Arlington Hotel & Arlington Annex
1835-1837 Plat Map
Section 21 Lot 1 - 52.41A
Section 21 Lot 2 - 41.92A
Section 21 Lot 3 - __.__A [41.49]
James F. D. Lanier
of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #7339 the East half
of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty
Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1876 Plat Map - no names on it for this section |
1880 Plat Map
W. J. Myers 17.85A
M. G. Gould 23.92A; 56/57A
E. Parker 27.42A
J. Filer 10A
C. Filer 39.40A
G. A. Durr - Lot 2
A.C. Shepherd Etal J. Green [James Green ] |
J. Green - was to have owned all of Long Point at one time
to west [
James Green
When he first came to the west shore of Lake Maxinkuckee where Long Point
is located, there was no one established there. He bought all the land
between Maxinkuckee and the little lake, including all of Long Point, the
gravel pit property and adjacent acreage.
The original Green homestead is still standing to this day, but not on
its first site. It is now on the rise of the ground between the two lakes.
The house originally stood close to the lake where the railroad right-of-way
is now. We are told that the railroad came through in such a hurry, moving
northward to terminate as while at Marmont Station that construction work had
reached the house before the movers could get it moved. In fact, the tracks
came pretty close to being laid right under the house, which was hurriedly moved
out of the way and back on the hill where it now stands, today untenanted.
When James Green settled at the southern base of Long Point and for a considerable
period thereafter, he did not anticipate that his waterfront property would at some
future date be in such demand by prospective summer cottagers as to command rich
prices. So it was that, before the great in rush of the "lake people", he without ado
and complacently thinking his deals successful sold good-sized lots to folks for
about fifty dollars apeice. Some he almost gave away. His son got one for doing some
extra chores. It was not so many years later that those self same "cheap" lots were
in great demand for prices ranging into the thousands.
On Long Point in the 'seventies, James Green had twenty acres of land left, and
between the two lakes 83.47 acres. - One Townships Yesteryears
From the Logansport Daily Journal page 3 dated Aug. 27, 1882:
All the preliminaries for the extension of the Logansport branch of the
Vandalia railway
to Lake Michigan have been satisfactorily adjusted, and upon compliiance with a few
easy conditions the contact will be closed, and the work will be commenced and
pushed to completion.
Readers of the Journal are familiar with the route of this line to Marmont (Maxinkuckee),
and will have no difficulty in following it to South Bend and the lake...
With these advantages before them, our citizens are asked to consider one of the
conditions above named, which condition is that the right of way shall be furnished
free to the new line thorugh our county. The estimated cost of this right of way is
from $7,000 to $10,000 and it is proposed to raise the amount by subscription. A
consideraable portion of this subscription has already been secured, and a committee
appointed for that purpose will make an effort to raise the remainder during the
present week...
1883 - Oct 6 - The Vandaiia railroad company commenced laying iron at Marmount a d
ay or two ago, and-withln a short time the tract will be completed from Maxinkuckee
lake to the Nickle Plate railroad, a distance of about three miles,- Logansport Pharos
In 1886,
Captain A. J. Knapp, owner of the Arlington Hotel and the Arlington station where the
Allen boat house
was later located, launched the LLOYD MCSHEEHY,
named after the son of the editor of the Logansport Chronical. Captain Knapp was referred to
as the "Sea Captain of the Lake". He was a conductor of the railroad. He would conduct the train as
far as the station, then skipper his launch while a substitute took the train on to South Bend.
In the lower right you can barely see the train tracks, the Arlington depot is the small building on the
right - the Arlington hotel partially hidden by the shade trees around it - and the S.S. McSheehy
docked at the hotel pier. Long Point in the back ground - and the road in front looks no more than
just a pathway. across from the Arlington depot is athe approxmate location of where the
West Shore Marina was located. |
The Arlington Hotel was built in April of 1886, Stood approximately where Allen Boat house/West SHore Marina
was (588 West Shore Drive). A. J. Knapp commissioned Cahoon and Company of Crawfordsville to construct
the hotel. It was built on the south end of Long Point.
Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalio, will remove to Lake Maxinkuckee, where he wiil go into the hotel business
and not to Crawfordsville, as stated in yesterday's Pharos - Logansport Pharos Tribune April 2, 1886
1886 - Apr 24 - Sat. - H. Murdock & SOn have just sold a "Gold Coin" hotel range ot Mr. Knapp, the proprietor
of the new hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee. The South Bend Tribune Page 8
Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia, has finished his hotel, the Arlington, at Lake Maxinkuckee. The hotel is situated on
Long Point - Logansport Journal May 8, 1886
Mrs. A. J. Knapp (Topsy), wife of Conductor Koapp, of the Vandalia, has gone to Maxinkuckee Lake to take charge of tbeir
hotel there for the summer season. 8 May 1886 Logansport Pharos
Conductor Knapp, of the Arlington, is at the lake this week fixing up everythig about his hotel in apple-pie-order. He begins
to look like a horny-handed son of toil. pg. 3 21 May 1886 Logansport Pharos
The photo below by lake contours I would place near Long Point - it would be standing on the South somewhere probably
near or below the present day public boat access landing. The small distant building to the North along the track would then
be the Arlington flag-stop and pick-up point for the Arlington hotel. This flag-stop was established soon after the railroad came
through to service the Arlington Hotel which sat across the road from it.

1886 - The Vandali a Railroad company have made a flag station at Long Point for the benefit of those wishing to stop on the
west side. - Logansport Journal pg. 3 May 15, 1886
1894 - Apr 13 - Mrs. J. Bert Knapp has enlarged and remodeled her house at Lake Maxinkuckee
into a hotel which will be known as Alfrey hotel. The Arlington and the Alfrey hotel will be under the management
of A. J. Knapp, By this arrangement he has the largest and best accommodations on the lake. The interior has
two reception rooms and thirty sleeping rooms
On 30 Jan. 1896 burned to the ground here are accounts of it as found:
Arlington Hotel Burns. The Arlington Hotel at Marmont, owned by Conductor Kapp [Knapp], of the Vandalia; was consumed
by fire this morning. The loss was $3000 fully covered by insurance pg. 8 30 Jan. 1896 Logansport Daily Reporter
The Arlington Hotel at Marmont burned yesterday morning causing a lose of $3,000, fully covered by insurance. The hotel was
the property of Conductor Kapp [Knapp] of the Vandalia. pg. 5 31 Jan. 1896 Logansport Journal
C. K. Howell of South Bend was commissioned to design the new hotel and D. G. Walter of Culver City constructed it and it
re-opened 1 June 1896.
From the Logansport comes:
Work has commenced on the new Arlington Hotel at Marmont, and it will be ready for occupancy about May 1st. pg. 6
28 Mar. 1896 Logansport Daily Reporter / Logansport Pharos Tribune
The Arlington House at Lake Maxinkuckee is completed and open for business. It is owned by our genial friend Conductor Knapp
of the Vandalia, and in his absence is managed by his good wife "Topsy". There are twelve rooms in the building, all fronting on
the lake, and everything about it is as neat as a new pin. It is a splendid place to spend a few days or weeks. All the rooms will
undoubtedly be occupied during the summer. - 14 May 1896 Logansport Pharos
1896 - Apr 13 - Conductor Knapp, of the Michigan division of the "Vandalia, is having his hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee
placed in good condition for the coming season. As id his custom, Mr. Kaapp will give up his railroad duties
during the summer season and devote all his time to the hotel. - Logansport Pharos Tribune -
1896 - May 1 - The new Arlington is being pushed toward completion
and another article from the The Culver Herald dated 22 May 1896:
Arlington Hotel
As an ideal summer house, the above named house, which is beautifully located on the southwest shore of Lake Maxinkuckee and
a short distance from Culver City, stands perhaps without a rival.
In erecting his hotel Mr. Knapp, the genial proprietor, constantly had in mind the convenience and comfort of his future guests. To
be fully convinced of the fact one need only visit the place and see how skillfully and tastefully everything about the house has been
Long Point projects out into Lake Maxinkuckee several rods and supports a good, substanial steamboat landing. Parties debarking from
the boat have no hot and wearisome hill no climb, but instead upon have a short, delightf ul walk to the beautiful and shady grove
that is situated upon the shore.
The building which faces the lake and catches the fresh invigorating breeze that day and night sweeps across its surface is spacious and
complete in every detail. Its rooms, including all the sleeping compartments up and down stairs, have plenty of light and are well
As an architect Mr. Knapp is much deserving of much credit for the skill and genius he has exercised in designing and building such a
model summer house as certainly will please the fance and provide the greater comfort for ohis many city friends whos patronage he
One of the leading features about this new resort, which undoubtedly will prove to be a strong drawing card, is its excellent fishing privileges. For many
years Long Point has bee regarded as the best place on Lake Maxinkuckee for one to drop his hook and line and this opinion is prevelent. It is claimed by some that nearly all kinds of fish can here be taken from the water almost any day during the season.
Another superior advantage which this uncommonly beautiful resort possesses and which the majority of the peole will appreciate is that in case of sickness
in the night or any other time the services of a good physician can be secured.
The distance to Culver City, which does exceed one and a half miles, is ove a good road and can be made in a very short time with a horse and buggy, which
in case of emergency can be procured from the landlord of the hotel.
Taking everything into consideration a most attractive, comfortable, and convenient location for one to enjoy the warm summer months connot be found
anywhere. In introducing this royal and unique summer retreat among the various and beautiful and pop ular resorst alreay bordering on Lake Maxinkuckee Mr.
Knapp has done acommendable work. Person who come here this summer for leasure and recuperation will be highly delighted over the courtesies extended
them by the proprietor, Mr. A. J. Knapp, and his amiable wife. There is also in connection with the hotel a fine steamboat which is used exclusively for
the accommodation of the guests and which meets all trains.
1896 - June 1 - Nearing completion - The New Arlington hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee will be opened within
a few days. The hotel is said to be fully equipped with all modern conveniences and is an ideal summer
home. It is the property of A. J. Knapp, conductor on the Vandalia.
1896 - June 5 - Next Saturday, the new Arlington hotel at Long Point will be pened. Contractor Walter has accomplished wonderf ul quick work in
instructing this magnificent hotel, sing actually five weeks and four days in completing the house, which 63x66, and contains about forty rooms, with
a fine veranda 16x93. The house is handsomely furnished, idthas all the European and American plans of improvements.
1896 - june 19 - The Arlington hotel is now opened to the public and is positively one of the finest houses on the lake. I t is
handsomely furnished and every room is spacious and cool, as the ventilation througohout the house is
superb. The spacious dining room will seat about 100 guests, and the parlor, which is handsomely and artistically
furnished, has a beautiful view of the lake. A 90-foot veranda extends upon the east and south side
of the house as it is 16 foot wide will furnish ample room for private dancing parties. The beautiful littie steamer “ McShea” has been
newly painted and repaired and afford guests of the house ample pleasure in the steamboat riding line. I t will aJso meet all trains,
aud take a hand in the general passenger business.
1896 - AUg . 14 - ..Arlington hotel at Long Point. This excellent house is now crowded to its utmost
capacity by the bon ton society of Logansport, Indianapolis, Terre Haute and elsewhere. The fact that
Mr. Knapp and wife are thoroughly qualified to conduct a first class hostelry, and leave nothing undone that
would add to the pleasure of their guests is prime facie evidence of their pop ularity. The dining-room appointments
are conducted upon the Parisian style, the menu comparing favorably with any of the noted houses found abroad. The chef,.
Lou Bowman, is undoubtedly without a peer in Indiana, and has few equals.
Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia, has not closed the Arlington as stated by the Pharos a few days ago. In order to
accommodate parties of fisherman and hunters the Arlington will be open until the 10th or 15th of November. pg. 9
26 Oct. 1896 Logansport Pharos
1896 - Nov 13 - The Arlington hotel was closed Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Knapp returned to their home in South Bend. -
Owing to this being a campaign year, and extreme hard times, the hotels upon the lake did not transact the businss allotted
them in former vears. But the Arlington had its share, for the reputation of its proprietor for entertaining his guests has spread
far and near...
The Arlington Hotel at Maxinkuckee had not been closed, butwill be kept open till Nov 16th, in order to accommodate fishermen
and hynters. Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia, still has charge of the house. pg. 6 27 Oct. 1897 Logansport Daily Reporter.
1897 - Apr. 24 - The Arlington Hotel at Maxinkuckee has been opened for the summer season pg. 3 Saturday 24 Apr. 1897
Logansport Reporter
The Arlington Annex was on the lake front at
704 West Shore drive
and on 16 Aug. 1897 was purchased by James I. Barnes of Logansport
Arlington Closed - The Arlington hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee has closed for the winter months and the proprietor, A. J. Knapp,
has returned to his home in South Bend. A good season is reported. pg. 5 11 Nov. 1897 Logansport Reporter
Areas in corporated into Culver
N. Gould
M. Grubs 10A +
B. Easterday 38.40
M. R. Smith 32A [Milo R.
J. Green [James Green ]
Rochester Club
Long Point
South Long Pont
| |
Note that this 1898 map gives the approximate location of the Arlington flag stop as it was called. |
This is an article on the hotel the appeared in the Marmont Herald on 1898. |
The Arlington Hotel
On The West Shore of the Lake
After the Vandalia Railway opened a thoroughfare to Lake Maxinkuckee, A. J. Knapp, while advocating his calling
as a conductor of the same, was in a position to hear that many desired a hotel at the lake that would open
early in the Sprint and close late in the Fall, the club houses seldom opening before June and closing the first of
During the spring of 1886, Mr. Knapp employed the well-known firm of Calloon & Co. of Crawfordsville, Ind., to
build a hotel. It was named the Arlington, and opened to the public during the month of April; it proved a
successful venture from the start. As time passed many cottages were built on the west shore, and campers
came by the hundreds.
Mr. Knapp, finding the hotel too small, began building additions. Finally he rented the Alfrey Cottage, one of the
largest on on the lake, for a number of years. It was connected with the hotel by a porch thirty feet wide, and
combined porches of hotel and cottage were over three hundred feet lake front, and the grounds well shaded
with grand old oaks. In April 1892, Mr. Knapp placed the steamer "Lloyd McSheehy" on the lake.
On January 30th, the Arlington was burned to the ground with heavy loss to the owner. Mr. Knapp
immediately engaged Mr. C. K. Howell, one of the leading architects of South Bend, to furnish a design for a new
hotel. Mr. D. G. Walter of Culver City, had the building completed by June 1st, and the public
conceded that the archetict had planned for their comfort a monern and a model hotel.
The Vandalia officials quickly recognizing the rapid growth on the west shore, and the great number of people
summering there, built a depot near the Arlington Hotel and named the station Arlington.
In fact the growth has been so closely interwoven with that of the Railroad Company that the liberal and far-seeing
policy of the latter in aiding every effort looking toward advancement is visible in all directions.
Long Point is sitiuated between Lake Maxinkuckee and Lost Lake, its romantic nooks, its natural bowers, its grand
old oaks, its sloping lawns and lovely cotaages, its charming views of both lakes form pictures over which the artist
might linger for hour upon hour. It would be diffic ult to attempt to place, in order of their attraction, the many
centers of interest in and about Long Point, and as the vicinity has been in the past, so will it continue to be
in the future - a place wher all can visit with pleasures and profit.
by the above ad-article the clientele soon out grew the rooms of the hotel and after being added onto still out grew its
quarters. A. J. Knapp connected the hotel to the Alfrey cottage by a thirty foot wide porch.
A. J. Knapp, the Vandalia conductor, secured a leave of absence today for the summer season and will soon open the Arlinton
hotel at Culver . George Hayes will take his run. pg. 5 18 Apr 1898 Logansport Daily Reporter
1899 - May 5 - A. J. Knapp, the genial proprietor of the Arlington, has everything fixed up in fine shape. The grounds
have been cleaned, the hotel renovated and the house is now ready for guests
1899 - Nov 17 - A. J. Knapp, the proprietor of the Arlington at Lake Maxinkuckee, is at the
Barnett - Logansport Pharos Tribune
Here is a section refering to the Arlington Hotel from the 1900 topographical map by J. T. Scovell: |
Besides the information provided above Mark Roder writes - in his book:
...The Arlington was a 38 room hotel...The Arlington had a pier where such craft as the SS Arlinton took passengers on the lake....The Arlington dining
room seated 100 guests, the parlor had a view of lake...The Arlington had its own chef... The old Arlington Depot is still in existence. It was moved
by Gene Behmer to his property and is now a part of the behmer garage. Some of the printing from the days of the Arlington is still to be found on the
Found in One Townships Yeserday's - Corwin:
James Whitcomb Riley, Hoosier poet, used to come to Lake Maxinkuckee and write of the beauties thereof. His nephew, Edmund Eilet, in the years at the
beginning of the new century, would spend summer weekends at the lake, stopping at the Arlington.
1905 - April - The Arlington Hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee will not be open this year until May 10 - pg. 1 Saturday 22 Apr. 1905 Logansport Cronicle
1905 - May The Arlington Hotel is open and ready for fishermen and the traveling public. pg. 4 Saturday 13 May. 1905 Logansport Cronicle
1905 - May - The Arlington Hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee is now open for the season, and the steamer "loyd" is again in service. The Arlington has entertained
several fishing parties this Spring and prospects are very good for a big season at this pop ular resort. - pg. 1 Saturday 13 May 1905 Logansport
Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia has opened the Arlington Hotel at Maxinkuckee for the summer season.
pg. 5 6 Jun 1906 Logansport Daily Reporter
1908 |
1909 - Aug 5 -
Arlington Boat
House - Capt Knapp expects to have a boat house built this fall for the new launch
Mildred. It will be 40x20 feet in size, with four or five sleeping rooms in the second story and
will cost about $800.
1910 Jun 23 - Reported Death of Mrs. Knapp
Many resorters at the lake will be grieved to learn of the report of the death in New York of
Mrs. E. J. Knapp, who with her husband, has presided over the Arlington Hotel for the past
30 years. Mrs. Knapp is said to be sick in a New York hospital after returning fron a sea voyage.
The report of Mrs. E. J. Knapp death's was premature as was found in a following news quip:
1910 - Jul 7 - Knapp Opens Arlington
Capt. Knapp and wife arrived at the lake Monday evening and opened the Arlington for the season
Both are in excellent helath, though Mrs. Knapp has a severe attack of illness in New York, giving
rise to the rumor she was dead
Mrs. Knapp spent part of the winter in the Bermuda Islands
1912— May 30 Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Knapp, who manage The Arlington Hotel at Maxinkuckee, are in
New York on business. While in Europe last winter Mrs. Knapp purchased I several valuable works of
art and had them shipped to America. She sailed on the Olympic a week in advance of the ill-fated
Titanic, and since her return has been unable to get trace of her; purchases. She fears they were
I sent via the Titanic and were lost, They expect to open The Arlingjton about June 1.
It closed in 1912.
1912 - Jul 11 - Jake Knapp's hotel who conducted Marmont's only hotel on the lot now occupied by the
Pete Smith house, next to George Rollins
1912 - Oct 10 Captain and Mrs. A. J. Knapp returned to their home in South Bend Wednesday.
They did not open the Arlington for the recpetion of guests this season and it is understood
that the property had been placed in the hands of a realty compant for immediate sale. Mrs.
Knapp will go to New York in a few days where she will spend the winter. Mr. Knapp remaining
in South Bend. - Logansport Chronicle
1914 Sep 3 Capt. Knapp Passes Away.
1917 - Feb 22- J M. Caulfield of South Bend promoter of railroads and other
was in this city TUesday. He came in from Culver with Mrs. Knapp
proprietress of the Arlington Hotel, and is seeking to make a sale for her
of the hotel property at Lake Maxinkuckee - Plymouth Democrat (Indiana)
1917 - Apr 25 - Sale of Arlington Hotel - Mrs. Estella Knapp has sold the
well-known Arlington hotel to William Holland and Robert B. McInerney of
South Bend. The property includes the 30-room hotel and about 300 feet of
lake front. The buyers will expend about $2,000 in improvements, including
electric lights and will open the house to the public this season.
The Arlington
Lake Maxinkuckee
Culver, Indiana (Formerly Capt. Knapp's Place)
Open for Buisness May 26
Invites you to the most comfort
able Summer Resort in Indiana.
Elaborate alterations and improvements
have been made. Elecric
Lights. New Boats. The best of
everything for comport and enjoyment.
Meals a Specialty and guaranteed to be the very best.
Special Fish and Chicken dinners at any time.
Fritz Drechsel, Prop.
Bell Phone 270
The Arlington. Culver , Indiana.
or address
Fritz's Cafe, 115 N. Main Street
South Bend, Indiana May 22, 1917 - Citizen. |
They opened the hotel for the season of 1917 by an ad in the Logansport Pharos Reporter on
Wednesday, 23 May 1917 and Friday, 25 May 1917
In Aug. 1917 it burnt and it is recorded in the Culver Citizen dated 15 Aug. 1917 a chimney fire
done enough structural damage to the old building that it was torn down.
Arlington Hotel Burned
Hard Work Saves cottages
"You are on Fire!" yelled a man from a passing automobile at 11:18 Sunday monring as he
sushed into the kitchen of the Arlington hotel on Long Point.
The cook who was preparing a big Sunday dinner for a houseful of guests, carried the word
to Landlord Drachler.
Mr. Drechler ran up to the attic and found the portion of it near the kitchen chimney a mass
of flames which were breaking out through the roof.
A crown of cottagers quickly assembled and the Culver fire company, called by the siren, had
the ladder wagon on the spot in record time.
Most of the furniture on the first floor was taken out, but there was not time to remove all the
large stock of flour, meats and canned goods from the kitchen pantries.
The fire swept through the second story where all the guest rooms were located with such
rapidity that some of the guests were unable to save their thrunks, and a number of men and
women who were in the lake bathing failed to get to their rooms in time to rescue their
wearing apparel
The big frame building mad a tremendously hot fire, and it took really heroic work by the town
fire comppany and their volunteer assistants, to prevent James I Barnes's large cottage, 60 feet
distant, from burning. The building was one fire many times, but a bucket line started at the lake,
reinforced by several pumps, kept a supplu of water passing up to the men on the roof.
Two or three other cottages caught fire on their roofs, but the owners were ready with buckets.
Had the Barnes cottage burned nothing could have saved the twenty--six cottages extending
from the Arlington to the Chadwick hotel. The contents of most of the cottges were hastily
dragged out in anticipation of this calamity
In about an hout the Arlingon was in ruins.
Mr. Dreschler of SOuth Bend bought the property last spring from Mrs. Estelle Knapp for $11,00
and spent $5,00 in furniture and improvements.
The hotel and itts contents were insured for $3,350 in Osborn's agency and an additional
$1,150 in an outside agency. Mr. Dreschler cancled $1,000 if hius insurance only last week
He has been doing a good business and announces his intention of rebuilding at once,
the new hotel to be larger, fireproof and modern in all respects.
The original Arlington hotel was built by the late Capt. Knapp some 30 years ago. It was
destroyed by fire, and 22 years ago was replaced by the building which burned. D. G. Walter
was the contractor, and put up the building for $2,200. Capt and Mrs. Knapp conducted the
hotel until the former's death about three years ago. It remained closed until last spring.
The cottages endagered and the order in which they stand are as follows : Barnes, Roth,
Schaefer, Murphy, Fisher, Moninger, Meyer, Reitemeier, Hoelman, Springer, Murphy,
Seeberger, Campbell, Miller, Hornung, Webster, Keller, Retz, Haney, Traut, Goldsmith,
McSheehy, two Dueneweg cottges, Dohlan, Johnson, Walter Duenweg.
Earl Brown fell from the roof of the Branes cottage, and was rather severly shaken up. Several
of the workers were temporarily overcome by the heat.
1917 - Aug. 29 - The ruins of the Arlington have been cleared away.
1920 - 28 Jul. - S. E. Allen has bougth the lot on which the Arlington hotel formerly stood.
The Allen boys have been removing the dead trees and cleaning up the lot to the
improvement of the neigborhood.
Beth (Pearce) Muelhasen writes:
My husband, Fritz Muehlhausen, was raised in the James
I. Barnes cottage on the West side - which used to be the Arlington Hotel. It burned partially and was remodeled
by Fritz's great-grandfather (James I.'s father) - I think his name was John E.
...the Arlington Hotel burned down completely. That is not accurate according to family history. The addition on the
south side of the lawn burned, and the main portion was remodeled to create the cottage that stands today and still
belongs to my husband's Aunt, Virginia Barnes Kniesly.
By all accounts the Arlington Hotel it self burnt for a second time and was never rebuilt and not the Arlington Annex which
as stated above was purchased on 16 Aug. 1897 by James I. Barnes of Logansport.
An areial view of what would of been the total Arlington Hotel and Annex property as it looks today the upper
cottage is the Kniesley Vesh cottage at 704 W. Shore
Dr. and the last full cottage pictured is
670 W. Shore
drive which as said above was to be the boat storage and servants quartes for the
Arlington Hotel. And described as such:
This was the old boathouse, once a part of the Arlington Hotel complex
on Long Point. It was the former boat storage and servants . The
cottage now has a large glass window overlooking the lake on the lower
level. Originally there were two large doors to allow a boat to be
pulled in on the sand floor and moored to a piece of railroad track.
This part of the house is now the kitchen. |