844 South Shore
Section 34 History 1835-1922
19__ - 1944, Jul - Joseph W. Harrison
1920 - Jul 14 - Mr Harrison of Attica, who owns a lot at the south end of the lake, will put in the
foundation this fall for a $20,000 summer home. He was already bult a large garage with four rooms
and bath in the second story
1921 - Jun 3 - BUILDING COTTAGE AT LAKE Maxinkuckee Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison have
gone to Lake Maxinkuckee to look after the building of a very handsome
summer cottage which they are erecting at the lake - Attica Daily Tribune
1921 - Jul 20 - Henry Otto left on Tuesday for Lake Maxinkuckee, where he will
have charge of the wiring on the new cottage of J. W. Harrison - Attica Daily Tribune
1953-8 Wade C. Harrison
1958 Lake Directory - Wade C. Harrison - 411 E. New St., Attica, lnd.
1960-1 - Glen W. Harrison
1979-93 - Harrison Steel Cottage #2
A gazebo was added to the property during the late 1970's or early 1980's and David Burns
done the stone seawall work at the cottage, during this time.
1999-2004 - Geoff & Trevor Curtis/W. C. Harrison II/Harrison Steel Cottage
Jul 2005 - 2024 - Harrison Steel Castings Co
Wade C. Harrison, President ; G. Edward Curtis, Chairman and Executive Vice President;
Geoff H. Curtis, Vice President and General Manager; Trevor Curtis, Vice President
of Operations of Harrison Steel Castings Company Attica, Indiana
G. Edward Curtis,president; Geoffrey Curtis Vice President/General Manager;
Robert Harrison: Chief Financial OfficerlTrevor Curtis: Vice President of Operations;
Sony Mascreen: Director of Operations;William Fricke: Director of Quality Systems of
Harrison Steel Castings Company Attica, Indiana
Harrison Steel
MEDBOURN PLAT LOT 4 - dwelling