Daniel A. Bradley
1903 - Oct 1 - Daniel Bradley is having the old house, standing on his properet at at '
Bunker Hill,
town down, preparatory to building a 7 room residence this fall
Tho not directly on the lake front - but feel it is worth mention as It does overlooked
the lake and if not for the railroad it would of been "lake front" property
And also he was an early businessman of this area.
The property encompasses in 1908 the area from the Wickizer property line
the second residence off of Forest Place) and then sat on Toner Ave overlooking the lake
(now Lakeshore Dr.) to include the present day root beer stand and north to and including what
is College Ave today. |
By 1922 this property was subdivided into 7 lots - lots 7, 6 & 5 faced the lake;
lots 1-4 were behind lot 5 and became the "Bradley addition to Culver City" |
A view while Lakeshore drive was being paved |
The refreshment stand that D. A. Bradley ran in Vandalia Park. |
Daniel A. Bradley, the father, is a native of Ontario, of a locality east of Toronto,
Canada, where he was born on the 5th of February 1851.
The paternal grandfather, Oliver H. Bradley, was also born, educated and married in Ontario,
spending there, in fact, his entire life. The great-grandfather of Edwin J., William Bradley,
was born on the Susquehanna River during the Revolutionary war, and when a young man
emigrated from Pennsylvania to Canada, and continued his avocation of farming.
The mother of Daniel A. Bradley (Martha Rumsbey) was born in England, and when but a child
started for America with her parents. Her father was buried at sea, her mother passing away
at Ontario.
Daniel A. Bradley is one of a family of thirteen children, all of whom reached maturity and
all are still living.
He remained upon the paternal farm until he was seventeen years of age, and then removed
to New Castle, Canada, where he resided two years, after which he spent a period of five
years on a farm five miles north of Woodstock. Several more years were passed in this vicinity,
following which he went to South Dakota, took and proved up a homestead of 160 acres, and
resided there on for nearly ten years.
He then rented a farm, which he finally sold, and in 1889 packed his household effects in wagons,
and drove overland to Culver , Indiana, his ourney consuming five weeks and four days.
At this place he purchased a place formerly owned by Celia Van Schoiack, and for two years conducted
a hotel opposite the location now occupied by his son in the same line of business. He still owns a fine
residence on Toner Avenue, east of Vandalia Park, where he maintains a residence.
Mr. Bradley has been a respected resident of Culver for nineteen years, and a firm Republican
since he obtained the right of franchise.
He has been an active member of the Masonic order for twenty-five years, and now olds the position of
treasurer of the Henry H. Culver Lodge, No. 617. He is also identified with the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, and in his religious faith is a consistent adherent to the Christian church.
While he was a resident of Canada Mr. Bradley was a member of the local militia and part of six years served as
quartermaster sergeant at the Windsor Camp of Home Guard. June 20, 1872, he was promoted to quartermaster
sergeant, at Windsor, Canada. He was prior to this at Sarnia, Canada, September 26, 1871, also at London and
other points in the Dominion. He received his honorable discharge at Woodstock, Canada, June 22, 1874, from
Lt. Col. Hugh Richardson, commanding the Twenty-second Battalion of the Dominion of Canada.
Mr. Bradley has many old relics presented him by his grandfather, which are valuable souvenirs, such as the
old flintlock rifle, a hunting knife, and his father being a great hunter. These relics are fully a century
old. He has taken no interest in military affairs since becoming a citizen of the United States.
His wife was formerly Margaret J. McNutt, to whom he was married in 1877, and she is a native of Ontario,
Canada, daughter of Jeremiah McNutt, also a native of the Dominion. The children are as follows: Ida E., a
widow (now Mrs. Johnson); Emma M., wife of Alva L. Porter, recorder of Marshall County, Indiana; and
Edwin J., the subject of
the foregoing biography. - - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 493-4
Daniel A. Bradley 5 February 1851 Haldimand township, Northumberland county
Ontario Canada Death: Nov. 15, 1914 buried Poplar Grove Cemetery
Union twp. Marshall county Indiana son of Oliver H. Bradley and Martha Rumsbey
Daniel Abram Bradley, An Old and Respected Resident, Passed Away Sunday Morning.
The community was greatly shocked to learn on Sunday morning of the death of Daniel A. Bradley,
for few knew of his illness of only a week. Mr. Bradley has been in enfeebled health for a great
many years due to the hardening of the arteries and weakness of the heart.
Six days prior to his death he was attacked with acute indigestion and bilious colic which called
for medical treatment. During this period he was cofined most of the time to the bed.
On Sunday morrning he cheerfully informed the family that he felt better and after taking his
breakfast asked his daughter. Mrs. A. Porter to adjust his pillow; so that he could lie down. A
few moments later in passing through the room Mrs. Porter was alarmed by his extreme pallor and
reached his bedside only in time see him gasp two or three times as the soul look its flight.
The hour was 10:30 and the immediate cause of death was was cerebral hemorrhage.
As a testimonial of respect the business houses were closed during the profess of the funeral
services. The pallbearers were selected by the Masonic lodge and included E. V. Boblett, N. S.
Norris, S. G. Williamson, H. M. Speyer, Lester Rockhill, B. E. Rector, Henry Buckheister and John
The appreciation of Mr. Bradley's character and life among us is so well set forth in the concluding
paragraphs of the following obituary that the citizan can add nothing except a personal expression of
regret for the loss of a good citizen and a tender of sympathy to the bereaved family
Daniel Abram, son of Oliver H. and Martha Bradley was, born in Haldimand township, Northumberland county
Ontario, Feb. 5, 1851 and died Nov. 15, 1914, in the family residence in Culver, Ind., aged 63 years
9 months and 10 days.
In his 17th year he enlisted in Co. 6 49th battalion of Canadian volunteers at Grafton, Ont. The next year
re re-enlisted in the same company. The following year he enlisted in the 45th battalion and transferred to
Co. I of the 22d battalion the next year and was promoted to the pposition of quatermaster sergeant.
He was united in marriage with Margaret J. McNutt of Coburg, Ont. Dec 29, 1870. To them were born three
children - Ida B., Emma M. and Edwin J., all of whom survive and were born in Canada.
Thirty-eight years ago he was baptized and received into full membership with the Bpatist church in Woodstock,
Ont. and 13 years later in Wattertown, S. D. under the evangelistic work of Rev. Updike. After coming to
Culver he with his with transferred their church relations to the Christian church of this place where they
have continued to be honored members
Mr bradley was reared on the farm and spent all of his early life a a farmer except when serving as a volunteer
in the militia service of his native land. Thirty four years ago he came to the United States with his family
and settled on a pre-emption claim consisting o a quarter section in Hamlin county, S. D. The following year he
was elected school trustee and clerk of Oxford township, Hamlin county, in which capacity he served two years.
He circulated a petition for the first school house to be built in his township and helped to build it. Later he
received the appointment o postmaster of Otto and served in a careful and efficient manner for four years and
three months.
He received his citizenship papers in 1885 and the following year made final proof on the pre-emption claim.
The later part of the year 1889 he started overland with his family for Marshall county and six
weeks later landed on the east side of Lake Maxinkuckee at L. T. VanSchoiack's.
Shortly after, the family became residents of Culver where he soon entered business as a hotel proprietor
and continued in that capacity for ten years. After giving up that beuiness eleven years ago he accquired the
present residence property where they have made their residence since.
Mr. Bradley was initiated into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship Dec. 10, 1878, at Burgessvile, Ont. and five
years later took his first lessons in Free Masonary in Watertwon, S.D. One year after coming to Marshall county
he demitted to Killwinning lodge, No. 149 in Plymouuuth. When Henry H. Culver lodge was intituted in the
year 1897 he was on of its charter members. He was served the order faithfully and is looked upon by his
fellows as an upright Mason. He has been the lodge's faithful treasurer for many years which office cannot be
more faithfully filled than he has filled it. - 1914 - Nov. 19 Citizen
He was blessed with a wide accquiantanceship. Perhaps no other man living in Culver at this present time
has a wider range of acquaintanceship.
He will be missed from his church where his honored presence was a delight to his pastor and brethren.
He will be missed form the lodge of Masons where his council was always sought.
He will be missed by the traveling public who looked for his genial coountennance and gracious hospitality as
they came and went and passed thorugh out city.
But most of all, hel will be sadly missed by his immediate family, more esoecially by his life companion, who
not being blessed with good health, depended upon him so much for loving and tender care which he was always so
willing to bestow.
He was a faithful husband, a loving father and a brother to his fellow men.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters Mrs Ida Johson of South Bend and Mrs. Emma Porter of Culver, a son
Edwin J. Bradley, also of Culver, six grandchildren; on brother residing in Caslewood, S.D. and on brother in
Morganstown, Ont. and sone sister in Watertown, S.D.
Many expressions of sympathy directed to the widow and children show the high estem in which he was held
by all who knoew him
In the absence of a pastor being in charge of his church home at the present time, the funeral services were
conducted by Rev. J. F. Kenrich in the M. E. church Wednesday, Nov. 16. The beautiful and
impressive burial service of the Masonic order was used at the interment which was made in the I.O.O. F
Cemetery at Poplar Grove.
Daniel A. Bradley married Coburg, Ontario Canada Dec 29, 1870. Margaret Jane McNutt born March 15, 1846
Whityby, Ontario Canada died 7 Aug. 1926 Plymouth Marshall county Indiana buried Poplar Grove Cemetery
Union twp. Marshall county Indiana daughter of Jeremiah McNutt & Rebecca Brisbon
Mrs. Margaret Bradley Died Saturday
Funeral Held Mon.
Deceased Had Lived in Culver Since 1889 Untill Two Years Ago
Asthma Cause of Death
Mrs. Margaret Bradley, age 80, passed away last Saturday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Porter
in Plymouth after having suffered for many years with asthma.
Funeral services were held in Culver Monday afternoon in the Merhodist church and burial was made in the Poplar
Grove Cemetery.
Margaret Jane Bradley, whose maiden name was Margaret Jand McNutt, was born March 15, 1846 at Whityby,
Ontario Canada; and was united in marriage to Daniel A. Bradley of Woodtcok, Ont., Canada on December 29th
Ro this union were born three children: Irda E. Perlick of South Bend, Ind.; Emma M. Perter of Plymouth, Ind.
and Edwin J. Bradley of Gary Ind.
Mrs Bradley was the fourth of a family of twelve children, of which but one is now living a brother, Barney
McNutt of Alberta, Canada.
Mr. and Mrs Bradley with their family of three children moved from Canada to South Dakota in 1880 and in 1889
moved from Dakota to Culver, Ind., establishing here her home until her death.
In the fall of 1923 on accounty of poor health, she was compelled to give up her home in Culver and since made
her home with her children.
For thirty years, she was a suffer from asthma, and this and other complications led to her death.
She departed this life in Plymouth, Ind. at the home of her daughter Mrs. Alva L. Porter, August 7th, 1928 at
8:10 p.m.
Althoug a great sufferer from asthma for over thirty years, she was kind, patient and loving.
At the time of her death, she was 80 years, 4 months and 23 days of age.
She leaves behind her three children: Ida E. Perlick, Emma M. Porter and Edwin J. Bradley and seven grandchildren,
namely: Ethel Mc Clue and Gertrude Clark of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Dr E. Roy Porter of Detriot, Mich; Dr. Eldon B.
Porter of Noblesville, Ind.; Gladys M. Tanner of South Bend, Ind.; Milford D and Marjorie M. Bradley of Gary, Indiana
and one great grandson Howard Leslie McClue Jr of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin and on brother Barney McNitt of Alberta,
Her Husband preceded her in death, Nov. 5th. 1914.
Mrs Bradley became a member of the Christain church early in life and was faithful to the end. She was a member of
the Order of Eastern Star of Plymouth, Ind.
She always spoke in hghest regards of her many friends and neighbors in Culver.
To them were born three children -
Ida Elizabeth Bradley birth: Birth: 23 Jan 1872
East Zora / Oxford, Ontario, Canada br>
Emma Martha Porter Birth: 22 Jul 1873 - East Zora, Ontario, Canada Death: 20 Jan 1962 - South Bend, St Joseph,
Indiana buried Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana married 09 Nov 1890 - Culver, Marshall
county Indiana Alva Leander Porter Birt : 24 Oct 1865 Death : 14 Nov 1945 buried Culver Masonic Cemetery
Culver, Marshall County, Indiana son of Oliver Porter & Catherine Platz
Ernest Roy Porter; Dr Birth: 5 Dec 1891 - Culver Marshall County IndianaDeath: 15 Apr 1941 - St Joseph, Berrien,
Michigan buried Ruggles cemetery 17 Apr 1941 Baroda, Berrien County Mich. married 18 Mar 1917 Polk, Iowa
Ruby E Summy married 2nd John W Hiney daughter of Stephen Summy & Francis Lower (divorced; m
2nd Flora L --- Birth ABT 1898 Missouri; m 3rd Mildred ---
Eldon Bradley Porter Dr. Birth: 28 Jun 1895 - Plymouth, Marshall, Indiana Death: 12 Jan 1963 - South Bend, St
Joseph, Indiana buried Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana, married 20 Apr 1923 -
Hamilton, Indiana Ruth Ambia Wheeler Birth: 15 Dec 1893 - Hamilton Death: 1 May 1963 - Arcadia, Hamilton,
county Indiana married 2nd Ralph Raymond Heiny daughter of Charles J. Wheeler, Etta Mabel Wheatley (divorced);
married 2nd 1936 St Joseph county IN Ellen Avis Tucker born May 17 1911 Indiana died Aug 13 1966 South
Bend, St Joseph, Indiana, buried Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver, Marshall County, Indiana daughter of Carl
Tucker & Orra Stage
Gladys May Porter Birth: 23 Nov 1901 - Altamont Labette county Kansas Death: 24 Nov 1971 - South Bend, St
Joseph, Indiana Buried Riverview Cemetery South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana married 31 Mar 1926 - Plymouth,
Marshall, Indiana Paul Mitchell Tanner Birth 14 FEB 1903 Plymouth, Marshall, Indiana Death 25 FEB 1976 South
Bend, St Joseph, Indiana Buried Riverview Cemetery South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana son of Frank Charles Tenner
Armeda Jane Mitchell
Edwin J. Bradley born 8 February, 1878
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada Death: 17 Mar 1948 - Gary, Lake, Indiana, buried Culver Masonic Cemetery Culver
Marshall County Indiana, married September 28, 1901 Culver Marshall County Indiana Lucinda M./ Lulu May Baker
Birth: 9 Aug 1879 Bucyrus, Ohio Death: 6 Aug 1965 Death: Crown Point, Lake, Indiana daughter of J. S. and Almina
(Taylor) Baker