714 South Shore
1835 |
Section 34
Section: 34 Lot _ - 32._7A
Section 34 Lot 2 - 48.90A
Section 34 Lot 7 - 37.30A
James F. D. Lanier of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the
certificate #6822 the East half
of the North East quarter of section thirty three and the north half of section
thirty four containing 198 79/100 acres.
18__ - [-?-] McMillen - also said to be the Jacob Cromley farm
1872 Plat map
D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.50AA & 17.38A non-lakefront From One
Township's YesterYear's
Daniel was the first Easterday known that came to Indiana, to this part of the state
The land he settled on had men previously occupied; it was the McMillien place.
The McMillen family lived there when he came.
He found a log house already located on the place, but it had rotted down and was
hardly fit to live in.
G. J. Zachuman 45.90A & 72.39A
1876 - Not given |
1880 Plat Map
D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 133.06A
B. Easterday (Benjamin Easterday) 118.90A
1898 Plat Map
D. Easterday (Daniel Easterday) 38.30A
1900 |
1908Plat Map
Daniel Easterday 38.30A
Schuyler 0. Overmyer 32.90A & 45.90A & 140.79A non-lakefront |
> |
1922 |
1947 - Jun 11 - Seek ROad Improvement
Seventeen property owners along the south end of Lake MaxinkUckee have petitioned th county
commissioners to improve the dirt road past their properstied.
The Signers of the petition are:
Edwin J. Carlson
Emily H Carlson
Harry E. Medbourn
Donald Behmer
W. H. Hopkins
O. B. Hatten |
Andy Coldwater,
F. N. Overmyer
Glen WIlson
Lero Wilson
R. J. Harrison
WM. W. Rankin |
Franklyn Kinkade
Helen V. Kinkade
Geo. F. Brigel
Lillian B . Brigel and
Martha J. Roberts |
Andy Coldwater
1958 Lake Directory - Andy Coldwater (South 714), 205 E. Victoria, South
Bend, Ind.; Andy Coldwater
(Rental) (West 224),
205 E. Victoria, South Bend, Ind.
1981-Feb 2002 -
Russell J.& Helen M. Louk
Feb. 2002 -2018, Jan - Helen M. Louk
2018,Jan-2024 - Stimson Cottage LLC - Cottage was razed. sits in
front of the cottage on lake front the light blue rectangle.
Now Bare lot.
STRP 10' X 125' EX 10' X 20' RDWY OFF