Russell V. Fisher

Russell v. fisher - "Russ" had just called 'ready' and was awaiting a clay pigeon on the
skeet range when this picture was taken. he is one of the star marksmen of the
Maxinkuckee Gun club, as well as president of the
Maxinkuckee fish and Game Club, one of Indiana's best conservation organizations.
He has held the office for four years, and has been very active in his leadership.
Russell was born in Argos and attended school in Culver, South Bend and Logansport. he
later studied at the Davey Tree college at Kent, o. and was working for the Davey
organization in Philadelphia whe war was declared. he was a member of a supply
company in the Quartermaster Corps for 19 months, and was overseas for 13 months
of that time.
When he returned to Culver Russ was employed by the Smith Shoe repair shop until
he passed a civil service examination and became a rural mail caried in 1921, a position
he has held ever since.
He was one of Culver's first scoutmasters, was the local
American Legion's f
first adjuant, had held other offices in the legion, and assisted Everman and clark in their
famous survey of Lake Maxinkuckee, the only one of its kind ever made.
Russell likes to recall the days back arounf 1910 when he was a member of Mrs.Clarence
Behmer's Kid Band. He vplayed a snare drum, but before the organization could secure a
regulation drum russ had to desplay his talents v by beating on a soap box. the bas e
drummer used a wash tub, and their combined efforts weren't bad either, Russell
Russell V. "Russ" Fisher born March 14. 1895 Argos, Marshall countj Indiana died
Feb. 16 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana. Burial Culver Masonic Cemetery
son of ? Fisher and Blanche M.
Funeral Services Held Tuesday For Russell V. Fisher
Russell V. Fisher, age 67, of 781 West Shore Drive, Culver, died at 12:15 p.m. Saturday;
Feb. 16, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Indianapolis where he had been a
patient for ten weeks.
Mr. Fisher, more familiarly known as "Russ," was born March 14. 1895. in Argos and had l
ived i n this area his entire lifetime.
He was a Culver rural mail carrier for 34 years before his retirement in 1954.
Mr. Fisher was a member of the Culver Methodist Church, the Fleet American Legion Post,
and a veteran of World War I .
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Beulah H. Fisher; two sons, Mark I . Fisher of Elkhart , and
Jeremy C. Fisher at home; a daughter, Melissa M. Fisher, South Bend; his mother, Mrs.
Blanche M. Fisher, Culver; and a brother, Ray Fisher, Culver.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Easterday-Bonine Funeral Home with
Dr. Ronald C. Williams , pastor of the Culver Methodist Church, officiating .
Burial was made in the Culver Masonic Cemetery.
married Beulah H.
They had:
Mark I . Fisher
Jeremy C. Fisher,
Melissa M. Fisher