702 E College Ave
1931 - Nov. 25 - Homer H. Kemple and Mary Esma Kemple WD State Exchange
Finance co., Lot 8 Dillon
1944 - Aug 9 Notice of Sale
Notice is hereby given that of the 27th day of December, 1943 the
Board of Commissioners of County of Marshall, State of Indiana,
ordered the following described real estate, situated in the County
of Marshall, State of Indiana, to be sold at not less than the
appraised value to-wit:
C0m 435 fr E & 164.8 ft S of Cen Sec line th E 70 ft. S 145 ft 70
ft. N to Beg. 16-22-1
Dillons add...............................................lot 8<br>
Medbourn add..............................................Lot 28
Dillons add...............................................lot 4
To be sold on the following terms:
Said Sale will be a public auction to be hel at the Court House
door at 10:00 A.M. (C.W.T.) on Tuesday the 28th day of August, 1944,
Harry Ferguson, Auditor.
1944 - Aug 30 - Kurt Holmquist to Marshall county, lot 8, Dillion's
addition, Culver
1945 - Oct 10 Kurt G. and Marjorie Holmquist to
Milton Roth and Mary
C. Cline, Lot 8 Dillon's addition Culver
? -1987,Jun - Brian McCormick
1987,1987,Jun-1991,Jan - Stephen Earls
1991,Jun-1991,Dec - Teachers Credit
1991 2009 Edward P & Juanita M. Rickman
2009-2024 Tim E Howard & Clinton Lee Salyer -
New Age Construction)
Demolished 2022 and re-constructed as one family dewelling.