Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

754 South Shore Dr.  

1952-61 - Walter McNeal [McNeil]

    1952 - Dec 3 - Legal Notice
    State of Indiana Marhall Counry, SS,
    To: Dessie McNeil and Walter McNeil, Husband and wife:

    You and each of your are herby notified as non-residents of Marshall County, State of Indiana, and as owners of the following described real estate situate in Marshall COunty, State of Indiana, towit:
      Commencing at the meander corner of the Section line between Section 28 and Section 34 in Township 32 North, Range 1 East, thence 47 1/2 degrees East 143 feet, thence South 68 degrees East 297 feet to the beginning point; thence SOuth 20 feet, thence South 69 degrees East 42 feet mor less to the west line of a tract of landed heretofore conveyed by John W. Cromley and wife to Samuel E. Medbourn, thence North to the margin of Lake Maxinkuckee, thence Northwesterly along the margin of said Lake to a point North of the starting point and thence due South to the place to beginning.
    that the undersigned are the owners of the land situate and adjacent to the above described real estate to the West thereof , which real estate of the undersigned is situate in Mashall county, Satate of Indiana, and is described as follows:
      Commencing at the meander corner on the line between Section 28 and 34 Township 32 North, Range 1 East, thence South 47 1/2 degrees East 143 feet; thence South 68 degress East 264.7 feet to the beginning point; thence SOuth 20 feet of thence South 68 degress East 32 feet; thence North to the margin of Lake Macinkuckee, thence Northwesterly along the margin of said Lake to a point due North of the beginning place; thence South to the place of beginning.
    You are further notified that the Westerly line of your real estat above described coincides with the Easterly bounday line of the under sighned and that the undersigned desires that the County Surveyor make an official survey and that said perpetuate said line dividing the real estate of the undersigned from your real estate above described and that he establish and perpetuate by proper movements the point of the North end and the point on the South end of said line, being the point marking the Northeast corner of the undersigneds' real estate above described and Southeast corner thereof.

    You are further notified that from and after ten days after the last (being the third) publication of this notice, notice will be given the County Surveyor of Marshall County, Indiana to make said survey and to establish, locate and perpetuate said corners and said lines as provided by law and under and by virtue of Section 49-3310, 49-3311, 49-3312, 49-3313, and 49-3314, Burns Indiana Statutes Annotated, Rivision 1933. William H. Hopkins
    Iva M. Hopkins

Dessie Mae (Overmyer) McNeill (Mrs Walter) a daughter of Schuyler 0. Overmyer and Clara Cromley Overmyer

1958 Lake Directory - 754 Walter E. McNeil - 754 South Shore Drive, Culver, Ind.

1964 - the Walter McNeils of 754 South Shore Drive will observe their 60th eweeding anniversary June 3

1979-1987, Oct - Dr. Gary P. "Doc" and Judith Ann Dillon [Dillon Property & Familly]

1987, Oct-2024 - C. Daniel & Diana L. Yates

    C. Daniel Yates is a Lawyer and Partner with Bose McKinney & Evans L

    Name also connectioned with 718 Peru Court

    ALSO 20' STRIP S & ADJ
    MEAN LN COR SEC LN BW S 47.5' E 143'