Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

840 East Shore Drive  

Section 22 History 1835-1922 1908, July 8 George & Catherine E. Peoples to Clemens Vonnegut Jr., Bernard Vonnegut Jr., and J.George Mueller

1927 - Crop from map of 1927 when they re-routed E. Shore Drive.

L. V. Bergman

1953-61 - address not listed<

1979_ - Fred Adams Property

1980 - built about this year It is believed until about this time that this property was a single tract including 844 E. Shore.

1981-2012, Feb - Thomas A. & Cecily C. Sargent

2012, Feb -2020 - Thomas A. Sargent

2021 - Oct 21 - NOTICE OF HEARING
    PETITION NO: 2021-8-026

    That a petition has been filed by Thomas A Sargent, 840 E. Shore Drive, Culver, Indiana, to request a variance of developmental standards to install a 10'x6' shed 2-3' from the existing sea wall on the lake side. The ordinance calls for a 25' front yard setback

2021 - Nov. 18 - NOTICE OF HEARING
    PETITION NO: 2021-031-B That a petition has been filed on behalf of Thomas A Sargent, 40 E Shore Drive, Culver, Indiana 4651, by the petitioners, Charles and Sarah Hetzel, to request a variance of developmental standards to construct a 10'x6xlO' +or- accessory structure (shed) that will exceed the 30" height restriction of the Zoning Ordinance.

2024 - Andrew F. Sargent & Sarah B. (Sarget) Hetzel

    70.2' S NLN L1 WLN CO RD RUN S 45D E 370'S SEC LN 15-22 W SD CO RD RN S220 (old)

    ACREAGE: .64 BEG W LN ST RD 117 AT PT 148.75' N OF N LN KITTLES PLAT TH N88-17-00W 214.07' TH S01-43-00W 35.70' TH N88-17-00W 134' M/L TO WATERS EDGE THE N'LY