Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

George Charles Crouse

George Charles Crouse birth: Aug. 29, 1904 Anderson Madison County Indiana
Death: Aug. 1, 1983 Anderson Madison County Indiana
burial: Brookside Cemetery Lapel Madison County Indiana
son of Jess H Crouse & Beulah Glendora Decker

married :

Bernice Evelyn Conrad Birth: Jun. 16, 1906 Anderson Madison County Indiana,
Death: Jul. 28, 1999 Naples Collier County Florida
burial: Brookside Cemetery Lapel Madison County Indiana
daughter of Ernest Marshall Conrad & Chartie Leona Gwinn Conrad

Dr. George Crouse Transfers Practice Here
rects Fine New Office Building
17 Apr 1957 - Citizen
    Dr. and Mrs. George C. Crouse of Anderson, who have been popular summer vacationists on the west shore, have now become permanent residents of this community. We extend to them a most hearty welcome.

    Dr. Crouse, a graduate of the Indiana University School of Dentistry, is now in the process of completeing a beutiful and modern air-conditioned dental office and laboratory at 605 College Ave. Enoch Andrews is the general contractor.

    He is leaving his extensive Anderson practice in the care of his eldest son, Dr. Jack Conrad Crouse, a 1947 graduate of the Culver Military Academy and of the Indiana University School of Dentistry

    Post Graduate Work
    Among the peot-graduate courses that Dr. Crouse has taken during the years since his grauation are: Surgical pyorrhea, Northwestern University; Hear and neck anatomy, Ohio State University; traumatic occlusion, Indianapolis; endodontia, University of Michigan; and clinical oral pathology, Ohio State University.

    In 1936 Dr. Crouse was a felegate from Indiana to the American Dental Association meeting that year in San Francisco. Last year the Doctor held the office of Supreme Grand Master of the State of Indiana for Delta Sigma Delta, national dental faternity.

    Dr. Crouse is a present a member of the Advisory committee to the Indiana State Dental Association

    Visit European Schools
    During the SUmmer of 1955, Dr. and Mrs. Crouse, with their youngest son Gordon, now a second classman attending the Acaemy, toured the Scandinacian countried and the British Isles. Dr. Jack Crouse, at that time, was a Captain in the United States Army Dental Corps, stationed at Lakenbeath Air Force Base is Suffolk county, England.

    Motoring and traveling independently the Crouses visited the schools of dentistry in Copenhagen, London, Edinburgh, Oslo and Glasgow. One of the highlights of their trip was attending the British Dental Conference in Glasgow where they had the opportunity to meet Sir Vincent Ash, head of Claudius Ash, Ltd. The Ash company is the largest manufacturer of dental materials, supplies, and instruments in the world.

    While in Gothenburg, Sweden the Crouses were priviledged to meet socially Dr. Bertil Krook, dentist to the King of Sweden.

    Members of the Methodist Church
    Dr. and Mrs. Crouse indeed a delightful couple, are now year around residents of 784 West Shore Drive. They are memberd of the Methodist Chruch. Dr. Crouse, because of his mumerous professional activities, has not been much of a joiner. However he has served as president of the Optimist International service club in Anderson

    Mrs. Crouse is a member of the Butler University chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma and was active in the civis and social affairs of Anderson. SHe will be an assistant in her husband's new office.

    Encyclopedia Author
    Dr. Crouse's brother, William H. Crouse, now of Charlottesville, Va., has recently been appointed editor-in-cheif of "the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology" a multi-volume compendium of today's scientific and technical knowledge to be published by the McGraw-Hill Book Co., of which he has been associated since leaving Anderson 10 years ago.,

    Jack Conrad Crouse married Joyce Hensley

    Gordon Lee Crouse Birth: 19 Jul 1940 - Anderson, Madison, Indiana Death: 28 Jun 1990 Santa Clara California; married 17 Aug 1963 San Francisco, California (divorced 7 Aug 1981 Santa Clara California) Sharon L Dunn