pete outlet
1958 - May 14 - Announcing Bonded Gasoline Service Station "A
Good Product At A Fair Price" Now Open Located in the Former Lake Shore Garage Building
Across From the Town Park Open Daily 6:30 to 9:30 Wayne Hittle - Jim Ely - William Borneman |
1958 - June 4 – Oscar B Perine Service Station Is Now Open
Is Leased By Rochester Firm
The new “Bonded Gasoline” service station on Lakeshore Drive opposite
the Town Park has opened for business which has far exceed early estimated,
according to
Oscar B. Perine, who built the ultra modern establishment on the
property of the former Lake Shore Oldsmobile garage which he purchased some
months ago from Forrest C. (Bud) Goble now of Winamc.
Mr. Perine a Lake Maxinkuckee summer resident at
1954 East Shore
Drive , among other extensive buiness interests is presidnet of the Perine
Oil Company of Indianapolis, distributors of Gaseteria and Hoosier Pete
pretroleum Products.
The station has been leased by Mr. Perine to the Island Park Gas Company of
Rochester, of which Wayne Hittle is president and William Borneman is
secretary. Jim Ely has been named by them as local manager.
Branch of Oklahhoma
The station , which is open daily from 6:30 a.m. until 9:30 p.m., will soon fly
the well know banner of the Oklahoma Oil Company, a division of the Standard
Oil Co. of New Jersey, which recently bought the Hooiser chain of Gaseteria and
Hoosier Pete stations for $5 1/2 million.
NOTE the building already existed possibly only some minor improvements if
anything was made he did not build it Joe Schweidler improved and enlarged an
existing builnd in 1929 see above. After Alvin R McKee took over as manager
in 1962 Mr. Perine was nortrious for not wanting to make any improvements on
this property and the little brown house that sat to the east of it and was a
part of the property.
1959 - Bonded Gass Service Station - Malcolm Young manager |
1959 - Aug 5 - Service Station Operating Under "Oklahoma" Name
The service station on Lake Shore Drive across from the Town Park managed by
Paul Beaver, has dropped the "Bonded" trademark and is now operating under the
well known "Oklahoma" name.
The Oklahoma Oil Co, owner of Indiana's fastedt growing chain of service stations
is a subsidiary of the Standard CO. of New Jersey, biggest of U. S. oil companies.
Oklahoma got a strong _ hold in the state when it acquired the potent Gaseteria chain
a year ago. Headquarters are in Chicaho where a good small-town Hoosier Ralph R.
McCoy, is Oklahoma's able president. Mr. McCoy comes to Culver occasionally to visit
his CMA cadet nephew, Andy McCorkle of Wingate, Ind.
1960 - Oklahoma Service Station
Bonded Gas Service Station Lake Shore Dr--VI2-7406 - 1960 Phone Directory
1960 -Oct 5 Fritz Glass and Body Shop - Roy Fritz
Was located in the building east of the hardware (the block building directly behind it)
1960 - Nov. 30 - "Humble" Namme Appears On Service Station - The Oklahoma sevice
station on Lake Shore Drive is also sporting a new "Humble" sign on its building.
The Humble oil Refining Co., leading marketing subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. of
New Jersey, has recently taken over Oklahoma and several other important companies.
1961 - Hoosier Pete Service Station Lakeshore Dr. -- VI 2-7406
1961 Lake Shore Garage Lake Shore Dr VI2-2045
1961 - Jan 11 - Paul Howard Now Sole Owner of local Garage - buys Interest of
Roy Fritz
Paul Howard and Roy Fritz have dissolved their partnership operating under
the name of Lake Shore Garage and Mr. Howard is now sole owner of the
The automobile body, repair, and paint shop will continue under the same name
in the the same location on Lake Shore Drive across from the Town Park.
The Oklahoma service station, now a part of the huge Humble oil & Refining co.
is a major part of the concern and Paul 's brother John Howard will be in charge
of it.
Other employes are Ray Bochantine, a mechanic with 36 years experience, and
Jim caudill, who will handle the body work and painting.
Roy Fritz has made a new connection with Jim Labas Chevrolet in Plymouth.
Paul Howard formerly lived with his parents in a farm home seven miles west of Culver. He
was graduated from Knox High School in 1956 and married Karen Goodnight of Indianapolis
in 1947. he and his wife. the parents of a son born yesterday, reside at 327 E. Washington
This was the general layout when dad took over till it burnt.
The heavy "H" was the car hoist which had to have a 6 1/2 -8 foot heavy iron pipe
under it to ensure it stayed up. The only thing that divided the room was a metal work
station/ bench for tools, supplies for oil changes and lube jobs. The rest of the
building except for the 3 room front office area was basically empty until Mr. Hittle
started allowing stoarage by other people or renting the two test rooms out to
It virually sat on the alley you can still see a protion of the orginal wall or footing
of the Lake Shore Garage - at the far north edge of the parkign lot today. the two
smaller outlines represents a garage (aat angle) & house that sat on the east side of
the building
1 Aug. 1962 - c Sep. 1964 Hoosier Pete Service Station -
Alvin R. Mc Kee,
The ad in the Culver citizen of August 1 proclaimed Alvin R. McKee
the new owner but he was not... Oscar B. Perine was still the owner of the
building till his death in 1970 and the Island Park Gas Company of was
Rochester the leasee owned by Wayne Hittle. |
1963 - Jun 26 -1965, May 29
Charley Frain To Open Auto Repair
It appears that the change of name possible took place sometime
in September 1964 - as this ad is the first to appear with the "Enco" name |
Company Logos of that era - Enco was a secondary retail brand
name for products of Humble Oill the Enco brand was short for
"ENergy COmpany." From 1961 to 1972
memories of these years.
1970-1972 _ Wayne T Hittle
of Rochester purchased building some time after the death of Oscar B. Perine
1968/9-1972, Jan - Randy's Body Shop.
?-1972, Storage area
Donald Stubbs - pay loader amongest other items
Leonard Richards - race cars & Tools
Pearl Onesti - Jeep
1972 Jan 31 - Enco
c1964 - 1972, Jan. - Snyder's Ice
Alvin R. McKee was an outlet for selling ice for Bill Snyder - he had possibly purchased
the McKee's old chest freezer when they moved from the corner of Cass and Main St.
to Plymouth street or it was just moved down to the station to use by Alvin R. McKee
to store the ice in rather than buying a new freezer for that purpose.
The original safe from Schweidlers stood eight feet tall was doubled doored each door
about 2-3 feet wide and also there was old huge antique cash register were still in the
building when it burnt.
1972,Feb-1974, May - empty lot
May 1984-1994 ? - Adler's Mini Mart/ c1984-Jun 2001 - Ralph W. & Barbara W.
Dobson/Robert 'Bob' & Karen Adler
Culver Citizen - 16 May 1984 - Ralph Dobson and Karen & Bod Adler opened their
new store in the foremer Swirly Top building at 600 Lake Shore Dr.
Mr Dobson bought and renovated the property while the Adler's lease it for their
store, which will contain acomplete line of Phillips 66 products, Hole-in-One donuts,
and a convenience store and deli.
Was remodeled in 1993.
1998 - Osborns Mini Mart
1998 - Subway Sandwiches and Salads
? - 2001, Jun Ralph W. & Barbara W. Dobson
26 Jun 2001-2009 - Osborns Mini Mart/Maxinkukee Ent. Inc; B & R Oil IMP on leased land.
| 2013, Feb.-2021 - Maxinkukee Ent. Inc DBA Osborns Mini Mart
2021,Jun.-2024 LLO Properties Inc.