1961 - May 31 - Naynard G.Tittle of Bible Church
Takes County Post
Fine Record Locally
Rev. Maynard G , Tittle pastor, Culver Bible Church accepts Plymouth
After nearly a decade of service, the Rev. Maynard G. Tittle has tendered
his resignation as pastor, effective July 3
Under his capable and truly dedicated leadership the local church has grown
from a nucleius of a few families (there were 13 people in his first
morning congregation in 1952; 6 at the evening service; to its precent
average attendance of 120.
We Salute him!
In that time the Culver Bible Church acquiered a parsobage; built an attracive
edifice; assumedpartial support of five missionary bedget of %$1,500, and
instituted a complete family training program, including correspondence course
from Moody Bible Institute.
There have been m early 100 who have received certificates upon completion of
courses, with others presently enrolled.
On July 3, Mr. Tittle will assume the challenging position of administrator of
the Marshall COunty Christains Schools with headquarters in Plymouth.
In commenting to the Citizen about his resignation, Mr. Tittle said; I do
not want to leage Culver. My personal preference is to stay. My roots have gone
deeo here. I love my people and I love the work of the pastorate.
Need to Fight Communism
But with even the most optimistic of out statesmen decrying the subtle inroads
of Communism in the U. S., I realize more than ever the need to educate the
whole child; the need for the giving spiritual stability to out children,
having the, know what they believe and why. Since it is against the law for the
public schools to do this even if they wish to, I believe the Christian day
school is the answer.
This is why I am leaving Culver, though I do so with genuine regret.