Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

708 S. Shore Dr.  


Section 34
    Section: 34 Lot _ - 32._7A
    Section 34 Lot 2 - 48.90A
    Section 34 Lot 7 - 37.30A

James F. D. Lanier of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the certificate #6822 the East half of the North East quarter of section thirty three and the north half of section thirty four containing 198 79/100 acres.

1872 Plat map
    D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.50AA & 17.38A non-lakefront
    G. J. Zachuman 45.90A & 72.39A

1876 - Not given

1880 Plat Map
    D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 133.06A
    B. Easterday (Benjamin Easterday) 118.90A

1898 Plat Map D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.30A
S. Overmyer 35.90A [Schuyler C. Overmyer] 32.90A & 45.90A>


1908P lat Map
Daniel Easterday 38.30A
Schuyler 0. Overmyer 32.90A & 45.90A & 140.79A non-lakefront

> 1922

1953-61 - Wash Overmyer Estate
    1958 - Overmyer Estate / Clifford Overmyer do Clifford Cverwyer, R.R., Argos, Ind

? - Aug. 1978 - Howard T. and Francis L. Manion

Aug. 1978 - 1982 - James P. McCormack

1985-May 1993 - Marian C. (Mrs. James P.) McCormick

May 1993 - 2017,Apr. - John J. Jr. & Nancy E. Stimson
    The old cottage was razed in 2012 and new cottage built 2013-2014

    John J. Stimson wrote: My cottage was originally an Overmyer cottage and so my abstract will cover the Overmeyer land on South Shore. I may have several Lake Maxinkuckee Association directories beginning in 1993 which is pretty late in scheme of things but there are a lot of small adjoining lots being bought with the cottages torn down and one hugh cottage built.

    I watched David redo the sea wall on the old Howell property for Tom Osborn who built the hugh house. Later he sold it to Tom Spiece who in turn sold it to John Zeglis

    Nancy and I were renting the Perry O, Neal/Alice O'Neal Dye cottage for July; the two years when the Tom Osborn cottage was being built.

    John was one of the inventors of the Grape harvester United States Patent 4299081 assignee:Labeco Harvesters, Inc. (Clovis, CA). I belive the to be his website "John Stimson's High Standard Data".

2017,Apr.-2024 - Stimson Cottage LLC

    MEAN COR S 47.5' E 143' S 68D E 172'