772 W. Shore Dr.
Section 21 History 1835-1922
Long Poitn History
? - Charles E. Lucas
The Citizen is indebted to John Lucas, Route 1, for permitting it to read a lengthy treatise.
"Our Education What About It?." by his father, Charles E. Lucas, whose current address is
8145 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
We regret that space does not permit its publication in The Citizen, but we do recommend that
upon Mr. Lucas' return to the Culver area that he be invited to share his solid views on our
educational problems before a meeting of the PTA or some civic or church organization.
The elder Mr. Lucas recently returned from a trip around the world.
He is a retired school teacher, having taught at North Judson for several years, and formerly
lived on Lake Maxinkuckee's Long Point in the residence now occupied by Mrs. Virginia Glackman,
owner and operator of The House of Treasures - Jan 11, 1961 Citizen
1953-8 -
Dr. John C. Glackman
1955 - April 27 - Glackman Home Damaged $10,000 In Thursday Fire
A stubborn fire of unknown orgin which started in the attic about 6 o'clock last Thursday
night caused extensive damage to the home of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Glackman at 772 West
Shore Drive.
Damage has not yet been completely estimated but may exceed $10,000, fully covered by
Dr. and Mrs. Galckman were in Mrs. Glackman's ne House of Treasures gift shop across the
road from their residence when a passin motorist stopped to tell them that smoke was
pouring out of the eaves of the dewelling.
The House of Treasures was moved recently from the Glackman home across State Road
17 and each day attracts people to Culver from all parts of Northern Indiana.
The house of Treasures was owned by Virginia Glackman and the House of Treasure
building sat across the road on the non-lakfront, even tho it has an even number by this
picture. |
1958 Lake Directory - Dr. John C. Glackman 772 West Shore Drive, Culver
1960 - Mrs. John C. Glackman
1961 - aug 30 -Virginia Glackman Sells Lake Home To Galettes Detroit Executive Is Purchaser
Virginia Glackman Sells Lake Home To Galettes Detroit Executive Is Purchaser Mrs. Virginia Glackman, proprietor and
operator of The House of Treasures, one of Indiana's leading gift shops, has sold her beautiful home across the
highway from her establishment but will continue to live there with the new owners.
Peter J. Gallette is the purchaser of the choice Lake Maxinkuckee property located at 772 West Shore Drive. Mr.
Gallette is vice-president of the Young Spring & Wire Corporation at Detroit, Mich., and also serves as
general sales manager of its automotive division at 9200 Russell Street in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Gallette and their fine family are delightful people and are cordially welcomed to our community.
Eventually Culver will be their retirement home.
Residents Of Grosse Pointe They now live in the Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe and for the time being plan to
spend their summer and fall weekends here.
The Gallettes have two sons and a daughter. Their daughter, Arlene, was a June graduate of Northwestern University
and will shortly begin her teaching career at Highland Park. a North Shore suburb of Chicago. Their younger son.
Peter, is 14 years of age.
Their married son, Richard, and his wife live at Ann Arbor, Mich.. where he is working on his master's degree at
the University of Michigan.
1961 - Oct. 25 - Mrs. J. C. Glackman Moves to East Shore - Mrs. John C. Glackma, owner of The House of Treasures,
recently moved from her home on West Shore Drive to the Fesler property at 1070 East Shore Dtive, formerly occupied
my Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Smith.
1961-82 -
Paul P. Gallette
1985-7 - Mrs. P. J. Gallette
? - Mar 1988 - Harriet H. Gallette
Mar 1988 - 2016, Feb - Thomas R. and Susan J. Rump
2016, Feb.-2024- Christopher P & Virginia Jule Lamothe