Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

740 W. Shore Dr.  

1922 - Green's Long Lot 20 - no name

1953-8 - Pearl Shafer Earl W. Shafer?-->

    1958 Lake Directory - Pearl Schafer - 5247 W. Luke St., Chicago, Ill

    Lot 20 as recorded in Plat Book No. 1 in the Auditor's Office of Marshall County, Indiana, of lots South of and adjoining Greens Plat of Long Point, and more particularly described as follows to-wit: Commencing at a point Sixty-Five (65')feet South of the southeast corner of Lot No. 1 of the Plat of Long Point, thence South along the water line of Lake Maxinkuckee fifty (50'); North of West on a parallel line with said Lot No. 1 Long Point Plate [Plat] to the line of right-of-way of the Terre Haute & Logansport Railroad; thence North along the line of right-of-way of said road sufficient to make a lot Fifty (50') feet wide thence East to the point of beginning.

1960-1 - Forest R Kniesley
1979-1991 - Charles Donovan

1990, jun -2000,jan - Mrs. Beulah B. Sundstrom trust

2000,Jan-2000,oct - Mrs. Beulah B. Sundstrom trust

Jan. 2001- Apr. 2007 - "Herb" N. Herbert & Laurie Rentschler

April 2007 - 2009 Herbert D & Laurie A Rentschler Declaration Of Trust


    Filed May 2006 for Quiet Title of:
    Commencing at a 5/8" iron ord on the Easterly line of the former Vandalia Railroad right-of-way (now abandonded) on the northerly line of the Kathleen A. Vesh Parcel (recorded in Deed Roecord 1980, Page. 9178 in the office of the Recorder of Marshall county Indiana), said point slao being the Southwest corner of property of Jeffery H. Stroman and Teresa B. Stroman, husband and wife, described in instrument No. 200309959, in the Office of the Recorder of Marshall county, Indiana; thence West perpendicular to the centerline of the abandoned railroad right-of-way, thence north along said West right-of-way line a distance of 59.58 feet, more or less to a point where the South line of the Rentschle Parcel (recorded in instrument NO. 200100023, in the Office of the Recorder of Marshall County, Indiana) extended perpendicular to the centerline of the railroad right-of-way line; thence East to the Southwesterly corner of said Rentschler Parcel; thence South along the East right-of-way line to the point of beginning. All in township 32 North, Range 1 East, Marshall County, Indiana.

    Past interest in this piece of property were: Terre Haute & Logansport Railroad, James F. D. & Elizabeth G. Lauier [Lanier]; Hiram & Frances Wills; Daniel Johnson; Daniel Johnston & Tenny Johnston & wife; Moses & Saphronia Smith; Albert D. Troner; Jeremiah Leiter & James Green; Thomas B. kniesly, John B. Kniesly, Kathaleen, A. Vesh & Elizabeth L. Cappas Trust.