Bunker Hill
Does anyone know anything more about the property - other than it was once
a part of the Vandalia Park and the area around it was refered to as
"Bunker Hill"; it was described as when solf to the town as": "2.2 acres
of the site of the old water tower at Bunker Hill".
was to take in the area of
824 N. Lakeshore and
830 N. Lakeshore.
Rev. Dr. John Houghton noted, in his column on "Bunker Hill," notes that the
terminology is a play on words and geographics, as the distance was actually 77
feet to the railroad today's Lake Shore Drive (then Toner Avenue), but refers to
the existence of the hill in the area and proximity to the railroad bunkers therein
at the time
At least part of Papa's parking lot (surely the portion closest to the "Indian Trails" to the south)
sits atop a handful of hidden structures which helped give the area its longtime nickname of
"Bunker Hill." While more remains to be unearthed (both physically and informationally), more than
one local has discussed the steel doors along the hillside north of the old railroad tracks, today
entirely obscured by dirt and grass, which lead into the old, concrete storage bunkers used by the
railroad company for some years.
This area in years back was referred to as Bunker Hill -
David Burns always called it that and said that it was named such as the
Vandalia Trains filled up there. Found is:
1892 - Found in the Annual report for 1892 :
The water tank at Marmont raised to furnish sufficient pressure for the hotel
the expense $830.30. pg. 39 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the President and
Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the
Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1892 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis
Railroad Company
1900 - jan 26 We understand that the vandalia R. R. Companv will erect a large addition to
the Lake View Hotel this spring, and make a vast amount of improvements at the lake. The
large water tank will, it is said, be moved upon the hill near the hotel which will be used
for watering the grounds etc. By this move no trains will take water at Culver, but at
Plymouth. Parties are triming the trees in the railroad park in a scientific manner, which
will look very beautiful im the Spring - Culver Herald
In an interview that Jeff Kenney and I was on with George Franz on 9 June 2007 he
related that the railroad had underground storage area for their water tanks and
possibly other railroad equipment that was needed for the area - where Papa's is today
- something that I have never heard David never mention and thus the real meaning of
the name origin 'Bunker Hill'!
And Jeffery Kenny wrote in the Culver Citizen of 18 August 2014:
As an aside and a follow-up to last week's column, at least part of Papa's parking lot
to the "Indian Trails" to the south) sits atop a handful of hidden structures which
helped give the area its longtime nickname of "Bunker Hill."
While more remains to be unearthed (both physically and informationally), more than one
local has discussed the steel doors along the hillside north of the old railroad, lead
into the old, concrete storage bunkers used by them on Lake Shore Drive, past and present,
it's likely the railroad company for some years.
NOTE: During the WPA ere and into the mid 1940's by small newspaper quips it seems the
town of Culver done a lot of excavating of dirt and gravel from the "Bunker Hill" area
and used to fill in low spots in the park; build the access road in the park along the
shoreline and to fill in, construct and improve Culver's streets.
The 28 May 1903 issue of the Culver Citizen announced:
F. S. Carl was in town last week superintending the work of laying about 3000 feet of mains
for the Vandalia R.R. Co. The mains will be layed from the water tank on Bunker Hill to the
Lake View Hotel and Kreutzgerger's park. He will also run a main along the switch north of
the depot for the purpose of watering coaches.
This could be part of the "Bunker Hill Road" its lableled "Road to Military
Academy, Lake Maxinkuckee" and was found in the Vandalia-Pennsylvania Promo Summer
Booklet 1896 |
By newspaper accounts this stretch of road up "Bunker Hill" was a trercherous
as there are accounts of many buggy turnovers and later auto accidents there
in the early 1900's
1896 - Oct. 30 - Marshall Overman commenced work upon the streets again
Thursday. He will cut down “Bunker Hill" and put it in far better shape
which will be appreciated by the pubiic in general.
1903 - Oct 1 -
Daniel Bradley
is having the old house, standing on his properet at at
Bunker Hill, town down,
preparatory to building a 7 room residence this fall
1907 - Sep 19 - John McFeeley is building a house on Bunker Hill.
1907, October 24 - A Bad Road
Complaint comes from drivers about the condition of the road on Bunker Hill, and from
the foot of the hill to the depot.
The surface of the road is in bad shape and work ought to be done on it at once.
The town is responsible for the maintenace of a portion of the road at the foot of the
hill, and the township the remainder.
Besides leveling and a dressing of gravel all the way from the depot to
the top of the hill, two of three feet of the crown of the hill should be taken off and
scraped into the hallow beyond.
NOTE: This is a crop out of one of the photos for
Paving Lakeshore
which was done in 1914 and shows the steep incline curve |
1907 - Oct 24 - A Bad Road.
Complaint comes from drivers about the condition of the road on Bunker Hill, and from
the foot of the hill to the depot.
The surface of the road is in bad shape and work ought to be done on it at once!
The town is responsible for the maintenance of a portion of the road at the foot of the
hill, and the township for the remainder
Besides leveling and a dressing of gravel all the way from the depot to the top of the hill,
two or three feet of the crown of the hill should be taken off and scraped into the hollow
One man says in his earnestness: "I'll contribute money myself, if necessary, to get that
piece of road fixed; it will save I me a it will same me a good many dollars do so. I've
traveled the roads all oyer the state, but that Bunker Hill road is positively the worst
I've found anywhere.
1907 - Nov 14 - The work done on Bunker Hill places the road in excellent condition.
The hill has been but down nearly three feet and filled at the bottom. It is no longer
a terror to teamsters and auto drivers.
1908 - Nov. 19 - Dillon & Medbourn have platted their addition north of
town and are ready to market the lots. There are 49 lots in the addition (area in yellow
far left). Lake View, Lake and Plymouth streets run through the addition north and
southm and college street will be opened across the plat from the public school house
to the Bunker hill road (marron higlighted). Note this is the 1922 plat map and the
lime highlight area of what was to be opened up is still not. |
1909 Feb 18 - Season's Big Storm.... A section of fifteen poles went flat on the road
between Behmer's at the top of Bunker Hill and the academy,...
The bottom of the hill is refered to as being at Daniel Bradley's property
marked with a "B" and the top of the hill at the Behmer's marked with a "T" and the road
wasoften refered to as "Bunker Hill Road" or street which was Toner Ave. and now Lakeshore
Dr. |
1910 - Jun 30 - Believing in good old adage that if you want a thing done do it yourself
Mrs. Charles Hayes, armed with a subscription paper, canvased the residents of Scott
Street and secured the names of enough men to insure the oiling of the road from the head
of Main street to Bunker hill.
1911 - Jul 13 - A Lake Front Lot Sold. - D. A. Bradley last week sold to M. M. Stiles of
Plymouth the corner lot at the foot of Bunker Hill with a frontage of 77 feet on the lake
and 99 feet up the hill for $600. Mr. Stiles intends to build a pretty home on this corner
in the fall or next spring
1920 - Aug 11 - Mrs. Barbara Styles, a Plymouth milliner, was in town yesterday
consulting a builder regarding the residence which she will put up next spring
on her Bunker Hill lot east of Mrs. D. A. Bradley's.
1912 - Jul 4 - The town board has approved the street commissioner's work on Bunker Hill with
crushed stone....
1914- Aug 13 - Sparks from the 11:30 northbound train Sunday set fire to the grass and tall
weeds along the right-of-way adjoining Charles McFeely's place on Bunker Hill. No property
damage was done
1917 Aug 29 - At the corporation limits at the top of Bunker Hill is a signboard which
reads to our visitors entering the town: "Welcome. Observe laws. Speed limit 15 miles.
Close cut-out." On the reverse side tavelers leaving town may read: "Thank you. Come
1919 - Jun 11 - Work began Monday on the Academy Road beginning at the top of Bunker Hill
and extending 5500 feet to a point north of the horse barn. The section between Bunker Hill
and the Mess Hall will be finished by the opening of the Summer School if all goes well
1920 Sept. 15 Mrs. A. M. Roberts is building a small house on the lot near the F. L. Brooke's
on Bunker Hill.
1921 - Mar 21 - F. B. Pine has contracted with Albert Stahl for the construction og a bungalow
on Bunker Hill
1922 - Mar 15 - The Lake View Summer Hotel
Sold...The long mooted question of the transfer of the Lake View Hotel from the Pennsylvania
Railroad compay to private ownership has been settled... One of the convenieinves called for in
the contract, to be supplied later, is a conrete viaduct and a permanent drive over the
railroad from the turn in Bunker Hill pavement directly east to the hotel...
1922 - Jun 21 - The body of a colored man was found lyiing on the paved street
on Bunker Hill late Sunday night. He was dead - drunk
1922 - Aug 9 - Isaac Washburn Jr. and Miss Nellie Rank were married last Saturday and are
occupying a nice new bungalow which has recently been built for Mr. Washburn on Bunker Hill
1923 - May 30 - Behmer Sells Two Lots - Clarence Behmer Sells Two Lots on Bunker
Hill, one to Jay Bartlett for $400 and one to L. C. Wiseman for $500. Mr. Bartlett
will build a large garage on his lot this season.
1924 - Apr 18 - Excavating is under way on Bunker Hill for a new home for Will Anderson
Mrs. Anderson's father, Fred Thompson, is in charge of the construction.
1927 - May 18 New Water Lines Give Added Fire Protection
Work was finished Monday on installing three thousand feet of six inich iron
pip for a water line up Lak street, thence on College avenue to the top of
Bunker Hill. The work was done in three weeks and two day by three men.
Added fire protection is offered by the placing of hydrants at the top of Bunker
HIll, the end of Lake street and the end of State street.
1929 - Feb 20 - Pennsy Discontinues Use of Water Reservoir Here
The freeing of the valve in the outlet last Friday hastened the decision of the
Pennsylvania railroad to stop taking on water here.
It has been decided, it is said, to do away with the tank on Behmer hill and sell
the land.
The engines will now be filled with water at Plymouth and at Bruce Lake.
1930 - Mar 12 - George Warner is erecting a house on the coroner of College Avenue
and Bunker Hill.
George Warner Erecting House in Dillon Addition
Another evidence that spring is here is brought out by George Warner, who is
erecting a house on his lot in the Dillon addition on the corner of College
Avenue and Bunker Hill street. It is of the English type of cottage.
1935 - In 1935 Culver purchased the
Vandalia park for $6,500 this included 3.2 acres and buildings excluding the depot and '
adjacent land; it also included Bunker Hill and the old water tower of 2.2 acres.
1935 Sep 4 - Local WPA Projects
getting Under Way... Work on improving the park... Then dirt will be moved from the town
property on Bunker Hill to fill in the lake front and low pots in the park...
1935 - Dec 4 - Workers... Another truck has been added to the project of removing dirt from
the town's parking area on Bunker Hill and usinig it to build a road from the viaduct to
the park. Workmen are also using this dirt to improve several street and alleys.
1936 - Feb 5 - Work Suspended on Bath House Project - ... The men formerly used on
this project are now working in digging dirt from Bunker Hill and building the road
along the lake at the park...
1936 - Sep 9 - Impproving Road - WPA workmen are improving the road south of
town that goes past the Tiedt property. Dirt for the filling is being hauled
from Bunker Hill.
Area refered to as town parking lot on Bunker Hill
1922 - Did the town own it all since it was was a park to the
Vandalia Park & sold a portion off to the developers of the
Culver Lodge? As when sold it was refered to as being: "2.2 acres
of the site of the old water tower at Bunker Hill" |
The town property as it is today a top of "Bunker Hill" |
1946 - Apr. 24 - Improving Streets
The town board is pmproving several ofo the side streets that have
not received much attention for some time.
The streets have been graded and gravel is being spread by town employees.
The gravel is being dug out of the town's property on Bunker Hill,
thus enlarging the parking area. Allen Weaver's new drag line shovel
is doing the work.
1947 - Jul 16 - Culver American Legion Post Nol 103 Presents
Monroe Bros Circus Friday July `8, One Day Only.... |
1949 - Aug 17 - Legion Sponsored Four-Day Carnival Opens Today
Hot Dogs mised with cotton ccandy rides on the merry-go-round, the giant 70
ferris wheel and other rides along with a sisde show or two will provide
plenty of ccarnival emtertainment for the large crow of persons expected
to be attracted to the parking lot on Bunker Hill this week.
Sponsored by the Culver
American Legion Post No. 103 the James H. Drews Shows opens this evening
and will show through Saturday evening....
1950 - Aug 16 - Bunker Hill Parking Lot Managed By Civic Club
Management of the town parking lot at the top of Bunker Hill along Lake
Shore Drive was initiated last Sunday by the
Lions Club.
Permisson to manage the facilities for the remainder of this season
was granted to the club by the town board at its last meeting.<
The club took immediate steps under the leadership of Jim Talley to
conduct opeation of the consession.
A fee of twenty-five cents is charged for the parking of cars on
Sundays and holidays.
Arrangements are being made to mark off the lot. It was indicated that
approcimately 400 cars could be parked in the area.
Proceeds from the project will be utilized by the club in their
community betterment program.
Details of men are donating their time to park the cars.
Jim Talley
is chairman of the committee supervising the program and serving with him
are Verl McFeely,
Earl D. Overmyer and
Dave Burns.
1968 - Apr. 25 - Water System Improvements
... the project includes the erection of a new 150,000 gallon water tower to
replace the 50,00Q gallon tower erected approximately in 1928 ...
2015 - Oct 2 - A large fence will be erected around the town’s adjacent water tower, allowing for pier
storage there for the town park piers.
John Houghton's Toner Ave. at Bunker Hill

2010 - One view of Culver as seen by fireman Hanselman from the top of the tower, facing west down
Lake Shore Drive. The closest buildings, of course, are Papa’s Pizza and Inn by the Lake.