Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Culver Lodge Motel

Construction of New Guest Lodge to Begin This Week

Final plans for the construction for a new all modern 20-room guest lodge, to be known as the Culver Lodge, were announced here today by Orville P. Davis and Robert Vanderkloot, both of Detroit, Michigan.

Pictured above is the architect’s perspective of the L-shaped guest lodge which will be located on Lake Shore Drive on the south side of the present parking lot. (clicking image will enlarge)

The construction plans provide for the longer of the two sections to face the lake along the railroad.

The shorter section shown upper right will extend approximately 193 feet along Lake Shore Drive.

The design of the building and the landscaping both along the railroad and Lake Shore Drive will contribute much to the beauty of the area. Consisting of twenty guest, rooms all on one floor and service apartment, with hot water heating, the structure will represent the latest development in semi-transient housing.

The cost of the construction will be upwards of $65,000 and both Mr. Vanderkloot and Mr. Davis have indicated that construction would start this week. Leveling of the area will start at once. Orville P. Davis will be in charge of the work. He indicated that local firms and labor will be utilized in the work as much as possible - 24 - May 1950

1950 - May 25 - Lake Lodge Planed, - Special to the News. Culver, Ind. May 26. Two Detroiters Orville P. Davis and Robert Vanderkloot, have announced plans to build $65,000, 20 room guest lodge on Lake Maxinkucke. - Indianapolis News

Guest Lodge

Work is progressing rapidly on the new Culver Guest Lodge and the 12-room section of the L-shaped structure is expected to be ready for occupancy around August 5.

Orville P. Davis, co-owner of the new establishment, stated that the first three rooms would be occupied this week end

Work was started early this week on the manager’s apartment and it is expected that work will be rushed on the second section of eight rooms just as soon as the first unit is completed. Hampered by bad weather the first section of the Guest Lodge has nevertheless been rushed along in record time. Work on the one story building was started in late June. Providing semi-transient housing, the rooms of both structures will face towards the lake.

Plans call for attractive appointments for each of the rooms which will be heated by individual gas units.

The architect is Merle W. Hoi, of Detroit, Mich., nationally —Known in the field of motel construction. Enoch Andrews is the general contractor of the housing unit; Earl Dean Overmyer, plumbing; and Jim Talley, electrical work - JULY 26,1950

1951 - Mar 28 - ...completion of four kitchenette apartments at the Culver Lodge on Lake Shore Driive

It has been said that it was known as the Culver Lodge Motel, Village Lodge and Culver House; the name of the motel comes from the postcard

also from the back of the postcard states that it was copyrighted in 1955 by The L. L. Cook Co. and the caption on back reads: "The Culver Lodge on Lake Maxinkuckee Adjacent to Culver Military Academy on State Road 17 phone 24.

In the post card above one can see part of the motel rooms of which some of the rooms were torn down in the 1993 to make way for expansion of Papa's and more parking area.

Stationary letterhead of the motel. It is said that the rates were $10 per weekend but it seems that the amentites of a TV in the rooms and a fine restaurant next door were lacking.

The view of the inside court

? -1957-? Leased by Culver Military Academy - per letter to the Editor
    Farewell To Culver?
    335 S. Taylor Ave.
    Oak Park, Ill.
    Editor, Citizen:

    A lady we met in a doctor's office in Warsaw, Indiana suggested that I write to your.

    For a number of years - since the Culver Lodge Motel was first built - Mrs. Jones and I have been spending occasional weeknds, and portions of our vacations in your lovely town.

    It has been a relief to get away from city noises for a gest, good food, etc., and to meet nice down-to-earth folks. We patronized your stores (met the younger Mr. Adams when he had the men's furnishing business; also his associates); enjoyed the Three Sisters, and other nearby eating places. We were glad to spend $10 for a motel room; weekends, or during the week

    Now the Academy has leased the motel; rates $16 over weekends. Maintenance of the motel has been neglected a little.

    Warsaw has a lovely place - Petro's - for $9, with television, and a fine restaurant next door.

    Except for the motel, Culver has no satisfactory accommodations.

    The town is restful; the residents are nice people; we like all ot it.

    I don't know, but I guess the Academy has driven away many commercial travellers, also. The town would benefit from weekend visitors, or vacationers, if it had good reasonable priced accomodations.

    We have avoided the motel when Academy parents meeded the space; always checked before planning our visits; often visited even when one could fish through the ice on the lake.

    Now, it looks as though we must abandone Culver for Warsaw, or some other suitable place.

    This may be of interest to you - and other in Culver - P. M. Jones - 23 Oct 1957 - Citizen

1958 - June 25 Byrum 's Operating Culver Lodge Motel and Restaurant.
    Now Open On Year-Around Basis

    The Culver Lodge Motel and Restaurant, one of the most attractive and costly properties of its kind in Northern Indiana is now under the management of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bryum formerly of Plymouth, who yesterday told the Citizen that they will operate the establisihment on a year-around basis.

    Previously the motel has been closed during the winter months.

    The Byrums, both Hoosiers and former residents of Flora and Burlington, have lived in Plymouth since 1951 where he was an utomobile dealer.

    They have a son John age 16.

    Mr. Bryum is a 32-degree Scottish RIte Mason

    Country Club Cooking

    The Byrums have been indeed fortunate in leasing their well-equipped restaurant, adjoining the motel at Lake Shore Drive and College Avenue to Herb Hendrickson, who will also cintinure his operation of the eating facilities of the Plymouth Country Club.

    The restaurant will be open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

    A large new parking lot had been constructed near the restaurant's entrance for the convenience of patrons.

    The motel has placed in effect a special low rate during the week for the benefit of traveling salesmen with limited expense accounts.

Village Lodge ~~ Culver Lodge ~~ Culver Arms Apartments ~~ Inn by the Lake