Charles R. Zook BIRTH 16 Feb 1868 Hagerstown, Wayne, Indiana
DEATH 11 Mar 1950 Logansport, Cass County, Indiana, BURIAL Mount Hope
Cemetery Logansport, Cass County, Indiana son of Daniel Zook and
Euphemia Thalls
1896 - Dec 16 - Charles Zook has purchased the grocery store on
Michigan avenue and will move from Idaville to this city and take
charge of the same - Logansport Reporter
1897 - Jul 14 - Idaville Observer" Charles Zook has sold out his
grocery stor on the North side of Logansport, and Mrs. Zook is at
the home of her parents for a few days, while Charley is down
prospecting in the gas belt - Logansport Reperter.
1897 - Sep 11 - Charles Zook, the North side merchant, is
preparing to move back to Idaville to rsume charge of the
flour mill at that place - - Logansport Reperter.
1926 - Zook Borthers Plan to Atten Dodge Meeting - Claude and
Charles Zook, local agents for the dodge Motor cars and trucks
will leave early Wednesday morning for Detriot Mich., where
they will attend the Dealer's Annual meeting of Dodge Brothers
Inc. ... - Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Know Your Neighbor - by W. E. Grace - We are delighted to
introduce in rather an informal way, Charles Zook who with his
brother represents in Loganpsort andf Cass county well known
Dodge make of gasoline buggies. From groceries to automobiles
has been the career of Mr. Zook and we might mention that in
both enterprises he has been equally successful The Zook brothers as the authorized dealers of Dodge Bros. cars assumed jurisdiction of the Cass county territory several years ago, succeeding Art Routh. Previous to netering the business along "roaring row" Charles Zook and brother Claude operated a grocery store on Michigan avenue. - Loganpsport Pharos Tribune - May 12, 1926 |